

亚当·戈普尼克(Adam Gopnik)关于互联网上当前评论的《纽约人》的文章将领域分为三个桶:永不抛弃,更好的境内和不断的散装者。

只是去阅读亚当·戈普尼克(Adam Gopnik)关于互联网上当前评论的《纽约人》文章。他将研究领域分为三个水桶:从未出生,更美好的人和永远的粉碎者。


从未有过的人认为,我们正处于新的乌托邦的边缘,信息将是自由和民主的,新闻将从自下而上制成,爱情将统治,饼干将自己烘烤。最好的内容认为,如果整个事情从未发生过,我们会变得更好,即将结束的世界优于正在取代它的世界,并且至少是书籍和杂志create private space for minds in ways that twenty-second bursts of information don’t. The Ever-Wasers insist that at any moment in modernity something like this is going on, and that a new way of organizing data and connecting users is always thrilling to some and chilling to others–that something like this is going on is exactly what makes it a modern moment.

我倾向于陷入不断的训练营,认为这次虽然强烈而充满变化,但并没有比整个历史上的其他时代都更加激烈和充满变化。One of my favorite things to trot out in argument about the internet ruining whatever it’s ruining this week is Plato’s Phaedrus, where all the same things people say about the web is said about writing (it’s going to ruin the kids, no one will remember anything anymore, it’s making us stupid). Not surprisingly, then, I particularly liked this paragraph:

The odd thing is that this complaint [that the internet leads to a life of “disassociation and fragmentation”], though deeply felt by our contemporary Better-Nevers, is identical to Baudelaire’s perception about modern Paris in 1855, or Walter Benjamin’s about Berlin in 1930, or Marshall McLuhan’s in the face of three-channel television (and Canadian television, at that) in 1965. When department stores had Christmas windows with clockwork puppets, the world was going to pieces; when the city streets were filled with horse-drawn carriages running by bright-colored posters, you could no longer tell the real from the simulated; when people were listening to shellac 78s and looking at color newspaper supplements, the world had become a kaleidoscope of disassociated imagery; and when the broadcast air was filled with droning black-and-white images of men in suits reading news, all of life had become indistinguishable from your fantasies of it. It was Marx, not Steve Jobs, who said that the character of modern life is that everything falls apart.




诺亚·布里尔(Noah Brier)有一些超级秘密的东西渗透。他负责品牌标签,,,,likemind, 和我的第一条推文。在Twitter上关注他@heyitsnoah或在他的博客上noahbrier.com





