
妈妈咪呀!阿巴(Abba)的比约恩·乌尔沃斯(Bjorn Ulvaeus)揭示了乐队如何继续发展其帝国

作为妈妈咪呀!我们重新来过吧在剧院开幕时,我们与阿巴(Abba)的比约恩·乌尔沃斯(Bjorn Ulvaeus)讨论了这些年后乐队如何保持相关性和利润丰厚的方式。

妈妈咪呀!阿巴(Abba)的比约恩·乌尔沃斯(Bjorn Ulvaeus)揭示了乐队如何继续发展其帝国
[照片:Mike Prior/Redferns通过Getty Images]

阿巴的建筑师是臭名昭著的完美主义者。本尼·安德森(Benny Andersson)和比约恩·乌尔沃斯(Bjorn Ulvaeus)用库布里克(Kubrickian)的坚韧无休止地修补了他们的歌曲,直到每个鼓声填充和声音旋律都响亮而真实。




妈妈咪呀!我们重新来过吧现在在剧院上映的是梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)主演的第二部电影,从所有自动点唱机音乐剧的唐·达达(Don Dada)产生了。该续集再次任命其庞大的演员表,唱歌从一个扎实的阿巴巴果酱中唱出,这是一个轻松的叙述。(这次,这是一个教父II- 风格的平行故事,追踪斯特里普(Streep)的角色年轻女子的脚步,并在第一部电影的事件发生后赶上了她和其他所有人。)


这个新项目只是一系列ABBA布置的努力中的最新项目,这些努力帮助了乐队的防弹1970年代跑步。与埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)和弗利特伍德·麦克(Fleetwood Mac)等诸如埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)和弗利特伍德(Fleetwood Mac)这样的佩尔玛(Perma Tourmant)不同,阿巴(Abba)一直保持其知名度,而没有发行任何新音乐,并且很少出现在公共场合。(至少直到他们的最近宣布团圆之旅在一起。)

他们如何实现它?在妈妈咪呀续集的发行,德赢提款与阿巴(Abba)的比约恩·乌尔沃斯(Bjorn Ulvaeus)进行了交谈,以找出答案 - 并在那个期待长期以来的聚会背后得到故事。




“我们对所做的事情一直非常非常谨慎。例如,我们从来没有允许我们的音乐在广告中,”乌尔瓦斯说,“我们基本上只是在做我们想的事情,‘是的,这是高质量的,这是高信誉,这是高质量的,”没有其他。他们向我们发送了一个请求,我们告诉他们发送摘要或整个脚本 - 每次我们立即知道它是一个好的脚本时。但是我们对至少90%的人说不。”(Abba的音乐出现在电影中穆里尔的婚礼普里西拉(Priscilla),沙漠女王

[照片:伯特·维霍夫(Bert Verhoeff)/anefo/wikimedia commons]



“我们与我们的老音乐合作伙伴Stig Anderson共同拥有唱片公司,他一开始是我们的经理,” Ulvaeus说。“我和本尼(安德森)和斯蒂格之间发生了后果,我们想切断所有链接。因此,我们让他拥有公司基本上是一个贵族的公司,后来他将其卖给了Polydor,这是一个很好的决定。”




“[Theater producer] Judy Craymer came up with the idea to do a TV special way back in the 1980s and it wasn’t until [playwright] Catherine Johnson came on board that it was going to be a full-fledged musical, and I thought that was a very interesting idea,” Ulvaeus recalls. “I met her and I thought she was brilliant, and that maybe we can do this as an experiment and pull the plug at any time if it doesn’t go well. Could we write a musical backwards from the songs? And I said to Catherine, ‘You have these 100 songs in the catalog and the ground rule is that the story is more important than the songs, and you can use any songs, not just the hits. And then of course she came up with this idea of a mother and her daughter and that’s how it happened.”



有时同意一个项目会打开另一个项目。当Abba:博物馆直接导致Mamma Mia:Party是位于斯德哥尔摩和伦敦的互动餐厅体验时,就是这种情况,捕捉了音乐剧的节日精神。


“斯德哥尔摩市曾多次问过我们,我们想在我们的家乡有一个关于阿巴的博物馆,我们说好,很好,如果斯德哥尔摩想要一个阿巴博物馆,那应该有一个,”乌尔瓦夫斯说。“We didn’t think more about it–other people would have to take care of that–but suddenly they had a venue for it and it was in a place where I would walk by with my grandchildren, where I suddenly thought about what would happen if this museum isn’t good enough, if it’s average or bad. I found that thought completely intolerable, so I agreed to co-create it with some other people. The museum eventually approached me about having a party in the restaurant at the museum. But that venue was too small. So then the idea grew into,我们为什么不做一个妈妈咪呀派对相反 - 拿妈妈咪呀世界进入餐厅环境?因此,我们在斯德哥尔摩的一家老餐厅建造了Nikos Taverna,上面有一棵橄榄树和非常漂亮的希腊氛围,每天晚上都有一个故事与餐厅的人们一起玩。它与角色无关妈妈咪呀,但这是一个有趣的衍生妈妈咪呀世界。”


最初,乐队非常不愿意做第二妈妈咪呀电影。他们为第一个人感到非常自豪,并且不确定是否值得通过次要续集来弥补其影响。不过,当他们阅读作家/导演奥尔·帕克(Ol Parker)的初稿时理查德·柯蒂斯(Richard Curtis),他们认为这部电影的两层结构很有希望,因此他们决定前进。但是,为了使其值得ABBA,比约恩和安德森都参与了创作过程。

“在剧本阶段,OL [Parker]会从Benny [Andersson]和我的选秀中反弹,我们将获得我们的投入,” Ulvaeus说。“例如,我们为其他人互换了几首歌,在这首歌中,我为其中的一些歌曲做了一些重写,以使其与故事无缝。“我的爱,我的生活”是电影的最后一幕,这些经文被稍作重写。。。或很多。“我一直在等你,”经文经过了调整。那很有趣。您实际上有理由重新审视这些歌曲真是令人着迷。本尼(Benny)制作了演员专辑,因此他完成了所有录音。 It’s not repeating, it’s revisiting in a new way.”

Bjorn Ulvaeus[照片:Claudio Bresciani/AFP/Getty Images]


几十年来,没有与ABBA的任何成员的采访,没有一个问题,“有没有聚会的机会?”几十年来,答案一直是“否”的某种礼貌形式。据报道,当乐队提供了10亿美元的耗资$ 10亿美元,以在本世纪之交左右进行100个城市的巡回演出时,他们甚至拒绝了这个人物。


“It was [Spice Girls impresario] Simon Fuller who approached us about a year and a half ago, and he had this idea of making us digital humans, and that these avatars could then go on tour and we thought, ‘Oh, that’s really interesting,'” Ulvaeus recalls. “So we said yes to this project, which is ongoing. We have a meeting about it in August, and then we’ll know more about exactly what it will look like. But they’re working on it and as we speak, we are being digitized as our 1979 versions. It’s spooky: You will not see that it’s not a human being. But then we thought, ‘What if those avatars, those 1979 versions, could sing a new song that we wrote now?’ So Benny and I wrote two new songs and we took them to the ladies and they said yes and we recorded two new songs with ABBA, and the first time you see them they will be sung by these avatars, maybe in a TV show at the beginning of next year. The technology has changed a lot, but I would say we wrote the songs in the same way that we’ve always done.”
