
Six Ways I Built A Career Traveling The World In My 20s

Elaina Giolando’s career has taken her to 50 countries and counting before turning 28–virtually by accident.

Six Ways I Built A Career Traveling The World In My 20s
[Photo: Fancy Crave viaUnsplash]

在27岁时,我有将近十年的有意义的国际经验。我在包括蒙古,南非,土耳其,卡塔尔和尼日利亚在内的十几个国家 /地区工作,现在我是墨西哥和澳大利亚一家主要硅谷初创公司的国际运营团队的一员。


However, I used to have a much less exciting job. Having worked in the consulting division of a huge multinational company, I know what it feels like to be plugging away in a cubicle in New York or Chicago. But what I’ve found–completely by accident, in retrospect–is that there are a few clear strategies for launching the globe-trotting career of your dreams. Here are six of the ways I’ve managed to pull it off.

1. I Started Early


Not long after I graduated, I was able to leverage those undergrad experiences (plus two years in a management consulting firm; see point No. 3 below) to land a job with a global media company,where I traveled across five continents for two years。多亏了这些年的全球经验,实际上我很难获得任何东西but现在是一项国际工作。


在您职业生涯的早期出国。抓住任何机会 - 如果需要,请裁员,自愿,做任何“全球化”简历的事情。


If I wanted to move into commercial banking in the Middle East, I’ve got a contact for that. If I wanted to break into the modeling scene in Taiwan, I also have a contact for that. Hell, if I wanted a job producing Norwegian techno music in India, I literally have a contact for that, too. The beautiful thing is,我没有寻找这些人and I never tried to “network” with them–I just met them while couch surfing across Asia or having drinks in Addis Ababa.

一旦您开始做涉及某种形式的常规国际旅行的工作,your network进入全球。而且,只要您继续采用这种职业道路,您就会发现它本质上可以维持这样的联系。因为突然,你需要像您一样与其他在海外工作的人建立联系,因为他们是可以帮助您找到其他机会的人。这是一个良好的圈子。


3. I Took The Typical Route Right Out Of Undergrad

为了在20多岁时建立全球职业,您不一定需要带有包装的书包离开大学。实际上,我认为我无法成为全球销售角色withouta Fortune 500 company on my resume. The people I know who looked for entry-level jobs overseas right after graduation wound up compromising on their professional interests in order to land anything that paid. And most of them struggled to break back into the U.S. job market after their time overseas.

In my experience, it’s best to start your career at home, get a solid skill set under your belt, begin to complement it with international experience of any sort (and foreign language skills if you have them), and onlythenwork your way into a job abroad。相信我,听起来只有很长的时间。


I actually majored in Chinese during university, but it’s been Spanish that’s gotten me hired time after time.


Like many Americans, I started learning Spanish in middle school and took advanced courses through college, but it was working in Guatemala and traveling through South America that finally set me on the path to fluency. Now I speak Spanish while I work here in Mexico, and the full language immersion continues to develop one of my key professional assets.

5. I’m (Happily) Single And Nomadic


I’ve alsobeen nomadic自2013年以来。我有倾向于在帽子下掉落的世界任何地方的宾至如归,这已经证明了许多希望为新兴市场配备人员的公司而言是一个令人信服的资产。弄清楚您是否也有这种态度的唯一方法就是要做一份需要大量国际旅行的工作,看看它如何适合您。


6. I’m A Blogger

For better or worse, all of my 2,000 Facebook friends and the tens of thousands of visitors to my site know exactly what I’m up to at all times. That’s actually how I landed my latest gig in Mexico: A friend from university whom I hadn’t spoken to in six years knew what I’ve been up to because of my blog, then connected me to a friend of hers who happened to be recruiting for someone with precisely my background.

即使您仍在弄清楚这一点时,也要发声您的身份以及您的生活和职业生涯。People want to help, so help them helpyouby communicating your talents, ideas, and goals.


  • Build a strong skill set at home.
  • 挑选您可以尽早进行的任何国际经验。
  • Learn to speak an in-demand language.
  • Be open to going anywhere.
  • Nurture a global network.

但最重要的是,永不放弃。我已经申请了世界各地的数十个工作,摆脱了机会,并真正遵循了我的心。对自己的国际职业狩猎感到好奇,持久和聪明,您将获得梦想的工作 - 远离家乡的距离。

Elaina Giolandois an international project manager and digital nomad who’s lived and worked in more than 50 countries. She writes about global careers, unconventional lifestyle design, and meaningful travel on30岁之前的生活



Elaina Giolandois an international project manager and digital nomad who’s lived and worked in more than 50 countries. She writes about global careers, unconventional lifestyle design, and meaningful travel on30岁之前的生活


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