


星巴克以坚定不移的一致性而闻名,从其非正式的家商店装饰到燃烧的咖啡味。但是这个星期四,将4美元拿铁的标准化的品牌在阿姆斯特丹开设了一家实验概念商店,该商店瞥见了未来的星巴克 - 至少在欧洲。


Located in the former vault of a historic bank on Rembrandtplein, the new shop will be a showcase for sustainable interior design and slow coffee brewing, with small-batch reserve coffees and Europe’s first-ever Clover, a high-end machine that brews one cup at a time. But the most radical departure is in the aesthetic: the multilevel space is awash in recycled and local materials; walls are lined with antique Delft tiles, bicycle inner tubes, and wooden gingerbread molds; repurposed Dutch oak was used to make benches, tables, and the undulating ceiling relief consisting of 1,876 pieces of individually sawn blocks. The Dutch-born Liz Muller, Starbucks concept design director, commissioned more than 35 artists and craftsmen to add their quirky touches to the 4,500-square-foot space.

设计师非常小心地保留了该建筑物的一些原始细节,例如1920年代的大理石地板和保险库的裸露混凝土。But while the design respects the bank’s architectural history, the store’s overall look approaches that of a theater, with the baristas visible from every vantage point of the multi-tiered spaces (which also cameo as stages for local bands, poetry readings, and other cultural events). The coffeehouse will also use social media to communicate relevant moments throughout the day–for example, by sending out a tweet when warm cookies roll out of its in-house bakery. The concepts that go over well in Amsterdam will find their way to other stores across Europe. They may even filter into the highly individualized local concept stores that Starbucks has been stealthily opening in the United States, including一个由西雅图以外的运输集装箱制成的



[Rien Meulman的图像]



诸如出版物的前编辑有线,,,,彭博商业周, 和德赢提款,贝琳达·兰克斯(Belinda Lanks)也为《纽约时报》杂志,,,,纽约观察员,,,,室内设计, 和Artnews

