
Why popular podcast ‘The Read’ is growing on its own damn time

在一次罕见的采访中,Kid Fury(Kid Fury)是热门播客“ The Read”中的一半,他揭示了为什么在九年之后,他和Crossle Crissle West决定提供付费级别。

Why popular podcast ‘The Read’ is growing on its own damn time
孩子愤怒[照片:由帕特里克·奈里(Patrick Neree)提供]

Kid Fury在内容创作者的游戏中可能是14年的深处 - 他开始对他的YouTube系列的讽刺,未经过滤的意见愤怒的想法现在,与流行喜剧播客的一半相同的版本阅读—but make no mistake: He’s not pressed about jumping on trends.


“蒂克托克一代正在杀我,女孩,”孩子愤怒说。“这些背景,这些音频以及所有这些内容 - 我不明白这些婴儿今天如何在Tiktok和Instagram上制作成熟的神秘惊悚片和动作电影。”

传统的智慧会导致大多数创作者感觉好像他们需要立即到处都是,以最大程度地提高自己的覆盖范围和受众。虽然这对某些人来说可能是正确的,但Kid Fury和他的主机阅读,,,,Crissle West,,,,have taken a more “pulled-back perspective” in building their brand as digital creators.

“We’re Black queer people in our 30s,” Kid Fury says. “So we don’t really have the energy to be doing backflips and splits and all this choreography. Sometimes we wanna take a nap.



小子愤怒和训cissle. [Photo: courtesy of Patrick Neree]
采取更加故意的方法使他们更好地了解如何迎合他们自推出以来成长的社区阅读. It also informed their decision to recently launch a Patreon nine years into their already successful podcast.

“[There was] the draw of being able to connect with our audience that has been so gracious to us and so supportive,” Kid Fury says. “To be able to connect with them and communicate with them on a more direct and intimate level and talk to about what it is they like about the show, what they like to see, and then create brand-new content for them is really exciting.”


阅读已经成为流行文化的强国,特别是在黑人酷儿社区中。在每一集中,Kid Fury and Crissle Choplight日常黑人都在做非凡的事情,散布热门话题,回答听众的信件,并在专业上开火(和有时很小)他们的想法。阅读是否利用其忠实的追随者进入了售罄的现场表演和商品滴,Fuse TV上的表演以及通过Issa Rae的Label Raedio发行的原创喜剧专辑。

阅读在Patreon上,,,,in Kid Fury’s opinion, is “like a gift basket of extra ghetto shit that you would expect from us, but premium.”

Patreon订户将可以访问奖励音频和视频片段,每月现场Q&AS,预售现场活动等等。“这是我们俩都想做的事情,” Kid Fury说。“烦恼和我对错很谦虚,有时我们无法说,‘嘿,每个人都会喜欢的。’有时我们需要在我们的屁股下大火,而帕特雷恩(Patreon)就是那个火。他们非常支持实现我们想要的许多想法。”


“We’ve been doing this forever,” he continues. “So it just felt like the right time to spread out and do more.”

阅读community couldn’t agree more. When they announced their Patreon last month, many of the Twitter comments had a similar tone:



It may have taken awhile for Kid Fury and Crissle to expand to Patreon, but taking their time in growing and connecting with their audience set the perfect stage for them to join a subscription-based platform where it’s all about how much a fanbase is willing to buy into you.

For Kid Fury, getting to that point has been about balancing what阅读的观众期望他想要或愿意做的事情。

“对我来说,与观众一起成长的最重要方面是倾听人们从中获得最大收益并以满足我的方式进行微调的方式 - 仍然可以让我玩得开心,同时还可以为人们提供体验他们最想要的。”他说。“因为如果我们两个是唯一玩得开心的人,那么那是什么该死的播客?这必须是一个社区的事情,每个人都充分利用了一切。”


About the author

KC covers entertainment and pop culture for Fast Company. Previously, KC was part of the Emmy Award-winning team at "Good Morning America," where he was the social media producer.


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