
Meet the designer who’s turning self-care into viral Instagram posts


Meet the designer who’s turning self-care into viral Instagram posts
[Images: courtesy Stephanie Harrison]

上周,一些东西轻微地bad happened to me. I spilled something. Or we ran out of milk. Or the dog stepped on my foot. It was a small inconvenience, and truthfully, I can’t even remember it now. But I do remember what happened next: Standing in my kitchen, I pictured, of all things, something I saw posted on Instagram. And I felt better.


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听起来很奇怪,我几乎不是一个人。近40万人关注the New Happy,由斯蒂芬妮·哈里森(Stephanie Harrison)创立的帐户 - 他也经营新的快乐新闻通讯andpodcast,目前正在研究一本书。在互联网上充满了无数的模因和关于自我保健和心理健康的无尽陈词滥调,哈里森以她精心插图,科学的支持的可视化,关于正念,善良,善良和一般的心理框架,过着更幸福的生活




A post shared by The New Happy (@newhappyco)

。。。illustrates why burnout isn’t a personal failure . . .


A post shared by The New Happy (@newhappyco)

。。。reminds you to pursue joy . . .


。。。stops you from worrying about what you can’t change . . .


A post shared by The New Happy (@newhappyco)



A post shared by The New Happy (@newhappyco)

You won’t just find just one fresh visualization on her feed but dozens, each of which garners tens of thousands of likes. Not bad for someone who didn’t even start out in design.


Harrison spent a decade climbing the corporate ladder before finding her new purpose. She worked at the ad agency BBDO, the consultancy Deloitte, and, eventually, at LinkedIn, where she managed product launches.

“I’d gone through this treadmill of accomplishments and achievements I thought would lead to a state of lasting fulfillment and bliss,” Harrison says. “And of course, I never got there.”

By the time she was at LinkedIn, Harrison opted to go back to school part time, where she pursued her master’s degree in applied positive psychology. And ultimately she came to the conclusion that many others have: that the capitalist rat race teases an existential joy that never arrives.


[图片:史蒂芬妮·哈里森(Stephanie Harrison)

结束了学业后,哈里森(Harrison)在阿里安娜·赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)的健康创业公司(Arianna Huffington)担任领先的数字学习职位,Thrive Global。哈里森(Harrison)仅待一年,但哈里森(Harrison)也利用这段时间找到了自己的公司,即新的快乐。这是一家公司,哈里森通过在包括微软,LinkedIn和Capital One在内的公司咨询咨询来教授高管如何创造文化以享有幸福感。但是,一路上,她的Instagram帐户已成为一个迷你帝国,毫无疑问,她的日常病毒帖子与任何最畅销的自助书一样多。

“The corporate consulting is really how I pay my bills, and the rest is working more toward the long term of setting up these platforms that will hopefully [help society],” she says.


到此为止有点困难。与许多人一样,哈里森(Harrison)从小就欣赏艺术,但从来都不知道设计是一种职业。当她学习心理学时,哈里森开始用小涂鸦来形象化自己的概念。她于2018年底创立了新的Happy Instagram帐户。然后在大流行开始时,手上有很多空闲时间,她决定将更多的视觉思想放在那里。她给自己一个最初的目标是每天发布与心理健康有关的插图。

[Photo: courtesy Stephanie Harrison]
从素描本开始,哈里森将首先用单词写下一个想法(这个想法将基于科学支持的健康原则)。然后,在将早期的概念带入Adobe和像素化之前,她将开始如何在纸上说明这个想法。作为一名自学成才的图形设计师,当她开始在Instagram上发布插图时,她的插图看起来更像Canva—she triedlistsand posts thatfelt like clip art。She even使幸福疯狂的自由

[图片:史蒂芬妮·哈里森(Stephanie Harrison)


“I try to keep it as simple as possible,” Harrison says. “What can you do with a shape? That’s what always blows my mind with masters at work. What they can do with a shape, or colors of the shape, or lines. . . . I’m always reminded there’s an infinite number of ways to [convey an idea].”

[图片:史蒂芬妮·哈里森(Stephanie Harrison)
Using the simple geometries of Bauhaus and midcentury-modern design, along with the sheer energy of abstract expressionism, Harrison’s feed went from visual advice to advice visualization. We might have heard the psychological concepts dozens of times before, but she cracked the code to illustrating them in a way that stamps their significance straight onto your brain.

但是,仅仅因为她成功并不意味着工作很容易。Now posting about four times a week, Harrison readily admits that she has all sorts of ideas in her sketchbook and on her computer that she just can’t quite illustrate—yet—and so she’ll come back to them again and again, hoping inspiration strikes.


[图片:史蒂芬妮·哈里森(Stephanie Harrison)

As for the future of Harrison’s business, she plans to keep investing her energy into her Instagram feed, her podcast, and her newsletter, but she’s not currently planning to monetize the New Happy through ads or subscriptions. “They’re for our community,” she says. “Our whole thesis is that well-being is collective, and in order to experience personal or individual well-being, we have to prioritize the collective. For my job, I view it as being the facilitator of this community and help[ing] them get what they need to be well and take that out into the world around them.”

Keeping that relationship “sacred” is Harrison’s chief priority. So for now she’ll continue to consult with companies and publish her first book, which will be a mix of writings and illustrations similar to her Instagram feed when it’s released in the winter of 2023.


“[Ideas like] living with compassion or in service to the world can sound very divorced from our day-to-day reality, but they’re not,” she says. “And figuring out how to embody them and represent them in a way is something I find helpful as well. Even if I didn’t have anyone following me, I think I’d still be making them, because they fill me with a great deal of joy.”


About the author

马克·威尔逊(Mark Wilson)是Fast Company的一德赢提款位高级作家,他撰写了近15年的设计,技术和文化。他的作品出现在Gizmodo,Kotaku,Popmech,Popsci,Esquire,American Photo和Lucky Peach
