

Scammers are using fake job offers to steal your information, warns the IRS.

[Source Images: iStock]

Between the Great Resignation and the layoffs of the pandemic, there are a lot of people looking for new jobs these days. And that’s presenting a ripe opportunity for scam artists.


国税局(IRS),星期一发出警告to Americans about bad actors who use假工作优惠为了窃取金钱和个人信息,延续了大流行骗局。通过收集这些信息,骗局艺术家能够以其名义提出欺诈性的失业索赔,这不仅使政府造成了损失,而且还可能会对受害人的税收法案和未来利益的资格产生重大影响。

“They promise you a job, but what they want is your money and your personal information,”says the FBI



“Scammers continue using the pandemic as a device to scare or confuse potential victims into handing over their hard-earned money or personal information,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig in a statement. “I urge everyone to be leery of suspicious calls, texts, and emails promising benefits that don’t exist.”

发现一个实际上是身份损害陷阱的工作报价并不总是那么容易。Last year, 15,253 people fell victim to employment schemes, losing $47.2 million in the process, according to theFBI’s互联网犯罪投诉中心(IC3)。

In the past three years, employment crime has impacted 46,625 people, resulting in over $152 million in losses, according to IC3. The actual number is likely much higher, as few victims report these crimes to the agency.




  • If a job is listed on a job board, but not on the company’s website, proceed with caution, says the FBI. That’s a common sign of a hiring scam.
  • 仅使用公司名称对招聘公司进行互联网搜索。如果您看到同一家公司的多个网站,则应发出警告。更好的商业局(BBB)也建议使用公司名称和“骗局”一词运行网络搜索。
  • The more vague the job description, the better the odds it’s not legitimate.
  • 联邦调查局和BBB都敦促申请人检查提供该工作的人的电子邮件地址,以查看它是否遵循与该公司其他电子邮件地址相同的电子邮件格式。(例如,电子邮件是来自john.smith@companyx.com还是jsmith@companyxjobs.com?)
  • 如果招聘人员或经理在工作板上没有个人资料,或者该个人资料似乎不符合其角色,那也可能是一个警告信号。

The interview

  • 联邦调查局说,不是亲自或通过安全的视频通话进行的访谈通常是骗局的迹象。
  • 此外,怀疑是通过电子邮件地址而不是电话号码进行的电信访谈。(如果可能的话,将公司网站上员工的照片与电话会议上的人进行比较,以确保与众不同。)
  • BBB在提供个人信息时敦促谨慎,例如您的地址和出生日期。并且在您独立确认要约合法之前,切勿给您的社会安全号码。(如果您决定提供财务信息,建立一个单独的孤立银行帐户是一种潜在地掩盖您的储蓄的一种方法。)
  • BBB说,涉及接收和重新装备包的工作中的工作可能是骗局。神秘的购物者或秘密购物者职位通常也不是合法的报价。


  • Beware employers who require you to purchase startup equipment or to pay upfront for background investigations or screenings, says the FBI.
  • Also, employers who send an employment contract to physically sign that asks for personally identifiable information (like a bank account number) could also be a sign of a scam operation. Legitimate companies will ask for that sort of thingan employee is hired.
  • There’s never any reason to give out your credit card number as part of any job interview process.


Also, report the incident to the website where the job was posted, as well as the company being spoofed. And report the incident to your local FBI field office or the互联网犯罪投诉中心。If you act quickly enough, you might be able to prevent the scammers from taking advantage of the information they obtained.



克里斯·莫里斯(Chris Morris)是一位资深记者,拥有30多年的经验。在Chrismorrisjournalist.com上了解更多信息。


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