


[源图像:Getty,Soubhagya Maharana/Pexels]

Apple’s terrible podcast app has finally taught me a lesson about myself—and I don’t like it. If I was already mad at the app before, I’m utterly incensed at it now, due to all this unwanted introspection.



Apple’s podcast player was never quite a fan favorite, but its reputation took a massive hit aftera disastrous update last spring。Even had it worked properly, the redesign felt like users were always trying to find their favorite podcasts on a stranger’s device, leaving entire queues scrambled or decimated—but on top of all that, an infestation of bugs made the app even less inhabitable. It was so bad, I took a quick tour of all theother podcast apps on offer。。。当然,永远没有飞跃。

所以前几天我注意到该应用程序已经到了,这并不令人惊讶更糟,尽管它suspiciously highrating in the app store.


Few things are as boring to read about in detail quite like podcast app defects, so I will keep this description brief. Sometimes, lately, the app just stops working in the middle of a podcast, as though it got so bored facilitating an episode of拉斯文化那死了。我手机屏幕底部的条带通常显示现在正在播放的内容,突然阅读不播放,并抛弃了播客艺术缩略图的良好方式。无论我最后一次听的歌曲与播客不同,当我手动命令我的airpods恢复播放时,唱歌都与播客不同。

Trying to go back to the podcast’s landing page only leads me to an eternal loading screen, the podcast app equivalent of the MacBook’s旋转死亡的海滩球。那时要做的就是重新启动我的手机,希望问题已解决。。。而且,我以前听过的播客并不是在完全神秘的情况下有时从我的手机上被猛烈猛烈猛烈猛烈的奇数。

It was something of a relief to type “apple podcast app” in Twitter’s search field and uncover several fresh complaints about the app from the same week. At least I was not alone.





As I’ve写之前,我绝对沉迷于Seltzer,又名爵士水,这是饮料神的清脆,闪闪发光的花蜜。我喝了很多东西,这几乎是一个问题。当我用如此贪婪的罐子或瓶子喝它时,一个问题。不过,为了更加环保,几年前我买了一个sodastream。这是一种简单,负担得起的方法,可以让我可以处理的所有seltzer在我的指尖,而无需购买罐头世界末日的准备bulk at Costco.



It wasn’t a mindful abandoning. No decisions were made. I never officially swore off the SodaStream because it required a couple more steps than I’d have preferred. Instead, I just avoided it at every opportunity. There was a first time I wanted some seltzer but didn’t feel like actually making any, and then there was every organic subsequent time the same exact thing happened, until the machine was either consumed by dust mites entirely or thrown out by my wife. It was only this past winter, though, when my wife purchased SodaStream’s Fizzi One-Touch Sparkling Water Maker—and I started using it all the time—that I realized what was going on.

The value proposition of that earlier SodaStream had failed to convert me into a power user. All it apparently took, though, was making carbonation so easy I merely had to tap a single button.



The tyranny of technological convenience has left me addicted to the path of least resistance. I now want and expect a frictionless experience at all times and in all situations. Whenever I encounter the slightest hint of resistance or redundancy in an app or device, I am not only turned off but dumbfounded.How have they not optimized this yet? Let’s go!

Meanwhile, I can’t bring myself to optimize my own life by getting rid of the most confoundingly bad app I’ve ever used at length, just because to do so would require touching more than one button one time. The temporary epic friction of test-driving other podcast apps seems to outweigh the perpetual friction of continuing to use the one that’s currently making my life worse. There was simply a first time I wanted a better app but didn’t feel like actually doing anything about it, and then there was every organic subsequent time I did the same exact thing.


Does Apple know this about me—that I will never leave its cursed app? Is this data point something the company has actively been trying to locate, using as bait an app in perpetual decline like多利安·格雷的图片

如果所有的错误和可疑的设计选择是找到懒惰的iPhone所有者的破碎点的压力测试的一部分,我现在已经得出结论:我没有一个。他们可以扔出一个专门播放乔·罗根(Joe Rogan)情节的错误汽车谈话重播,我会把一个肮脏的碗拿到我的耳朵上,说:“请更多。”只要其他设备都非常方便,我不会停止使用此应用程序,直到Apple停止制作。

