

上升食物’s new Bay Area factory is designed to be transparent and welcome visitors to demystify meat grown in bioreactors.

[Photo: Upside Foods]



[Photo: Upside Foods]
“The focus in the last five years for the industry has been really to show that the science works,” says Uma Valeti, CEO and founder of上升食物, formerly known as Memphis Meats. “The next phase is all about how do you bring products out of the lab into industrial scale.” The promise is big; the flavor of the food is exactly like traditionally produced meat, but without the same environmental impacts, animal cruelty, or the risk of大流派出生于工厂农场(or bacteria that can no longer be treated with antibiotics because those antibiotics have been overused on farms).

[Photo: Upside Foods]

[Photo: Upside Foods]
生产设施位于社区中间,靠近餐馆和住宅建筑。如果该行业在将来起飞,那么生产设施可能会更大得多,在战略地点生产数千万吨的耕种肉类。但是在其他情况下,植物将位于城市中间。“我还看到设施可能并不比这大得多,也许比这大约两次或三倍,实际上是在喜欢的城市,整个食品或一家超市,因此可以在它旁边生产那个超市的肉,“ 他说。


[Photo: Upside Foods]
The machines inside the building will be able to produce multiple types of meat, cultivating muscle tissue, for example, by feeding muscle cells so that they grow and multiply. “The whole point of this is to start building production modalities that can adapt to multiple species so that you don’t have to build a production facility that looks very different for chicken versus beef versus seafood,” Valeti says. Some of the equipment can produce whole cuts of meat, something that is more complex to replicate and will come to market after ground meat products. The equipment installed so far is large enough to produce 50,000 pounds of finished products annually, with room to eventually produce 400,000 pounds of products per year. In Israel, a similar industrial-scale facility for cultivated meatopened earlier this year

[Photo: Upside Foods]
虽然有些批评家有质疑经济学通过这种方式生产肉,Valeti说,传统肉类有一条成本竞争力的途径。过去,对于制药行业,这种细胞是这种方式生长的,但只有很小的规模。维尔蒂(Valeti)是一名受训练的心脏病专家,他在看到患有心脏病的患者后开始考虑制作更健康的食物,他说,当他在2015年成立公司时,这是一个信仰的飞跃 - 他有基本的概念证明,但几乎每个人我spoke to said, ‘don’t do this,'” he says.



[Photo: Upside Foods]
The industry is quickly growing. “What’s happened in the last five years, is unlike anything that’s ever happened in the food industry,” Valeti says. Upside Foods was one of the first in the space, but “now we know there’s nearly 100 companies across the world, in nearly every meat-producing and meat-consuming country, trying to do cultivated meat,” he says. “And that type of acceleration has never happened in food, especially for a completely new space. We also know that nearly every major food and ag university program is starting undergrad and postgraduate courses in this because there’s such an interest in this area from students who want to be a part of this type of food system. . . . Every major meat producer has invested in a company like ours. Cargill is invested in us. Tyson is invested in us.”



About the author

阿黛尔·彼得斯(Adele Peters)是Fast Company德赢提款的参谋作家,他专注于从气候变化到无家可归的世界上一些最大问题的解决方案。以前,她与加州大学伯克利分校的Good,Biolite和可持续产品和解决方案计划一起工作
