

YouTube明星西蒙妮·吉尔茨(Simone Giertz)承认,她一直躲在她可笑的机器人后面。但是这个笑话在你身上:现在她正在发明实际起作用的产品。

[照片:由西蒙妮·吉尔茨(Simone Giertz)提供]

Listen to the latest episode ofFast Company’s创意控制播客苹果播客,Spotify,RadioPublic,Google Podcasts, orStitcher.


一个人会假设发明家应该做一些有效的事情。他们应该确定一个问题并建立一些创新的解决方案来解决问题。西蒙妮·吉尔茨(Simone Giertz)在第一部分方面表现出色,但对第二部分非常恐惧。

For most of her career as an inventor and content creator, Giertz has been the self-proclaimed “Queen of Shitty Robots,” having gained a following on YouTube with inventions that were never meant to be anything more than a punch line. There was a helmet that haphazardly brushes your teeth; an alarm clock that slaps you awake with a rubber arm; and a haircutting drone with dangerous inaccuracy—each one as ridiculous as the last.



“I’m a recovering self-deprecator,” Giertz says in an episode of the德赢提款播客创意控制. “It’s such a defense mechanism on the internet as well—like, the way you survive being an online creator is beating everyone to the joke and to the insult. I’ve been really trying to practice not talking myself down and talking down my skills.”

The catalyst for Giertz’s pivot? A brain tumor.


In 2018, Giertz was diagnosed with a noncancerous meningioma. Doctors were unable to fully remove the tumor, and what remained grew back within a year. The ordeal of surgery, radiation therapy, and simply staring down her own mortality made Giertz realize that she didn’t want to waste energy on things that didn’t work. Rather, she wanted to realize her actual dream of being a product designer.

“I had such limited energy capital, and it really put into clarity what I wanted to spend time on,” she says. “And that was building these slightly more thoughtful projects.”

Giertz created a点亮日历为了跟踪日常目标,狗的椅子总是想在您工作时坐在您的身边,可调节的桌子带有一个隐藏的隔间,用于拼图拼图,等等。毫无疑问,迄今为止,她最雄心勃勃的“体贴”项目一直在将特斯拉转变为皮卡车,又名“ Truckla”。


最近,吉尔茨(Giertz)推出了她的产品商店Yetch store(“ Yetch”是她用英语的姓氏的语音拼写),她在那里出售仍然有幽默感的功能性作品。

In Giertz’s episode of创意控制, she goes deeper into her pivot away from lousy robots, her modest plans to take over the product design world with the Yetch store, why she’s thinking about selling the “Truckla,” her most famous invention to date, and more.

Check out highlights below and listen to the full episode on苹果播客,Spotify,RadioPublic,Google Podcasts, orStitcher.



“I think if I would’ve kept on building shitty robots, I would probably have a bigger YouTube channel now. But for myself and for the longevity of my career and for my happiness and creative satisfaction, I felt like broadening it was important, and it was what I wanted to do.



“YouTube doesn’t feel like an end goal for me. I want to make products, and I want to use my YouTube channel as an R&D department. So I can make projects on YouTube. Then if there’s something there that I think has potential as a product, I can pass it over to the product team. We can manufacture it, and then I can pass it over to the YouTube channel, and I can market it to people there. It feels like it’s two businesses that can kind of seamlessly coexist and support each other, which I’m just so stoked to see how it evolves over the next 10 years.”




“Sometimes it felt like an impossible brief. I wanted it to be funny but not silly. I wanted it to be expensive, kind of design-y, but not pretentious or snobby—and a little bit gritty and cool, but at the same time polished. I gave myself this impossible brief as a fledging brand developer. But I’m really happy with where it’s landed.”



KC涵盖了Fast Company的娱乐和流行文化。德赢提款此前,KC是“早安美国”艾美奖获奖团队的成员,他是社交媒体制作人。


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