

Art Studio Monument Lab凭借Andrew W. Mellon基金会的400万美元赠款,正在创建美国纪念碑数据库,包括资助他们的人。

Monument Lab Public Thinktank - 纽约市,高线,2019年。






Monument Lab Research Residency - 圣路易斯,公共肖像,普利策基金会,2019年。[照片:迈克尔·托马斯/普利策艺术/礼貌纪念碑实验室]

策展人和历史学家Farber成立于2012年,纪念碑实验室的艺术家Ken Lum曾在全国各地社区研究和重新构想纪念碑在历史中的作用以及如何在公共领域中呈现它们。纪念碑实验室认为纪念碑是“公开场合的权力和存在声明”。法伯说,国家纪念碑审计将有助于提升这些陈述的幕后和什么,这些陈述通常可以讲述如何使用权力来实施社区中的历史版本,有时在纳税人的巨大成本


“If you know that in your community a Robert E. Lee statue went up around the same time Robert E. Lee statues went up across the country, and you see they were sponsored by a specific group, you don’t have to scratch your head and wonder how they got there,” he says. “You see it as part of a campaign to reinforce systems of subjugation and not just a self-fulfilling prophecy of history.”

纪念碑实验室研究研讨会 - 奥斯汀,反思权威,高线联合艺术网络,2019年。

国家纪念碑审计将由Farber,Monument Lab Research Resegry Laurie Allen和高级研究学者Sue Mobley代码。使用从联邦,州,地方和私人资源收集的历史信息,审计将创建一个可公开访问的数据库,将有关纪念碑的所有已知信息放在一个地方。审核预计将在2021年春季完成。

艾伦说:“了解为什么纪念碑是纪念碑通常是一部侦探小说,可以追溯到历史以及谁在做它的历史。”“And yet these monuments exist in space, so the work that we’re going to be trying to do is to un-layer a little bit the stories of who’s keeping track of the various monuments, how much can we know about these monuments, can we know when they were all built, can we know who funded them. And the answer to some of that will be we know, and some of it will be we can’t know consistently across them all. And that’s going to be an interesting uncovering.”

Monument Lab Research Residency - 圣路易斯,公共肖像,普利策基金会,2019年。[照片:迈克尔·托马斯/普利策艺术/礼貌纪念碑实验室]


Farber说:“这里的目的是使用一种研究方法,可以平衡我们可以从来源,关心他们的人那里发现的东西,并在我们所知道的方面寻找空白。”“Monuments seem like they’re self-apparent statements of power and history, but by looking at the sources of how different monuments have come to dot our landscape, we want to look at the systems behind monuments to really understand how to go about unearthing a next generation of monuments.”

Farber和Allen都指出,这项工作不是从头开始的。在许多社区中,有一些既定的激进主义者和历史学家一直在追踪当地古迹的历史,在某些情况下要求他们撤职。Monument Lab希望与这些团体合作,以帮助扩大有关纪念碑的记录,并帮助扩大全国社区重新思考或重新想象古迹的努力。艾伦说,审计将成为这项正在进行的工作的一部分。


艾伦说:“世界上没有足够的钱或时间来真正地讲述公共空间中每一个公共历史的真实故事。”“But I am really confident that we have a process that we’ve established for how we’ll begin the audit and the way that we think we can be systematic in really helping to shed light on what we can know, so that as people are trying to act in their communities or ask questions, they’re starting from a much more well-informed place.”

除审计外,Monument Lab还将使用梅隆基金会(Mellon Foundation)的100万美元赠款资助全国的10个现场办事处,这些办事处可以基于审计的发现并探索代表历史的新方法。

The hope is “that the next chapters of the audit are written by people who utilize it, whether it’s to build new monuments, to reckon with the ones they have, or to think about other systems of power and representation in their communities,” Farber says. “This audit is a stepping stone for what we hope is not just greater understandings about monuments, but a real rich and complex new form of connection with the way that art and history live in public.”
