
Bored celebs + cooped-up fans = Cameo is booming during COVID-19


Bored celebs + cooped-up fans = Cameo is booming during COVID-19
[照片:阿曼达·维克(Amanda Vick)/Unsplash]



上周,一名创纪录的330万人在美国申请了失业,但一些公司的业务蓬勃发展。您会期望像Clorox,Campbell's和Gojo Industries一样(Purell背后的母公司)。

And then there’sCameo.

付费的平台一直是巩固自己为长尾收入流for entertainers, athletes, and even politicians—not to mention a viable source of playful trolling. For anywhere from $2 to $2,500, users can request a video message from celebrities and public figures. Since launching in 2017, Cameo has amassed a talent roster of more than 25,000 notable names who have fulfilled approximately 500,000 requests.


Then the pandemic hit, canceling all sports and almost all entertainment production. “We’re in this really weird environment where every athlete, actor, celebrity finds themselves basically with nothing to do,” says Cameo cofounder and CEO Steven Galanis.

At the same time, these performers’ fans are also sitting at home, seeking connection in the wake of being isolated by quarantines and shelter-in-place orders.



As a result of both of these phenomena, Cameo has experienced a massive surge in activity: Talent sign-ups have increased 160% since the beginning of March, with an 83% increase in bookings.


Comedian Tony Atamanuik, who is best known for playing Donald Trump in Comedy Central’sThe President Show和a national touring debate with Bernie Sanders, played by comedian James Adomian, recently tweeted, “Fuck it! You want to pay me 25 bucks to say or do whatever, I will. I’m shut in my house and I’m going insane.”


Actor Jeff B. Davis, who’s best known as an improv comedian and part of the Whose Live Anyway troupe (the touring version of the long-runningWhose Line Is It Anyway?电视连续剧),发表在Instagram上:“还有其他人无聊并发疯吗?在@cameo上大喊大叫。我接受请求。”



“We’ve anecdotally heard from our creators that a lot of brands have pulled back influencer marketing campaigns recently,” Galanis says. “They’re dropping their prices and discounting rather than paying some talent to do an Instagram post. So those opportunities are drying up. For us, we think the value prop for Cameo has never been stronger.”

There’s also been a wave of social good rippling through Cameo as well.


包括曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)和忙碌的菲利普斯(Philipps)在内的名人最近加入了慈善事业的平台,例如No Hungry,他们正在帮助减轻Covid-19-19的大流行的社交后果。



“The talent are realizing that their fans are hurting and they want to use this time to comfort them. So they’re lowering their price to make themselves more accessible,” he says. “You think about all the birthday parties and graduations that are getting canceled. People are postponing weddings. But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to spread joy and spread love.”

Cameo at the intersection of a mass quarantine has had another unintended effect: cinematic art.

电影制片人本·伯曼(Ben Berman)(The Amazing Johnathan Documentary)最初是在一月份介绍了一个朋友,当时一个朋友给他买了一个,因为他知道伯曼(Berman)处于个人和专业的放克。


伯曼说:“我在浴缸里感到沮丧和悲伤,突然之间,乔恩·洛维兹(Jon Lovitz)在我的电话中说:‘恭喜终于弄清楚如何过上和平生活!''“我只是发现这真的很有趣,而且很奇怪。”

伯曼开始勾勒出通过客串剪辑讲述叙事的想法,但直到他在隔离下,他的简短文档才The Follow-Upcame into focus.

结合屏幕捕获搜索和客串视频,The Follow-Up图表将伯曼的精神状态绘制为他的主要关注,因为他急切地感到被电影制片人急剧转移到了covid-19恐慌中。伯曼(Berman)在平台上与名人接触,包括马克·麦格拉思(Mark McGrath),林赛·洛汉(Lindsay Lohan),汤米·郑(Tommy Chong)和理查德·卡恩(Richard Karn)在不确定的时期保证,实际上是关于我们如何处理互联网时代信息如何处理信息的社会评论。


“即使我们现在说话,今天早上我醒了,胸部酸痛。我有点担心。但这就是我要提出的重点,”伯曼说。“我进去The Follow-Uprepresents people my age. I’m kind of neurotic, like, okay, my chest hurts—shit, a lot of people are dying.”

So where do people usually turn? Googling symptoms and frantically scrolling through WebMD.


“Even instead of sitting for 10 seconds and trying to remember someone’s name, I’ll go to Google or my Gmail and try to recall it that way,” Berman says. “The internet is used as this big crutch. So I think that’s represented inThe Follow-Up。”

In a bit of a twist, Berman recently submitted his application to be on Cameo himself.

“Everybody that’s staying at home, flattening the curve, that’s absolutely critical,” Galanis says. “Now the efforts for social distancing present an interesting landscape: More customers are booking, more people are sharing [Cameo videos], more people are reaching out to talent they’re a fan of, saying, ‘Why aren’t you on Cameo?’ That starts this positive feedback loop that’s helped this business weather some really tough times.”



KC涵盖了Fast Company的娱乐和流行文化。德赢提款此前,KC是“ Good Morning America”艾美奖获奖团队的成员,他是社交媒体制作人。
