




实体是Makerbot的前首席运营官Samuel Cervantes的新努力,旨在将3D打印机的价格带入普通消费者,价格低于500美元。但这并不是班级中唯一的项目,并且至少有几个系统在您的房屋中可能会在您的家中进行3-D打印的方式,而不是以后发生。

Makerbot本身已经以与挤出塑料一起销售价格合理的3D打印机而闻名,该公司最近的两色挤出机模型确实在推动了技术的界限。The thing is, the assembled MakerBots tend to be expensive, and though many a hobbyist may be tempted to purchase a home-assembly kit to save money (after all, that’s how the iconic Apple I and ZX81 home computers were originally sold) the average consumer is almost never going to buy a semi-complete kit. Which is where Solidoodle comes in. Pre-assembled, all you need to make it work is your own computer, and it can manufacture objects that fit inside a 6-inch cube.


最重要的是,实体实际上看起来就像成品消费品一样,已经设计为坚固耐用。这正是学校和大学将购买的一种工具,以适应科学,工程甚至机器人技术或艺术课 - 完美地将学生的想法快速推广到一个物理,可抓紧的,说话点的对象中。

同时,回到12月的Kickstarter被称为Printrbot的项目succeeded in meeting its funding goal, and it’s a very similar device. A little more home-brew style, the project was labeled as “finally a 3-D printer kit that anyone can build” because while it is based on the successful “RepRap” open-source 3-D printer design, it lacks much of the high build-complexity of its predecessor, and consists of a relatively small number of parts that are easily assembled.


Printrbot没有唱片卵石on Kickstarter, for sure, but it did succeed in surpassing its modest $25,000 goal by 3,323%, earning nearly 2,000 backers. That is proof positive there’s a demand for these types of machine, even if in Printrbot’s case they’re a little more fiddly than Solidoodle because the $499 kit involves you putting it together.


Currently there’s even another Kickstarter project underway,3-D Bukobot- 类似的重演开源机器,以其易于组装和扩展性出售(因此,尽管主要项目可以构建较小的塑料形状,但很容易扩大其尺寸以生产更大的零件)。入门级的完整Bukobot套件的价格为750美元。该项目目前为42,000美元目标的17%,在其资金窗口关闭之前,仍有将近整整一个月的时间。

But Bukbot’s spiel tells us why this phenomenon is going to take off: “From simple fixes around the house, like hooks for cookware or a replacement vacuum cleaner hose clamp, to custom toys and working engineering prototypes, a Bukobot is a Maker’s dream come true…you can even print new parts for more Bukobots! If you are a designer, artist, engineer or a hobbyist, a Bukobot will open your imagination. A Bukobot is like your own little personal factory.” It’s precisely for all of these reasons that soon enough we’ll all be tempted to buy a 3-D printer of our own.

在您仔细研究这个想法之前,请说即使为您的孩子开启玩具的能力也不足以吸引人,Makerbotproducts cost toward $2,000 and yet there are already about 10,000 MakerBots in the world, according to Bre Pettis, the firm’s CEO and cofounder. In a note to德赢提款佩蒂斯(Pettis)解释说,随着“越来越多的人对3-D打印带来的授权 - 从时尚和玩具设计师到工程师和建筑师的授权感到兴奋”。3-D打印的诱饵甚至导致一些公司扩大思想:Limor Schweitzer的英国公司机器人风格本身是“专门研究全球业余爱好,教育和研究市场的高级机器人产品的销售,分销和支持”,并且一直在销售机器人。但是该公司最近扩展到销售Makerbots,Schweitzer向德赢提款that “MakerBot sales are going very well. Presales for Replicator have far exceeded expectations.”


Remember when laser printers were hulking machines that sat in the corner of the office, spewing odd smells, much noise and broke down regularly despite their multi-thousand dollar price tags? And now you can get a tiny, almost equally powerful one that sits on your desk for under $100? That’s pretty much what’s going to happen when 3-D printers get more productized, more reliable, and cheaper. Yes, $500 is a good start, as Solidoodle shows, but we guess even this price will edge downward soon enough.




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