




我们听到了几个谣言,每个都添加了一些细节,但现在我们知道了这一切:Google的刚刚透露了它数字钱包解决方案,基于其Android驱动智能手机中的近场无线技术。这不只是重塑良好的塑料磁带信用卡,实际上是关于几乎改变购物的一切 - “明天的下一个最佳购物体验。”这是与万事达卡的PayPass系统的合作伙伴关系,并与Sprint和Citibank一起进行骑行,并且无论何时接受PayPass,它都应该是世界各地可行的解决方案。

Over 70% of people use their credit cards online for shopping, said Google’s VP of Commerce Stephanie Tilenius, a situation radically different from just a few years ago, but e-commerce is still just 8% of overall retail even while it’s due to surpass a trillion dollars in 2013. Real store shopping rules the roost, then, but actual shopping is just not a “magical experience” and needs rebooting.

Google的想法不仅仅是用手机中的无线系统替换钱包中的信用卡,而不是我们预测的有关NFC的所有内容购物。钱包,Google希望和随附的报价系统是“移动,本地,个性化,偶然的和开放的”。Tilenius提供了一个走进杂货店的例子,它证明了Google Nexus的电话可以弹出杂货店购物清单,因为它可以检测到您的位置。当您收集货物时,您只需通过将手机敲击传感器就可以在结帐时付款,而交易立即进行,以及忠诚度点奖项等。


The system supports multiple cards (by default Citibank to start with) but there’s provision for other providers cards which are all securely stored along with PIN data, and there’s also a Google pre-paid credit card which you can “top-up” by using other payments systems. Special offers are also targeted at you, based on your previous shopping history at the store–a trick which leverages Google’s vast databases and expertise in targeted advertising–and ultimately Google thinks you’ll put “everything” in its Wallet, including digital editions of your driving license and car keys. Google stressed this is a real system, not a proof of concept, with over 300,000 PayPass installations and retailers integrating the tech right now. (Jack Dorsey, are you listening?)

然后是“优惠”,这是一个与钱包合作并添加额外功能的系统,使其真正重塑购物。优惠已经存在了几个月,基本上是Google试图窃取Groupon的尝试(也许是Facebook交易)的尝试。While much of clients’ interactivity with Groupon happens at home, on a PC with printouts for vouchers and so on, Offers is going to be more about being mobile and tapping into the rich data stream generated by your shopping habits–Tilenius noted Offers would be delivered as a daily email (very much like Groupon) but also through apps. And unlike Groupons coupons it all happens in a single move when you pay for the product you’re saving cash on, via Wallet. Plus, as Google demonstrated onstage, there are novel new shopping ideas enabled by this system, like NFC-tagged posters which you’d tap your phone on to collect a coupon.

To appease security and privacy worries, Google’s Nexus S phone has a hardware level secure encryption chip, and to prevent your card data from being scanned just when you’re walking along (a very 21st Century version of pickpocketing) there’s no transmission of your data until you’re at a cash desk and have “unlocked” your Wallet app. How this translates to Google’s plans to make Wallet “open” for other systems to interact with, we’re not sure.



更新:作为问答环节的一部分,Google确认,在更大的推出之前,将在纽约和旧金山进行钱包的现场试验,您可以在Wallet网站上注册以了解可用性。还强调说,它在交易中扮演了后座的角色,并且永远不会获得您的信用卡详细信息 - 这一切都发生在您,零售商和银行之间。



发射零售合作伙伴包括使用Google的“ Singletap”系统以及可口可乐,CVS Pharmacies以及其他使用PayPass的Coca Cola,包括Container Store,Bloomingdales,Subway,Guess,Footlocker和其他人。




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