
The Correlation Between Drinking With Coworkers And Success

New research sheds light on the relationship between drinking and climbing the social ladder.

The Correlation Between Drinking With Coworkers And Success
[Image: Flickr user塞思·安德森]



A new study, with the fitting title “Drinking To Reach The Top,” found that more frequent drinking is linked to higher social status. The study is set to be published in the October issue ofAddictive Behaviors.


对于两性,一次郊游的饮料意味着更高的社会地位。定义了暴饮暴食as having five or more drinks in one sitting for males, or four or more for females.


With more young people going on to担任领导职务,在现代工作场所的外观如何?

更多办公室正在喝“ Al Desko”,ASthe标准aptly coins50年代的威士忌酒柜重新出现 - 供应伏特加酒赞助的玻璃随附的葡萄酒手推车,董事会的啤酒以及下班后的网络。

如果您曾经希望在大型演讲之前喝一杯浓烈的饮料,您会羡慕员工Blood, Sweat and Cheers:他们的头脑风暴会议是有液体勇气的。“人们经常因为害怕被拒绝而阻止自己的想法。因此,小组集思广益会议通常最终变得尴尬和无效。”“在会议桌上喝啤酒会在我们的思想和饮料头脑风暴中增加轻松而有趣的空气,鼓励人们更加自由地分享他们的想法 - 使会议更加富有成效和愉快。”



Why is having a whiskey–or five–considered the mark of an overachiever or “team player,” when we know binging is destructive in the long run?

即使是在大学和千禧一代领导的初创企业之外,专业人士也感到适合适应的压力。怀特盖特PR的所有者达娜·汉弗莱(Dana Humphrey)在2013年清醒,统治着她行业的开放酒吧和葡萄酒品尝世界。她说:“从一年中,我得到了PR同事甚至客户的负面反馈。”“很多商业交易仍然是通过饮料而发生的!”当她今年挑选玻璃杯时,同事们也松了一口气 - 即使他们不一起出去,她再次允许她再次进行社交饮酒的知识对她的同龄人来说是一个奇怪的缓解。

“Instead of inspiring young people to drink, we hope that our findings encourage prevention programming that addresses young people’s status-related concerns around drinking and teaches them how to be socially integrated while also adopting responsible drinking practices,” Dr. Tara Dumas, co-author of the study,告诉每日野兽.


There is a tipping point to popularity in the study: Participants who reported having more than 12 drinks at a time had the same, or less, social standing as the ones who didn’t binge. “Depending on the company culture, it can be expected to be able to party as hard as you work, maybe even harder,” says Dr. Constance Scharff, senior addiction research fellow and director of addiction research for treatment center Cliffside Malibu. “Those who can burn the candle at both ends and still produce often are well-respected by their peers and build strong, large social networks.”

Are more popular, “work hard play hard” people just heavier drinkers to begin with, due to a personality type–and not vice-versa?

“We don’t have a good answer to this question,” Scharff admits. The correlation between power and alcohol is a tenuous one. “It is probably at least partially true that most people are more fun to be around when they’ve tied one on, are more affectionate, affable and funny. When these traits are enhanced through drinking, it can temporarily make a likable person ‘the life of the party.’ However, the negative consequences come on quickly and can be negatively life-altering.”



Before we kill your buzz, all this isn’t to suggest that you cancel the company party and unplug the beer fridge. Happy hours can be a great networking tool, when done wisely.

Levo League有一些建议与同事聊天:

Take the opportunityto connect with your coworkers after-hours or at company sponsored social events. Meeting up for drinks is a great time to build relationships with people you wouldn’t normally interact with in the office, and talk about something other than how stressed you are about deadlines.


Know your limitsand stick to your own plan. It’s easy to let time slip away once you’re off-site and having a great time. If you have to, set a buzzing alarm on your phone for a push when you need to leave. In the short-term, being known as the last one out could give you a popularity push, but, Scharff says, “longer-term outcomes can have severe negative consequences including job and relationship losses, poor health, and an irreparably damaged reputation.”

Respect boundariesand remember that in the Instagrammable, Facebook-tagging world we live in, nothing that happens at the bar is guaranteed to stay at the bar.

And lastly,请记住,您不必喝酒。如果您需要握住玻璃杯以防止社交紧张抖动,请使其成为苏打水。如果您选择传递酒,请对此充满信心。
