


All it took was two feet of water to debilitate the Veterans Administration Hospital in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.


Once the flooding infiltrated the basement-level windows, it destroyed the emergency generators that the entire hospital depended on after municipal power cut out. Life support systems, lights, and heating and cooling were knocked out. At Memorial Hospital, also in New Orleans, an even more dire situation arose involving power failure, the inability to sustain patients in intensive care, and building evacuation. Forty people died there as a result of the storm,点燃医学伦理辩论about how to handle patients in disaster situations. (A doctor and two nurses were arrested for expediting the deaths of four patients; they were not convicted and the charges were expunged.)






“It’s unfortunate, but right now the maps where we draw the extent of vulnerable areas are expanding, and areas that weren’t considered vulnerable before, are,”瑞安·赫林格(Ryan Hullinger),NBBJ的校长说。“在越来越多的医院中需要这些技术。”

新医院被认为是关键任务设施”弗吉尼亚州,这意味着它需要在几乎任何类型的灾难中生存并保持运营:自然,例如飓风,地震或人造,例如爆炸。从结构上讲,外围可以承受三类风暴,墙壁被坚硬以抵抗爆炸,弹道攻击和撞击。此外,建筑物的骨头旨在防止进行性崩溃–meaning that if one part of the building is destroyed, it won’t cause a domino effect and lead to a full collapse.


建立医院“颠倒”是另一种关键的弹性策略,这也是纽约正在建设的医院的核心构想。(大约10年前,NBBJ首次尝试了这种策略南卡罗来纳州医科大学阿什利塔。)它们没有放在地下室和地面上,而不是将所有连接到市政电网的动力系统和急诊室放置所有类似于操作的发电机,而是将其升高。急诊室位于二楼,车辆通过坡道访问它,如果地面水域阻碍了通道,这也可以作为船只发射,这是将人们送往医院并在必要时撤离建筑物的有用举动,这是一个问题旧建筑。(A helicopter landing pad on the roof of the adjacent parking structure can also help with accessing the hospital.) All of the power systems are on the fourth floor and fill lines for the generator’s underground 32,000-gallon fuel tank are also elevated above the 500-year-flood line, so they can be accessed during high waters.


“This is a poster child for resiliency,”Doug Parris, the project manager and a partner at NBBJ, says.


For Veterans, By Veterans

除了弹性挑战外,NBBJ的建筑师还负责为非常具体的人口 - 军事退伍军人设计与平民不同的需求。医院serves more than 70,000 veterans在该区域。为了了解新设施需要什么,建筑师对100多名退伍军人和近200名员工进行了访谈;他们还举办了21个研讨会,以形成和完善概念。并花了75个小时观察患者。由于医院是一个全新的建筑,因此NBBJ几乎可以重新设计经验的每个部分,从流通到布局和耐心的旅程。

“It’s a unique culture with unique hopes and aspirations,” Hullinger says.

Patients at the hospital come from the New Orleans metropolitan area as well as from outlying rural areas. To better understand what the veterans wanted, NBBJ traveled to the neighborhoods and areas where they lived and interviewed them in informal settings to strike up a rapport and really get to know them. During evaluative sessions, NBBJ took notes on what the veterans wanted to see. Then the architects created renderings and mock-ups of concepts based on the interview content. Next they presented the ideas back to the same groups, to ensure that nothing was lost in translation.


“We wanted to make sure there wasn’t a disconnect between what we heard, the implications, and how that informs the space,” Hullinger says.


“We didn’t see it, but they did and that was very informative,” Parris says. Another design move? Ensuring that there was no bamboo–a popular plant to use in humid climates like in New Orleans–in the gardens, which could potentially be a PTSD trigger. “That’s one of the nice things about being able to talk with the veterans there. Even with existing research, some things aren’t readily apparent.”



Prospect and refuge theory- 一种环境心理学概念,解释了人们为什么寻求让他们在保持僻静的同时观察的空间 - 影响了这个角度。赫林格说:“我们需要设计的是,老兵可以在开放的空间中看到,并且感觉好像没有被看到。”例如,楼梯没有任何折返,因此使用它们的人不会觉得自己的背部转过身。候车室位于窗户附近的结构周围。建筑师还努力确保没有任何紧密的空间或黑暗的角落。



Borrowing From Hospitality And Office Design





“Camaraderie and getting to know each other, what was your experience, that sense of storytelling was important to them,” Hullinger says. “Seating arrangements that are supportive of conversations were important. Then you have to be inclusive of someone of a wheelchair so they can pull up into a social circle.”


The layout of the in-patient floors also affects the patient-provider experience. Typical hospital floors are arranged like a racetrack with a nurses’ station in the center and patient rooms along the perimeter. The VA’s floors have patient rooms flanking a core dedicated to staff. Borrowing from corporate workspaces, NBBJ divided the area into areas for specific types of work: collaborative; quiet, focused work; and also space for families. To further refine workflow, nurses and doctors communicate via a wireless system instead of through noisy pages over an intercom system. “That’s all tied to the emerging understanding of a nurse as a knowledge worker that can benefit from the techniques of Silicon Valley,” Hullinger says.


All told, the VA Hospital embodies the idea that a resilient structure should not compromise on safety, patient experience, or the ability for providers to offer the best care.




About the author

戴安娜·布德斯(Diana Budds)是纽约的作家,涵盖了设计和建筑环境。


