
How to present your ideas to a coworker who won’t listen


How to present your ideas to a coworker who won’t listen
[Source photos: Evgenia Tsvirko/iStock;Mubariz Mehdizadeh/Unsplash]



狂热只是一种形式toxic co-worker. They like tomake themselves look betterby making those around them look worse. So they’ll highlight something in your presentation that they know more about than you. Or act like a dog on a bone about a tangential point. Or hold court about a topic they feel illuminates their brilliance, whether relevant or not.


The best way to handle presenting to an egomaniac is to get in the right frame of mind beforehand. Follow these four strategies that clients of ours, like Erica have used, and avoid getting thrown off your game by an egomaniac’s inevitable stunts.


Approach from a place of curiosity


当与一个狂热者打交道以证明有多聪明时,他们都会找到可以分开的东西,无论如何。代替该怎么办?专注于您可能学到的东西。当您专注于完美时,您会收紧以避免犯错。但是,当学习是您的重点时,您就会开放。并愿意学习shows confidence.

One former client perfectly embodied this mindset. Despite having to frequently present to the late Jack Welch, reputed for wicked smarts and nose for BS, he never felt nervous. Asked why he explained, “I know what I think about my business. I’m interested in learning what Welch thinks about my business.”



Articulate your weaknesses better


No strategy or business situation is perfect. But prepping in this way will make it hard for them to point out something you haven’t already faced. If they shine a light on some weakness, reply, “That’s my view of the situation and our options for addressing it. What do you think? Is there something else I should be considering?”


No competent leader expects anyone to be perfect; they just understand their business and the situation and have a plan to accelerate progress or close gaps.


Egomaniacs will find something to pick at or dig some detail out of your charts to pound on. It’s what they do. When they dredge up something you haven’t considered, say: “Great point. I don’t have the level of detail you’re looking for right now. I’ll research that and get back to you with my assessment and recommendations.”

If they don’t let it go, reiterate: “I acknowledge it’s an important issue. I suggested that I research the matter and close the loop with you. Is there something more you are looking for from me right now? If not, what would be the most productive use of the time remaining for you?”


The “most productive use of time” question tends to break the spell and stop their preseveration. Typically, others are also weary of “the show” and will jump in to advocate for moving on.





You may think that being tough on yourself will compel you to stay sharp and perform. However, self-criticism can create相反的效果; instead, it can reduce motivation, worsens self-control, and inhibits you from taking action to reach your goal.

When you recognize your inner critic rearing its ugly head, quiet it by writing down the criticisms, such as “you always mess things up,” and then three believable rebuttals. Alternately, ask a trusted colleague for feedback. These steps typically illuminate the fact that you have overblown and overgeneralized a small mistake.



Dina Smith is the owner ofCognitas, an executive coaching and consulting firm in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Dennis Adsit, PhD, is the president of Adsum Insights, an executive coaching and consulting firm based in Boulder, Colorado.