
How to Overcome Your Biggest Workplace Fears


How to Overcome Your Biggest Workplace Fears
[照片:Flickr用户Chris Preen]

While most of us crave excitement and change at work to keep us motivated and interested, there is a part of us that also resists and fears change. There are many things that we fear at work, but most of our angst revolves around being singled out, found out, and having to face feelings of shame, embarrassment, and guilt.


在我们面临的所有恐惧中,公开演讲排在第一。杰里·塞恩菲尔德(Jerry Seinfeld)沉思说,在葬礼上,大多数人宁愿在棺材中不愿给予悼词。每当工作场所的重点都集中在我们的工作场所中,许多人都会产生一些恐惧。演示,网络,访谈,绩效评估都是极大的压力事件,会对劳动力中的许多人产生恐惧。我们最担心的是被拒绝,拒绝和孤立。

Not all fears are bad for us however. They warn us of potential dangers and pitfalls and allow us to prepare ourselves. Without facing and overcoming our fears we would not be able to grow as individuals and as contributing members of society.

Here are some techniques to overcome fears at work that have proven to be effective.


Naming the feelings behind the fear



Everyone is afraid of something at work: your colleagues, your boss, and even the top CEO of a major corporation. Being aware of this helps to reduce the intensity of the fear. Erica was feeling totally overwhelmed after being asked to give an overview of the annual report to top management of the company. She decided to tell her manager who had been with the company for many years. To her surprise he told her a story of how terrified he had been the first time he had to speak to his superiors, stuttering and stammering the whole time. The fact he had survived and thrived despite his nervousness gave her a boost of courage and confidence. When the time came, she discovered she wasn’t nearly as frightened as she thought she would be.


If experiencing some fears at work, it is very likely you aren’t the only one. Coworkers will appreciate that you’re reaching out and would be happy to offer support and encouragement. Colleagues can be a good source for advice if they have been in your situation before. It was Braden’s turn to attend a networking event where he met others in the same industry he worked in. After the event, he was expected to write up a report on what he had learned.


Having ADD, which he had hidden from his employer, he was afraid he would forget most of what he discovered. A coworker shared that he had the same problem and had found a way around it. After having a conversation with someone, he would find a quiet spot and record some of the key points on his IPad before moving on to network with the next person. To his relief it worked so well he was able to relax and actually enjoy the event.



Cory, a software developer, would think about the time he did a parachute jump prior to facing any changes in the workplace that were causing him anxiety. He would think about his jump day and imagine that his life had been in danger that day. In comparison he found what he had to lose if things didn’t go well in the workplace were minor in comparison to the day he jumped out of an airplane. It helped him put things in perspective and alleviated a lot of anxiety.

照片:Flickr用户Leo Hidalgo

The worst-case scenario isn’t all that bad




View it as an inevitable part of growth

杰克·坎菲尔德(Jack Canfield)说:“我们想要的一切都在恐惧的另一侧。”那些认为这面临恐惧的人是对他们具有增长潜力的挑战。充其量,他们将恐惧视为一个更好的等待着的迹象,最糟糕的是,他们将学习一个宝贵的教训,以便将来能够为他们提供良好的服务。雷切尔(Rachel)经常在高中老师的工作中尝试有争议的,开箱即用的技术。她的老师的评估时间通常是压力很大的时期。雷切尔(Rachel)认为这是她获得有价值的反馈的机会,她将用来决定是否继续进行调整或进行调整。她看着老板的认可或拒绝,这是她作为老师和人类的持续进步的一部分。


How to face fears in a crisis

如果我们突然发现自己的生命以及我们负责严重危险的155人的生活以及155人的生活,很难想象压力和恐惧程度。这就是Chelsey“ Sulley” Sullenberger船长和他的工作人员在2009年1月15日发现自己的情况,当时一群鹅在飞机上都残疾了两种引擎。在哈德逊河和所有155个幸存下来的“奇迹”登陆的故事在世界范围内众所周知。


His belief in teamwork and unshakeable certainty that things would work out well allowed him to draw upon a creative reserve of energy. He drew inspiration from other pilots who had found innovative ways to cope with finding themselves in desperate situations when their aircraft developed serious problems. In particular, he admired Captain Dan Haynes and the crew of Flight 232. On July 19, 1989, they landed a DC-10 that had lost hydraulics and steering at Sioux City Airport. As a result of their skill and ability to think, react, and manage their fears under the most difficult of situations, 184 of the 296 passengers on board miraculously survived the landing.




About the author

Harvey Deutschendorf是一位情商专家,作家和演讲者。要参加EI测验,请访问


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