
这就是我们参加克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)的性别流体舞会时发生的事情

查看最新一集中的正式现场报告克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)表演,来宾莉娜·邓纳姆(Lena Dunham)帮助重新定义了舞会。

这就是我们参加克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)的性别流体舞会时发生的事情
克里斯·格萨德(Chris Ghard) [Photos:阿提沙·保尔森(Atisha Paulson),由融合提供]



走廊周围克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)表演are as bustling as those at any other TV show within an hour of taping. Things just look a little unusual because tonight is an unusual night on a TV show that prides itself on being super unusual. This is a show that in the past year has filmed an episode for an audience of dogs and counted Sean “Diddy” Combs among its impressive roster of guests. It’s a show whose first episode on Fusion was entitled “Show Us The Weirdest Thing About Your Body,” and involved Gethard and宽阔的城市伊拉娜·格拉泽(Ilana Glazer)进入生殖器室。(您必须在那里。)由于今晚的客人是莉娜·邓纳姆(Lena Dunham),他说她总是幻想成为美人鱼 - 而且由于是一年中的那个时候,所以这一集是一部海底性别性别 - 流体流利舞会。演员和工作人员正试图将过时的惯例置于其头上,为什么不呢?他们已经完成了演出电视节目的过时惯例。

Lena Dunham 照片:乔·伯科维茨(Joe Berkowitz)

克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)是一位戴着戴眼镜的喜剧演员,以难以定义他最著名的知名度,一直是“悲伤,富有创造力,性格困惑,通常被遗忘的孩子”的冠军。他的参与式电视节目源于纽约市的公共访问,是局外人的归宿灯塔,当他们呼唤想法和故事或参加录音时,他张开双臂欢迎他。如果现状舞会的革命必须在某个地方发生,那么这里可能没有比这里更好的地方了。

Traditionally, proms represent everything that the high school caste system is, culminating in students crowning monarchical leaders from among their own. Anyone who doesn’t fit in stands out, and has ample incentive to consider staying home. At their worst, proms are like late-in-the-game sorting hats dividing students up into Normal and Not Normal. But things are beginning to change. The stodgy, 19th-century-rooted traditions of high school are beginning to reflect our rapidly diversifying culture. While as recently as 2010, one Mississippi school取消了舞会rather than allow a student to bring her girlfriend as her date, in 2015 another school elected第一个跨性别舞会女王ever. What is about to happen on克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)表演如果我们跳过未来几年的增量变化,直到舞会完全拥抱您的美学时,可能会发生什么。


Also, sea creatures.

“海底”主题意味着,我们与我们的船员相同,可能会看到甲壳类帽子和翻盖胸罩。一位名叫大卫(David)的制片人,不要与另一个名叫泽西·戴夫(Jersey Dave)的制片人混淆,将我们送入工作室,这绝对是用金属丝和闪光窒息而死的。鱼形气球从天花板上垂下,泡沫珊瑚刺破了舞台,巨型蛇形触角正从套装后面戳出来,好像要造成朱尔斯·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)风格的攻击。所有这些都是在过去24小时内组装的。

另一位穿着蓬松的鲨鱼拖鞋的喜剧演员乔·菲雷斯通(Jo Firestone)暗示,我穿着灰色的连帽衫和牛仔裤的衣服不够节日,我可以在自己周围披上一些金属丝,或者脱身。



“Cod is out this year, pollock is in,” says David.

Nikki from Fusion’s marketing team brings us into the green room to wait while the audience starts filing in. A monitor in the room shows what’s happening on set and we watch as the redheaded mermaid from the elevator earlier hops over and collapses into a seat near one of the enormous tentacles. Steel drum music is being piped in to the green room tonight, giving the impression that the sea we’re under is Caribbean. A pirate-like “Yarrr!” emanates from the hallway as audience members start tumbling out of the elevators.

照片:乔·伯科维茨(Joe Berkowitz)

就在绿色房间外,这是正式服装的稳定游行约翰·沃特斯(John Waters)可能会批准的(因为您不经常看到对LGBT社区的吸引力的外观马里兰州螃蟹文化)。每个努力来的人都认真对待这个主题。燕尾服和礼服有直爱的夫妻,以及相同的性别范围的版本。从康尼岛臭名昭著的美人鱼游行中直接出现了海雀绿色的衣服和老板组合。有一个穿着电蓝色外套和搭配口红的家伙看起来年轻和紧张,可以参加他的实际舞会。然后还有一些真正的谦卑者。三重奏都穿着啤酒壶条,配有橙色的狂热者,粉红色的假发和头饰,以及脸上的恶魔化妆品。一个家伙穿着Pac-Man西装浏览互联网前一天是古怪的“嘿,存在”新闻。当每个人都走过时,他们似乎都在绿色的房间里偷看,大概是试图瞥见莉娜·邓纳姆(Lena Dunham),相反,他们看到我在吃一袋Funyons。


When we finally get on the set, there’s a feeling of gently contained chaos. While that male PA in a dress from earlier is frantically running around, pulling cords out of the way of camera rigs, the crowd is jamming out to the house band’s languid cover of recent Rihanna hit, “Work.” Chris Gethard appears swaying at the fringes of the crowd, next to his co-host and dear friend, Shannon O’Neill, who is dressed in a huge turtle costume. Another cast member from the show, Connor Ratliff, is trying to corral the cream of the crop in terms of audience costumes onto the stage.


“Everyone take a moment to appreciate this,” Connor announces over the music. “It’s been a great four years of school. Turn to the person next to you whether you had a class with them or not and share a memory from your time here.”




Just before the taping begins, the enchanted sea of prom people parts so that the guest of honor can be brought out. Lena Dunham looks luminous in a cotton candy-colored wig and all-pastel mermaid’s tail. She’s sitting atop a chrome platform that some assistants roll toward the stage so that the star doesn’t have to endure the unfortunate hopping performed by the other mermaid on the show–who turns out to also be named Lena.

“Prom is a tradition that enforces binaries,” Chris Gethard says to the crowd as the show kicks off. “But you don’t have to fit neatly into any boxes tonight.”

The crowd erupts. The room is crackling with positive energy in a way that is mostly unheard of in New York City. Looking around, it’s clear how much the Prom Night Done Right concept means to everyone. It’s a prom without any awkward sexual tension, celebrating individuality over conformity, and the infectious giddiness has nothing to do with spiked punch. It’s a prom where gender-fluid Andies and Duckies from漂亮的粉红色, or Janis’ and Damians fromMean Girls,已接管。人群的一致看法似乎是关于他妈的时间。


演出的第一个行为之一是拍摄舞会照片。莉娜·邓纳姆(Lena Dunham)首先站起来,她选择了三幅背景绘画:幽灵逃脱了大海,水下王国或海豹在吃鲨鱼。她选择了后者。


Girls造物主和明星可能对海底掠食者不宽容,回到岸上,她是所有类型人类的辩护。邓纳姆有received awardsfor her outspoken commitment to LGBT issues, and she makes for an appropriate ambassador to this celebration of open-mindedness.

照片:乔·伯科维茨(Joe Berkowitz)

Over the course of the ensuing hour Chris and Lena preside over a succession of Skyped-in promposals in real time, along with prom-themed shenanigans from the show’s regulars like Vacation Jason and the Human Fish, all on route to crowning the night’s three non-gendered Prom Rulers. The moment that perhaps best brings together all of the night’s quirks, humor, and poignancy, though, is when a selection of audience members come up to slow dance with Lena and tell her terrible true stories from actual proms. (“Dancing” here means holding Lena’s hands and spinning her platform around in a circle with the buffer space of a boom mic.)


An equal share of laughs and sitcom-audience当人们分享舞会未出现的噩梦故事,意外欺骗,双重交叉的最好的朋友以及在极端情况下是自发的婚姻时,越来越多。不过,对于每个故事,观众可能有十几个以一种不舒适的方式分享的痛苦。


While this prom couldn’t possibly erase the collective trauma of its attendees’ past proms, at the very least it puts them into cathartic perspective and points the way toward trauma-free proms of the future. As the night closes out with a five-song set from guests They Might Be Giants, everybody dancing along in the crowd–cast, crew, guest, or journalist; male, female, both or neither; officially crowned or otherwise—everybody felt like a prom ruler in their own right.

性别流体舞会的情节克里斯·格萨德(Chris Gethard)表演今晚晚上10点在融合播出。等。
