

阿琳·布鲁姆(Arlene Blum)攀登了世界上的最高峰。现在,她教高管高空领导的秘密。

当阿琳·布鲁姆(Arlene Blum)今年春天在科罗拉多州特柳赖德(Telluride)的20周年山电影节上登上舞台时,观众向她打招呼,好像她是守护神一样。如果天堂位于26,200英尺以上 - 将世界上最高的山顶与其他人区分开的无形边界,那么现年53岁的布鲁姆(Blum)一直是天堂和返回。她取得了300多个成功的上升,其中包括第一个全女攀登,美国双百年珠穆朗玛峰探险队,以及不丹,尼泊尔和印度的2400英里徒步旅行。


Her appearance in Telluride marked the 20th anniversary of her most dramatic challenge: leading the first all-woman expedition up the treacherous slopes of Annapurna (in Nepal), the world’s 11th highest peak. The expedition – chronicled in a documentary, Annapurna: A Woman’s Place, and in Blum’s book of the same name (Sierra Club, 1980; to be reissued by Random House this October) – stands as a model of pioneering leadership.

的确,在过去的20年中,布鲁姆(Blum)在美国和印度的政府机构进行了有关惠普,日立,女童子军和政府机构等组织领导力的研讨会。是什么使那些将其与那些没有的人区分开来?“真正的分界线是激情,”布鲁姆说。“只要您相信自己的工作是有意义的,就可以减少恐惧和疲惫,并迈出下一步。”Blum分享了她的分步指南,以与Fast Company成为顶级。德赢提款



“To get anywhere – in climbing or in business – you have to know where you’re headed. I’m not talking about ‘corporate vision.’ I’m talking about a clear picture that depicts where you, the individual, want to go. I started doing this in college, when I saw the movie Endless Summer. I thought, Why can’t I do an ‘endless winter’ and travel the world looking for the perfect mountain? So I drew a line around the globe that connected the best mountain ranges. I recruited some friends, and we did it – 15 consecutive expeditions in as many months.

十年后,我在喜马拉雅山脉的地图上画了一条线,并在三个国家 /地区创造了2400英里的伟大喜马拉雅traverse。

“The biggest complaint I hear from businesspeople is ‘I can’t create a vision, because my boss sets the goals.’ But as soon as these people map out a picture of their work, they realize that they know more than they thought they did – and that they have more power to change things than they imagine.”


Choose your companions as if your life depended on it.

“接你的队友的最佳方法是让他们通过自我选择来挑选自己。当我组建一支探险队时,我邀请所有候选人进行练习。冬季中旬,我们会去山脉,寒冷和痛苦。我不想看看它们是否足够好;我想知道他们是否喜欢它。在喜马拉雅山,这将很重要 - 当魅力褪色和辛勤工作的努力时。

“Once you find the right team, it’s your job as leader to make sure that everyone is in the right role. The best way to do that is to communicate relentlessly and realistically about performance. I learned this the hard way during the Annapurna expedition. The team member in charge of food had a narrow vision of what food was and how much we needed. Sure enough, partway through the expedition I found that we didn’t have enough food. I put someone else in the position. That was hard, but the success of the expedition depended on it.”




“This was never more apparent than when I presented my decision about who would lead the summit attempt. On the lower, safer slopes, we alternated leading – which everyone prefers – with following, which involves carrying heavy loads between camps. When we came to the steep, hard slopes just below the summit, I decided that only the four best ice climbers would lead. Everybody got unhappy. The people who were excluded from leading thought they’d lost their chance to reach the summit. Those I picked to lead weren’t comfortable with being singled out. Morale plummeted.


“I realized we had to stop to talk about it. And in the end, the group concluded that only the best ice climbers – the ones I had named – should lead. When people have their say, they’re more likely to accept and support a decision.”


“在我们生活中所做的许多事情中 - 从工作的项目到家务到爬山 - 我们发现不做最后5%的理由。在一次喜马拉雅探险中,您花了多年的时间筹集资金,一直到尼泊尔旅行,您在营地之间承担六个星期的负担。然后,最后是峰会日,您从顶部几个小时 - 但是太冷了,太陡了,或者您太累了。


“我在攀登方面一直很成功,因为我通常在决赛中没有回头,筋疲力尽。达到顶峰并不是最后的冲刺。这是要保持节奏 - 即使节奏每一步都呼吸五个。这种重点意味着您更有可能有能力应对不可预见的挑战,并且不太可能忘记为什么您首先要攀登这座山。”

通过电子邮件arlene@arleneblum.com与Arlene Blum联系或访问Web www.arleneblum.com


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