
How To Build Credibility For Your Startup That Nobody’s Heard Of Yet

When it comes to building your reputation from scratch, think big when you set goals but start small when you execute them.

How To Build Credibility For Your Startup That Nobody’s Heard Of Yet
[Photo: Flickr user贾里德·塔贝尔(Jared Tarbell)]



If you’re going up against established players or launching a new technology solution, your prospective customers will likely have some healthy skepticism to overcome before buying whatever it is that you’re selling. Same goes for investors. But in order to explain who you are, what your company can do for them, why they should believe in you, and the reasons to expect you’ll be around for the long haul, you need to gain a credible platform from which to make your case. Here’s how to do it when you’re starting from zero.



Whatever the answer may be, you need to start identifying your credibility goals early on. Describe them in concrete terms and set deadlines for achieving those milestones along with your overall business growth and marketing objectives.



Unless your company is still in the two-people-with-laptops-in-a-garage stage, chances you’ve already built a base of trustworthy people who are connected with your company and believe in your value proposition–that’s one of the first things startups need to do in order to get even halfway off the ground. So use that to your startup’s advantage.

You may already have a marquee management team and investors in place, or you may not–either way, you need look for ways to emphasize the expertise and connections of the people who are already related to your company. This can be as simple as asking your board members to make a few key phone calls or introductions on your behalf. Or just encourage your inner circle of partners to spread the word about your company on social media andendorse you and your company on LinkedIn。这些是小手势,但可以走很长一段路。

In addition, include detailed bios of your board members and testimonials from key partners on your website and in company communications–don’t focus exclusively on the founding team. Needless to say, you’ll need to get permission from your partners first, but many of them will likely be glad to help spread the word about your company if they’re already satisfied with your partnership. Just make sure you do this as openly and collaboratively as possible; the quickest way to lose credibility is by overstating the extent of a partnership or claiming an endorsement that doesn’t exist.


3. Develop A Voice In Your Most Important Communities







Especially in the early stages of your startup’s growth, the founder/CEO needs to be a prominent presence and take a high-touch approach with early customers. Those first customer relationships are hugely valuable, and the CEO needs to be front and center–building customer relations, listening to feedback, and asking early customers to help by promoting and recommending you if they’re happy with their experience.

Building credibility is often a matter of working from the inside out: Start with your inner circle of trust–your board, partners, and key mentors–and then ask for their help in building a foundation of credibility to speak to a wider audience. Then get the attention of the inner circle of influencers and enthusiasts who care the most about what your startup does. If you can win their trust, they’ll help spread the word about your company even further.



Juliet Travis is the founder and principal ofLiftoff Communications这是一家基于湾区的数字通信公关代理商,可帮助技术初创公司实现宣传并实现其战略营销目标。
