
这些是美国最糟糕的高速公路 - 是时候摧毁它们了


这些是美国最糟糕的高速公路 - 是时候摧毁它们了



到1960年代后期,该地区被宣布为“枯萎”,并以“ Urban Renewal”的名义拆除。在破坏了五十年后,格林伍德再次被破坏。


没有期货的高速公路report was published by the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), an organization that advocates for walkable cities, and it comes in the midst of President Biden’s infrastructure plan rollout, which calls for a $20 billion fund to reconnect neighborhoods cut off by old transportation projects. Some of these, like I-10 in New Orleans and I-81 in Syracuse, New York, are included in the report.


In Oklahoma, Tulsa’s Young Professionals Urbanist Crew—created through an initiative of the Tulsa Regional Chamber to attract and retain young, creative talent—has now put forth a proposal to tear down I-244, which is one of the highways listed in the report, and rebuild the street grid that predated it. The proposal seeks to right decades of racist planning, but is still in its infancy. In other cities, highway removal has been a part of the conversation for years.

克莱伯恩大街(Claiborne Avenue)在新奥尔良的黑人街区,曾经拥有一条绿色的中位数,上面有百年历史的橡树和120多家黑人拥有的企业。When bulldozers came to clear the land for the construction of I-10 in 1966, they destroyed a landmark public space that was central to the neighborhood’s Black community, and doomed its thriving business corridor, where property values rapidly diminished and the number of businesses fell to only 35 in 2010.



城市主义者艾米·史蒂利(Amy Stelly)说:“这源于那几年的高档化涌入,穷人和黑人被赶出。

2017年,斯泰利共同创立了克莱伯恩大街联盟(Claiborne Avenue Alliance),这是一个当地居民和企业主的联盟,致力于拆除高速公路。最近,当白宫将I-10命名为历史性不平等的例子时,他们的努力得到了验证。

“My dream is to restore the corridor to its formal glory, and to help establish Black businesses,” says Stelly, who’s in the process of creating a land trust, whereby an organization acquires available real estate and resells it at below market value to help renters transition to homeownership and stay in the neighborhood.


斯特利(Stelly)通过拆除高速公路争取种族正义的斗争是全国众多人之一。CNU报告估计,至少有100万美国人通过杰出的领域癫痫发作抢劫了他们的房屋,以建造我们今天拥有的公路。跟随ing the highway revolts of the ’60s and ’70s (most famously in New York City, where Jane Jacobs rallied opposition against Robert Moses’s proposal for a 10-lane expressway through SoHo and Little Italy), the movement to tear down highways has been gaining steam in the past decade. “We’ve seen an increasing spotlight on racial injustices that highway building inflicted upon communities of color,” says Ben Crowther, who manages CNU’s Freeways Without Futures initiatives. “We recognize they perpetuate the system that distinguishes between has and has not.”

迄今为止,总共已拆除了15个高速公路,其中包括一些搬迁,Crowther引用了“另一种缓解形式”。在1989年洛马·普埃塔(Loma Prieta)地震之后,旧金山著名地选择去除其损坏的两条高速公路,从而导致我们今天知道的Embarcadero Promenade。

2017年,纽约罗切斯特(Rochester)成为现代成功的故事之一。罗切斯特(Rochester)的内部环路建于1950年代,为了促进郊区通勤,污损了建立的城市社区,其中许多街区主要是黑色的,赞成宽阔的混凝土沟渠,从城市其他地区绝缘。内部环路东重开发看到一条沉没的12车道高速公路变成了两车道的集成林荫大道,配有人行道,行人横梁和10英尺宽的循环轨道。“一旦我们计划设计,一个大问题是:我们有一个干净的板岩,我们如何重建?”全球工程与设计公司Stantec的负责人,罗切斯特内部循环转型的项目经理吉姆·霍夫曼(Jim Hofmann)说。“焦点最终成为行人和自行车的通道。”




最终,拆除高速公路是关于建设更可持续和公平的城市。当I-244通过格林伍德拼接时,它是由白人和白人计划的。将其拆除可能无法完全恢复格林伍德区,但它可以帮助黑色塔尔萨斯(Black Tulsans)收回从他们那里夺走的土地。正如克劳瑟(Crowther)所说:“我们将继续建造高速公路,直到看到消除它们的力量为止。”
