
更多的than Joe Rogan: Inside Spotify’s audio revolution


更多的than Joe Rogan: Inside Spotify’s audio revolution
[Source photos:Pavel Danilyuk/pexels;Andrea Piacquadio/pexels;Charlotte May/pexels;声音/pexels;Ketut Subiyanto/pexels;Burst这是给予的


Earlier this week, Spotify dropped some culture-rattling news:J.J.艾布拉姆斯的制作公司坏机器人现在,将以独家的,第一前景交易为流媒体平台创建播客。这是Spotify的公告观察者,他们的播客的涉足已通过与此类播客的启动定义乔·罗根(Joe Rogan),Dax Shepard(通过他的受欢迎扶手椅专家播客),米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)和The Ringer,,,,Bill Simmons’s sports media empire that Spotify bought for over $250 million in 2020.

Spotify的主要内容和广告业务官,Dawn Ostroff,告诉德赢提款与艾布拉姆斯(Abrams)的交易,背后的作家导演克洛弗菲尔德,,,,别名,,,,《星球大战:第IX》以及许多其他电影和系列,“证明了我们如何继续投资优质内容并与世界上最受欢迎的创作者开展业务。”至于艾布拉姆斯(Abrams),他是一位讲故事的人,在尝试新事物方面具有令人难以置信的冒险之中。”

Dawn Ostroff[Photo: courtesy of Spotify]
The same could be said for Spotify, which over the last three years has transitioned from a groundbreaking music streaming service to one that also now offers 3.2 million podcasts on its platform. The expansion has been nothing short of meteoric when you consider that Apple, which has been offering podcasts since 2005, has just over 2 million audio shows. (The termpodcast源自“ iPod”。)


Spotify的收益在其第三季度的收入中得到了强调报告10月下旬,当它揭示了320万个数字以及播客的广告收入有助于使总广告收入同比增长75%。总部位于斯德哥尔摩的Spotify现在有望在今年首次通过10亿欧元(超过10亿美元)的广告收入。更值得注意的是,创始人兼首席执行官Daniel Ek说:“我们最近成为美国听众最多的播客平台。”该主张是基于由Edison Research,它要求第二季度的每周8,000多个播客消费者的样本:“您最使用什么平台或服务来收听播客?”Spotify以每周的播客消费者的24%的速度排名第一,击败了其最重要的竞争对手Apple,其次是21%的播客听众。YouTube占馅饼的18%。

Spotify的里程碑并不意味着击败苹果是一个既定的实现。来自eMarketer建议在美国每月活跃的用户方面,Spotify有望超越苹果,尽管到年底,但苹果的2800万人的2820万。根据Podtrac,,,,Apple still receives far more monthly podcast downloads than Spotify as opposed to streams. But Spotify’s rapid growth shows how it is poised to dominate an industry whose own growth has gone into hyperdrive thanks to the pandemic—41%的美国人今天,每个月至少听一个播客,而三年前为25%,在此过程中,重新定义了它。




当我与Simmons交谈时,他回应了这种观点。“在Spotify,每个人都有相同的目标,这是我们如何成为音频中最大的目标?正如我对我解释的那样,诸如Greenroom [Spotify的Live Audio功能]就像,‘这是[下一个大]吗?我们不知道。但是,如果它确实变成了一件大事,而我们不在那儿,那么我们如何成为音频的领导者?我们必须在那里。’因此,我们试图弄清楚。”

Access to the Greenroom

Figuring out Greenroom is an apt window into how Spotify invests in new formats as it tries to woo more creators and listeners alike. Last March, SpotifyacquiredBetty Labs, the creators of Locker Room, a sports-focused, live-audio app that allows users to set up a Twitter Spaces-like environment where they can listen, raise their hand (virtually) to speak, or type comments. The sessions can also be repurposed afterward as a traditional podcast.


Bill Simmons[Photo: Emily Shur/HBO]
The Ringer is already experimenting with the format—which at this point allows 2,000 people in a room—and, as part of its new audio合伙with the WWE, which includes a deal to make exclusive Spotify content together, it will be going live via Greenroom after every major WWE pay-per-view event. “The interaction with the listeners is obviously a really cool wrinkle that you don’t have in podcasts,” Simmons says, though he admits that the pull of regular podcasting remains strong and not everything is meant to go live. “The thing to really try to figure out is what makes sense for Greenroom and what makes sense for a pod. That’s the conversation we always have on the Ringer side.

“If we have time and we can edit something, I’m always going to think the podcast will win,” he continues. “On the other hand, if you have an awards show, like the Oscars, and it ends, people want to talk about it. They want to hear smart people talk about it right away. That’s where Greenroom comes in. Last week there was a huge MMA card, and we have [sports journalists] Ariel Helwani and Chuck [Mindenhall] and Petesy [Carroll] and the card ended and they were going, like, ‘What’d you think? What happened? Who won?’ That’s, for me, where the live audio becomes really interesting.”

Pivot to video

到目前为止,Spotify现在最大的格式是视频,该媒体多年来在一系列起步和停止中进行了尝试。该公司委托有一系列视频原件scrapped早在2017年。但是,有一种感觉现在已经准备好视频内容了,尤其是“大流行使人们采用新的创造手段”。Mike Mignano,Spotify创建平台的高级总监。“我们中的许多人现在都在视频平台上进行了很多,这很借助录制视频播客。”


Video is also a way for Spotify to lean into its younger demographic, a generation that has grown up on digital video, and capitalize on a format that propelled Rogan, Spotify’s biggest in-house name, to social-media superstardom. The controversial MMA enthusiast had racked up 10 million followers on YouTube, where his clips often went viral. But even as he migrated his audio audience over to Spotify after his May 2020 deal—according to边缘,2019年,罗根(Rogan)每月下载2亿次下载 - 他的全剧集视频一直在YouTube上,直到去年12月,当时他们也成为流媒体平台的独家。




Going on offense in advertising


广告收入中的激增是由一系列倡议的紧随其后的,例如引入流广告插入;the acquisition of the podcast-ad firm扩音器;以及Spotify受众网络的推出,该网络使广告客户可以购买针对受众的景点,而不仅仅是特定的节目。Spotify说,自推出以来,网络中的播客数量增长了50%以上,五分之一的Spotify广告客户正在参与。投入视频的推动将为Spotify和创作者提供更多的广告机会,更重要的CPM。

奥斯特罗夫(Ostroff)表示,随着Spotify迁入全球新领土,新广告并不是在美国发生的,所有广告都帮助将其总用户数量提高到3.81亿。例如,在法国,在Spotify上创建的播客数量同比增长75%,而该国的听众飙升了89%。为了进一步加油,Spotify正在采用类似Netflix的方法,并为讲英语的受众调整本地内容。继智利的科幻播客成功之后Caso 63,Spotify现在正在为美国和其他讲英语的领土复制演出。奥斯特罗夫说:“我们实际上并没有将播客的单词翻译成单词,但是我们进行了更改,因此文化参考与任何给定的市场或国家 /地区有关。我们已经通过许多在其他市场中旅行和做得很好的播放播客来做到这一点。”



Adan Winer[Photo: courtesy of Spotify]
对于休闲观察者或听众来说,Spotify现在真正获胜的是“数字对话”。亚当·温纳(Adam Winer)该公司的内容策略,分析和见解负责人。“如果您查看人们在发表的内容,他们如何谈论那里的不同播客提供商 - 我们不仅赢得了用户,我们还赢得了对话。也许我们正在赢得用户,因为我们赢得了对话。我们已经能够在三年内产生文化影响。人们现在在谈论Spotify就播客而言,这为我们在那里的整体成功提供了帮助。”

That brand halo effect is driven by individuals like Rogan, Simmons, Shepard—and now Abrams—and Ostroff says there’s no plan to slow down when it comes to investing in tentpole brands, even as the company simultaneously courts lesser-known creators by giving them more tools to set up shop and start streaming an audio show.

Monica Padmanand达克斯·谢泼德(Dax Shepard)[Photo: Robby Rob]
Monica Padman,,,,cocreator and cohost of扶手椅专家,,,,says that she and Shepard’s move to be exclusive to Spotify (the show was available on multiple platforms previously) wasn’t a foregone conclusion and that they were anxious about possibly angering—and losing—fans in the move. But Spotify’s promise of more resources in the way of marketing and advertising opportunities has panned out. There are other perks, too. When Ed Sheeran was a guest on扶手椅,这一集是在Sheeran的音乐播放列表和专辑中推广的。“这是我认为这些天人们正在寻找的事情的一个很好的结婚。这是一站式商店,”帕德曼说。


她说,同样令人愉悦的是,他们的听众仍然完好无损。她说:“ ​​Spotify每月有3.81亿个活跃用户。”“他们有320万个播客。成为该家庭的一部分和成长的一部分真是太酷了。播客,很奇怪,它仍然是相对较新的,每个人都在弄清楚。我认为Spotify知道他们在做什么,掌握在他们手中很酷。我们在那里感到安全。”


About the author

妮可·拉波特(Nicole Laporte)是洛杉矶快速公司的高级作家,他写了关于技术和娱乐相交德赢提款的地方。她以前是专栏作家纽约时报和一位工作人员《新闻周刊/每日野兽》andVariety


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