  • 上午6:00


A new wireless button design will let anyone make Microsoft’s hardware their own.




And then Gabi Michel, director of accessible accessories at Microsoft, demonstrates how this tiny mouse has been designed to slide perfectly into its “tail”—a large ergonomic grip that your hand can grasp almost like a ball, switching from left- to right-handed configurations with a simple squeeze. Then she pops it out and slides it into a different tail (this one with large finger indentations for people with tremors) and then another (with a longer and even more pronounced set of finger indentations).

“No two people are going to be the same,” Michel says. “Everyone needs a different solution.”

The mouse is part of Microsoft’snew Adaptive Accessories line,旨在在PC或电话中为残疾人提供更轻松的鼠标和键盘体验的工具。整个套件由三个主要组件组成:鼠标,一个在下面具有可编程压力传感器的按钮,以及将它们全部连接的轮毂。集线器可以连接鼠标,键盘以及任何其他辅助设备,无论是由Microsoft制造的(是否是通过蓝牙无线或通过集线器的许多端口)。一切都将在今年晚些时候以尚未公开的价格提供。





The project is landmark in that it’s the first assistive hardware that Microsoft has designed for the core PC user, but it’s hardly Microsoft’s first foray into building assistive devices. You can trace the lineage of this hardware all the way back to微软在2016年对包容性设计的投资当凯特·福尔摩斯(Kat Holmes)和奥古斯特·德·洛斯·雷耶斯(August de Los Reyes)帮助开创了一种新的设计方法时,设计师与潜在用户一起创建了产品。

然后在2019年,该公司发布了Xbox自适应控制器这是一个超大型游戏垫,适合缺乏精良运动控制的人。(Microsoft后来与Logitech合作on a series of chunky buttons去年,Microsoft发布了一系列简单的贴纸,以使其表面计算机更加容易,无论其能力如何,都可以使其表面计算机更容易。


Microsoft even constructed a newInclusive Tech Lab,那里的各种残疾人为微软的设计师提供反馈和想法。该公司指出十亿人around the world are living with a disability, and that almost everyone will encounter times of disability in their lives.

As important as the Xbox and Surface are to Microsoft, they pale in comparison to the gargantuan industry of PCs—3.4亿仅2021年就运送了新的PC。和13亿智能手机在那段时间内发货,这些产品也可以使用。因此,可以肯定地将新的自适应配件系列作为微软策略的编纂。



在新的Microsoft自适应按钮中,没有什么比这个想法更明显的了。像鼠标一样,它是一个小正方形,顶部具有八个压力传感器。通过手的扭曲,您可以交换不同的按钮设计。这意味着您可以在鼠标顶部放一个大按钮,也可以在其顶部放一个操纵杆。默认模式是一个八个方向垫,直接从Xbox Elite控制器上看。

That recognizability is by design, so that when most people look at the button, they’ll understand what it’s capable of. Pressing it gives someone the ability to move a cursor with precision in any direction. And yet, each of those directional buttons is also programmable, so users can customize them to do anything from a simple keystroke to complex macros.




“It is definitely something that has come from the input from the community,” Michel says. “One of the people who was in our beta group is someone who struggles with using a scroll wheel. So what she’s doing is, she takes the dual button, flips it vertically, and uses it as a scroll wheel [using the buttons for up and down].”

微软正在收听其用户的反馈,并试图考虑所有可能的需求。这取决于其设备的核心人体工程学。它们相对较小,并且需要能够按下微小的凹痕并在特定运动中扭曲以处理它们。小规模是基于社区反馈的另一个故意决定。即,每个人都旅行,people with disabilities are often lugging around extra equipment to do so


As for installation, Michel says, “We have a group of beta participants using it who are setting it up on their own,” though she mentions that in some cases users will need assistance from an ally.

我想,当许多用户需要为这些设备充电时,帮助他们对许多用户尤为重要。因为不使用电容式接触充电,就像我们看到的那样苹果的MagSafe iPhone充电器, the hub, mouse, and buttons must be plugged into a tiny USB-C port for more power. Knowing that I routinely struggle with these ports as an able-bodied person, I’m cautious of how the wider community will react.





Because people with disabilities have even more specific needs, Microsoft is providing CAD files for anyone to design and 3D print their own add-ons for their mouse and button controller. That may sound like Microsoft is punting the problem to someone else, but it isn’t. Microsoft is offering many printable options that it has already designed via the 3D-printing company Shapeways, and everything blue you’ve seen in this story has been 3D printed.

Microsoft insists that 3D printing was not selected for its cost savings. Yet it’s easy to understand the benefit of Microsoft leaving some of its own official accessories to be produced on demand: They might not be purchased in such vast numbers that it makes sense for the company to produce costly injection molds and manage the inventory to sell them. But that’s precisely what one-off prints are good for.

实现一次性印刷品也是微软如何愿意平息自己的IP保护以获得更大的利益的味道。传统上,该公司严格涉及谁可以制作官方Xbox配件 - 只能提供2016年许可其无线控制器技术的选项。但是支持修改而不是停止,这是Microsoft站在的自然结果its inclusive ethos


这也是科技公司(缓慢,犹豫)割让控制以确保忠诚,长期客户的更大趋势的一部分as we’ve seen Apple allow consumers修理更多产品。

“We embraced it, and we embraced knowing it’s not one-size-fits-all,” Michel says. “It has to be one-size-fits-one if you want to truly remove the barrier and empower every person, which is our company mission.”



马克·威尔逊(Mark Wilson)是Fast Company的一德赢提款位高级作家,他撰写了近15年的设计,技术和文化。他的作品出现在Gizmodo,Kotaku,Popmech,Popsci,Esquire,American Photo和Lucky Peach
