
Word of Mouse

In the past,德赢提款has looked at examples of word-of-mouth marketing andrelated subjects, but I received an email earlier today about a project that focuses on word-of-mouthresearch. The aptly named project,Word of Mouth Research, seems to be some sort of reputation-based due diligence engine with which people can get the inside scoop on other people — for whatever reasons.

In the past,德赢提款has looked at examples of word-of-mouth marketing andrelated subjects, but I received an email earlier today about a project that focuses on word-of-mouthresearch. The aptly named project,Word of Mouth Research, seems to be some sort of reputation-based due diligence engine with which people can get the inside scoop on other people — for whatever reasons.


We are trying to build a community that fosters interaction between each and every individual possible. Our mission is to help connect people with one another, wherever they are, to share their experiences, give advice and provide information.

The email I received said, “Someone who knows you just submitted a word-of-mouth connection about you at our website.” You go to the Web site, and ths system shows you how many “connections” you have — people either seeking or offering information about you. People can contact those folks — via a double-blind anonymous email exchange, I think — to trade tales.

Unfortunately, I’m unable to contact the people looking for information about me — or see what info those offering to share have — because I’m not a Power User, which costs $30 for six months. In fact, such a barrier to exploration and use makes me wonder — have people really submitted info about me in this project — or is it just a bait and switch to get me to come inside and take a look around? Has anyone had any experience with Word of Mouth Research?


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