


Twenty-year-old educational toy and tech company LeapFrog was a pioneer in the world of kids’ tablets, first with its LeapPad handheld learning device introduced in 1999, and then its LeapPad Explorer line, which debuted in 2011 as an iPad-like tablet limited to proprietary LeapFrog apps and games. But competition has soared in the last two years, with a wide range of kid-friendly tablet options offering a broad range of content, not to mention the increasing number of iPad-owning parents who default to handing over their own device loaded with everything from counting apps to Netflix. And LeapFrog tablets have continued to live in the electronic toy aisle, rather than in consumer electronics, where competitors like Nabi and Samsung Kids have proliferated.


现在公司,谁的股票于2013年达到尖峰,以来一直处于灾难性下降,终于将其名称与LeapFrog Epic之间的IPad和Galaxy标签挂在赛道之间,这将在9月下旬首次亮相。该设备专为3至9岁的儿童设计,该设备是一个全功能平板电脑,从框中出来,可以访问有限的儿童适当的内容和网站,但可以配置为解锁更广泛的范围根据需要的移动内容。

这是与其他内容创建者合作的第一个跳过设备;史诗上的教育家策划的LeapFrog应用商店将包括访问审计的流行Android应用程序,如Futh Ninja Academy,Math Master和Toca Boca的12个应用程序。父控件可以进一步细化时间花费时间播放或应用程序访问多个子文件。最终,当孩子准备好时,父母可以白名单网站或启用打开的网络,以及解锁完整的Amazon App Store。

“这是我们第一次在基于Android的设备上使用的Leapfrog内容,这是一个非常大的交易,因为我们的品牌真正与寻找儿童技术的消费者共鸣,”Leapfrog首席营销官Greg Ahearn说。“We wanted to build something from the ground up that thought through the experience and made it unique and made it very kid-like, but also parents don’t want to buy a tablet for a 4- to 5-year-old and they grow out of it. Particularly in consumer electronics. So we needed to build a proposition that grew with kids, that as they became more tech savvy, and as parents became more comfortable with their kids’ ability to handle technology and content, the parent can open up the device.”


LeapFrog Epic的设计和界面也集中在不同年龄的儿童上。一个动态的主屏幕让孩子们用互动贴纸填充一个城镇,这取决于概况中的年龄。平板电脑有一个破碎的安全屏幕,配有明亮的绿色橡胶保险杠,但是当它被移除时,该装置是一个时尚的黑色,银色和绿色圆角矩形,几乎没有寄存在孩子身上。“它需要通过很酷的测试,”Ahearn说。“当你坐在机场,一个8岁的男孩或女孩碰巧与你一起飞行,他们会认为这是一个婴儿平板电脑吗?”


Leapfrog Epic正在举行几年的拥挤领域。但LeapFrog确实具有对其他硬件制造商的优势,该制造商是众所周知的专用,良好的教育玩具和游戏。Leappad Explorer在2012年在玩具博览会上赢得了一系列奖项在它丢失到Fuller专用的平板电脑之前,并且在LeapFrog的游戏和应用程序中为我的技术跟踪了孩子的进步和不同应用程序的个人化学习和反馈。史诗般的界面也充满了活动本身,使其能够比一行的App图标更友好,积极的Vibe。主屏幕包括为孩子们参与促销,播放自发的创意游戏,如疯狂的libs型故事创作,孩子们可以做些像检查他们城镇的天气一样。还有一个大直径的内置手写笔,对一系列跨越式教育活动至关重要。

史诗可能会或可能不会转向跨越车,但公司必须在消费电子产品中定位自身,以捕捉一个卑鄙的客户群,寻求深度良好的移动内容以及安心。In a parent survey conducted this summer, LeapFrog determined that while 91% of parents with kids 3 to 8 say their kid uses a mobile device, just under half actually set any kind of parent controls, even though 76% feel it’s important that kids don’t see inappropriate content.


“There are some positive things about [the closed ecosystem on the existing LeapFrog products], about the content that we have and the level of safety we provide, so there’s a clever balance between offering everything, and being curated and appropriate,” says Ahearn. “With Epic, we’re bringing in the closed ecosystem of our app store…and then giving the parent the option to open it up to wider content and browsing ability than they’ve ever had on a LeapPad tablet.”



Evie Nagy是FastCompany.com的前职员作家,在那里她写了一些专注于文化和创造力的特点和新闻。她以前是一个编辑广告牌滚石,并编写了关于各种出版物的音乐,商业和文化
