

IMAX首席执行官理查德·盖尔福德(Richard Gelfond)points to ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ as proof that movies still belong in theaters—if they’re designed to merit the trip.

[照片:budrul chukrut/sopa图像/lightrocket通过盖蒂图像]

IMAX首席执行官理查德·盖尔福德(Richard Gelfond)是好莱坞最看涨的人之一,就戏剧电影的主题而言。这是有原因的。在一年中,溜溜溜溜的大流行的定义,继续勒死了传统的电影剧院业务,但对于一些发光的例外,例如香奇一种ndSpider-Man: No Way Home- 2020年,IMAX的全球票房在2021年增长了146%,收入为6.38亿美元。在Spider-Man到目前为止,IMAX独自一人已经产生了超过8300万美元。


这不是该公司在2019年的流行病上的地方,IMAX在全球范围内票房超过10亿美元,但这是这些时期的强劲表现。Gelfond认为,像新电影一样的成功Spider-Man它是在12月在剧院中专门发行的(认为索尼没有自己的流媒体平台)证明了好莱坞需要停止将其重大重量放在流媒体后面。的确,他认为好莱坞工作室太贴有“华尔街叙事” - 即。当工作室乌鸦他们的流媒体计划时,股票上涨 - “这不一定有效。”


德赢提款快速公司:当电影在各种平台上的表演方式时,2021年绝对是一个混合的包。一些大型漫威电影在剧院表现不错(Spider-Man: No Way Home,,,,毒液2,,,,香奇),而史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)大肆宣传的改编West Side Storyfizzled. Meanwhile, the majority of films that were simultaneously released in theaters and on streaming platforms—such as WarnerMedia’s slate, all of which were released day-and-date on HBO Max—saw okay-for-the-pandemic box-office grosses but helped the services grow. (HBO Max ended the year with73 million全球订户。)。在这里,我们正处于一场巨大的Omicron激增中,这可能会抑制与一群陌生人一起坐在剧院里的食欲。在如何分发电影方面,好莱坞现在的对话是什么?


理查德·盖尔福德(Richard Gelfond):今天的谈话是,对于正确的电影,人们真的想要文化的戏剧体验。时期。他们想以公共方式与朋友和家人一起看正确的电影,他们想以他们一直分享的方式分享。我知道很容易回答这个问题Spider-Man,,,,but because we’re in 85 countries, we found that to be true on a worldwide basis. In China, what’s now become the second-biggest movie in 2021,The Battle at Lake Changjin,超过9亿美元。农历新年从现在开始的三个星期来了,人们将大量观看大型电影。我知道这听起来像是Omicron的大胆声明,但事实是的。我们在日本也看到了它。其他型号在2021年进行了尝试,但它们不起作用。Whether it was the PVOD model [premium video on demand, where movies cost $20 to $30 to see at home] or the hybrid model [such as WarnerMedia’s dual releases on HBO Max the same day they debut in theaters], they didn’t impact audiences and create cultural events in the way that theatrical experience does.


我认为工作室和流媒体服务认为他们会得到一种只要他们把事情放在流媒体上,无论财务业绩是什么。我认为他们在这一年中可能学到的是,一开始,华尔街非常着迷。但是随着年的进行,财务业绩很重要。我仍然认为各个平台中都有一些时代精神 -we can have our cake and eat it, too—尽管有客观的反馈。但是,当您查看几乎每个工作室都采用的通用的45天窗口时,我认为他们确实知道他们需要一个独家的戏剧窗口来创造嗡嗡声和营销,以允许一块知识产权来实现其潜力随着时间的推移。


毫无疑问Spider-Man: No Way Home是2021年的失控。到目前为止,全球票房收入为13.7亿美元,这对于Omicron开始激增的电影来说,这是一部出色的壮举。您是否认为它的戏剧成功与索尼没有流媒体平台的事实有关,它需要包含内容才能吸引订阅者,因此得到了纯粹的戏剧性发布?

毫无疑问,Spider-Manwouldn’t have achieved a fraction of its theatrical results were it not for the long window around it. I mean, Sony created a global, cultural event that could not have been created on a streaming service. And part of that is the event status around it. So people heard how good it was; they heard how big the box office was; they couldn’t get it via piracy; and they wanted to be a part of this global phenomenon. Part of that was that it had time to build, so it wasn’t just one weekend and out. If you look at a lot of the alternative hybrid streaming releases, after one weekend the drops were precipitous—really sharp.Spider-Man真的有呼吸的空间。在假期里,这成为家庭在餐厅桌子上谈论的主题。我的妻子,她的家人来自意大利,她在意大利与表亲交谈,所以他们看到了。他们以全球方式分享了它。我不想放弃[电影]的秘密,但是您对秘密是什么。其他人不知道。毫无疑问。我犹豫要在上面写一个数字,但是如果不是戏剧性的排他性,我认为它甚至不会接近(票房10亿美元)。使它起作用的是全球事件状态。

但是,如果2021年的重大收获是 - 残酷的! - 戏剧表现很好的电影必须是大型眼镜,那么漫威电影,好莱坞生态系统如何才能生存?这些电影需要数年的时间来制作。每个周末都没有世界被抽出来的世界。


大流行前已经发生的一件事是,大片正在成为票房的比例更大。许多工作室已经将生产转移到了更多的大片产品。在2022年,无论是在设计还是由于大流行,许多东西都留在了架子上,所以有很多大块的大片。随着时间的流逝,一些大型流媒体电影可能会戏剧化。因此,例如,苹果尚未宣布其政策,但是[马丁]斯科塞斯正在做他的下一个电影,,,,starring Leo DiCaprio, there, and it wouldn’t shock me to see a theatrical element around that. We at IMAX are looking at another kind of cultural event that you can create. So toward the end of the year, we did a live stream of the Kanye/Drake音乐会在Imax剧院。尽管这只是一个实验,但粉丝的反应确实很好。因此,我认为这将填补一些内容管道。

我还认为,随着时间的流逝,您会看到一些全球内容增加。所以中国电影,The Battle at Lake Changjin—或日本(日本)在动漫中做得很好,除魔者。这种事情可能会有更多的实验。当您查看结果时,仍然有一个真正的好,受欢迎,较小的电影古奇之家,,,,which did surprisingly well, even though you wouldn’t label it a blockbuster. Even though沙丘由于丹尼斯·维伦纽夫(Denis Villeneuve)的视野范围,它没有独家的窗口,它在戏剧上发挥了作用。董事将不得不少于公式化。显然,克里斯·诺兰(Chris Nolan)多年来一直在这样做。谁会标记敦刻尔克一种blockbuster when he came up with that idea? Or would people have previously said a movie about Robert Oppenheimer [which is the subject of Nolan’s next film] would be a blockbuster? Just the way you shoot movies, how you think about them, how you market them is just going to have to evolve.

How much of an onus is on theater owners to help create a better moviegoing experience? The way things are, going to the movies means paying $15 for bad popcorn and sitting through half an hour of ads.


Theater owners have to think about what the future of cinema looks like. Some of them have done it, that’s one reason IMAX has been successful. And premium cinema is taking up a much larger share of the market. IMAX is getting greater and greater market share. Some chains invested in that. Some people are missing the boat right now by going after strategies, like you can pay inBitcoin,,,,or you can get theater popcorn at home. I don’t think that’s the direction they need to go. The direction is, how do you create a better experience for moviegoers? Whether it’s more IMAXes or better sound systems or a better overall experience. The ones who do that are going to被奖励。从长远来看,那些可能会使他们的股价上涨的人分散注意力的人不会得到奖励。


The first one is studios trusting the consumer. You look at theSpider-Man结果,我认为他们仍在猜测是否要进行戏剧发行。我的意思是,人们已经学会了,他们学会了与Covid一起生活。他们知道,对于合适的电影,他们很乐意去剧院。制片厂无法将消费者的结果进行第二次猜测,然后说,我不知道他们是否会感到舒适。他们在全球范围内回答了这个问题。我认为工作室社区中有一种家长式主义。如果您被Vaxxx戴上两个口罩,并且您是成年人,则可以决定去。这是我关注的一件事,是工作室不跟随观众和科学。


我要说的另一件事是,工作室把错误的电影放在流媒体上,这本来可以在他们急于接受华尔街叙事的戏剧性上发行,这不一定是奏效的。工作室社区在某种程度上占有这一叙述和观点,这些叙述有点过时了:您可以通过将电影放入服务来继续吸引越来越多的订阅者。很多人都想相信它,所以这并不是说服[否则]。他们想相信。The Matrix Resurrectionswent on a streaming service last week, and the theatrical results speak for themselves. [The film was released day and date on HBO Max.] People believe what they want to believe, but the numbers just don’t support it. I’ve got to believe, with time, everybody is going to understand that.



妮可·拉波特(Nicole Laporte)is an LA-based senior writer for Fast Company who writes about where technology and entertainment intersect. She previously was a columnist for纽约时报和一位工作人员Newsweek/The Daily Beast一种nd种类


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