



根据行业博客Digitimes,东部合作伙伴制造商期望假期后会在Android驱动的平板电脑中有库存过剩,并审查可能已经过度供过于求的问题。内部人士指责iPad和Kindle Fire,以及对2012年到达的Windows 8平板电脑的高度期望。这听起来像是Google的坏消息,但是如果谣言对亚马逊智能手机的谣言证明是正确的,情况可能会变得更糟。



To blame are two tablets: the iPad, of course, and the new Kindle Fire. Changewave research刚刚出版了some statistics that underline how much of a hold these two devices have over the market. Among 3,000 interviewees of those who said they were planning to buy a tablet, 65% said they’d be buying an iPad, and 22% were plumping for the Fire–just 4% said they fancied a Galaxy Tab from Samsung, which is regarded as one of the most successful full-on Android tablets so far. The Fire, on the other hand, completely buries Google’s Android UI beneath a custom Amazon user experience that’s shaped around all the content that Amazon can supply–books, music, videos, and thanks to its own tightly curated app store, apps too. That all but cuts Google out of every revenue stream from the Fire.

Overall 130% boosts in tablet sales are predicted during the 2011 holiday buying window, and that’s a huge success for Apple and Amazon too, which has seemingly bagged the number two tablet slot just weeks after the Fire’s launch. Interestingly, Changewave’s data suggests that the Fire isn’t eating iPad market share–it’s displacing other Android tablets, probably because it’s clear the Fire isn’t as full-featured a machine as Apple’s, and yet it delivers a killer combo of low price, Amazon’s powerful brand images, and excellent access to Amazon content.


What Google may have messed up on is delivering a rich, high-powered Android version for tablets–and delivering inconsistently for those it has already powered. Articlescontaining lineslike “while there’s no word yet in an Ice Cream Sandwich updates, you can bet that Sony’s pushing for one” (referring to the latest tablet-friendly Android build, V5.0, in context of Sony’s unusual and interesting S-series Android tablets) typify the problem. And with Microsoft’s upcoming Windows 8 for tablets expected to allow millions of wannabe tablet users to work within the familiar Windows environment, Android tablets may have a tough sell in 2012.

这使我们看着亚马逊的Kindle Fire Tablet。它像热蛋糕一样销售,已经有谣言另一家制造商Foxconn(Apple的Lead Tablet和电话合作伙伴)在2012年初的7英寸平板电脑上出现。这表明亚马逊没有像其他平板电脑制造商那样遇到库存问题。作为一个不同的迹象,亚马逊有更大的计划,已经有swirling rumorsthat Amazon has plans to bring an 8.9-inch Fire to market in the second quarter of 2012. We can’t know, but we can guess that Amazon is planning a similar low price for this machine (which is pitched more squarely against the iPad) and may also bump its internal specs to deal with criticisms about the sometimes jerky performance of the existing Fire.

All of this is fuel for the rumor fire that亚马逊正在计划在2012年晚些时候,将其移动设备进行一次进一步的阶段,并进入智能手机。这是一个自然的举动,因为我们已经指出,大火是要通过其100%以亚马逊为中心的UI向亚马逊客户提供亚马逊客户的内容。而且没有理由在智能手机上无法使用相同的型号。利用其在火灾和早期Kindles上的经验,亚马逊现在知道如何生产以其设计和功能为特色的高级硬件。另外,Whispersync几乎无法挑战,可以记住这是一种无缝和免费的方式,供用户获取其Kindles的内容,并在3G手机信号上扎根。有也是新闻亚马逊购买了一家语音识别公司与Siri竞争,可能利用其自己广泛的云服务服务器进行后端处理。


If Jeff Bezos’ firm chose a mid-range specification for the chips, internal storage, screen, and other hardware of the Kindle phone, it could offer it at an extremely competitive price–along with a full-fledged ecosystem to deliver content and apps that even Google can’t rival. Do we see a sniff of desperation in Google’s recent moves to get into theMP3-vending game

An Amazon smartphone like this, priced at a $100 to $199 range and leveraging Amazon’s ecosystem and its cloud services and brand would immediately make a splash in the low-mid smartphone market because it’d be hard to find a rival to it among existing Android handsets (and even non-Android ones)–devices which offer only some of the seamless content access Amazon offers, and often a scrappy and unreliable access to apps on the Google app market. Amazon could even offer the phone for less than $100 because it’s been suggested the firm is卖出大火, knowing it can recoup the money–and plenty extra–through ongoing sales from its store.

Such a phone would be a true innovation in the smartphone market that’s become a little stagnant. Android phones havesecured销售方面的领先优势很大,但苹果目前的份额并不快,而且商人seem to be selling outiPhone 4S到达货架上。丰富的亚马逊手机的进入将急剧上升,这可能会窃取低价市场的大块,破坏冷战,因此甚至可能促使Google和Apple继续进行更多自己的创新。这只会使世界各地的消费者受益。



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About the author

I'm covering the science/tech/generally-exciting-and-innovative beat for Fast Company. Follow me onTwitter, 或者Google+and you'll hear tons of interesting stuff, I promise. I've also got a PhD, and worked in such roles as professional scientist and theater technician...thankfully avoiding jobs like bodyguard and chicken shed-cleaner (bonus points if you get that reference!)


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