
卡莉·克洛斯(Karlie Kloss)想要穿你的头像

Karlie Kloss与Roblox合作,突出了五位创建完全虚拟收藏的设计师。

卡莉·克洛斯(Karlie Kloss)想要穿你的头像

Even in the metaverse, Karlie Kloss is fashion forward.


Karlie Kloss[Photo: Gabrielle Resnick/courtesy Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase]
今天,超模正在推出a collaboration with the gaming platform Roblox强调五位时装设计师的作品,他们创造了完全虚拟服装,用户可以购买以配备其化身。有了这种合作伙伴关系,克洛斯的目标是提升数字时装设计师并刺激主流时尚行业,以开始认真对待虚拟时尚。

As one of the world’s best-known models, Kloss has spent the last 15 years working with the world’s top designers. But she’s also passionate about technology. Eight years ago, she took a coding class at the Flatiron School in New York City, and two years later, she launchedKode with Klossy, a nonprofit devoted to teaching young women to code and helping them advance in the tech world. In many ways, this Roblox partnership seems like a natural next step.

[Image: courtesy Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase]
Roblox launched in 2006, but its popularity exploded during the pandemic, and it now has 50 million daily active users. According to公司, some of the most popular games on the platform involve role-playing or simulating everyday activities. “I didn’t realize until I started playing that many people just like to spend time here and meet other people,” says designer Samuel Jordan, who’s in his 20s and goes by the name建筑商男孩在Roblox上。“这是我这一代人闲逛的地方。”


[Image: courtesy Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase]
Kloss spent her childhood playing video games with her three sisters, and yet she hasn’t seen the gaming industry pay attention to the needs of female users. “I’ve always loved that video games allow you to access incredible experiences, to play any sport and enter new worlds,” she says. “But there were always very limited options for female characters, from picking avatars to picking the fashion those avatars would wear.”

There are thousands of designers who alreadycreate virtual clothes on Roblox and sell them. Users can buy Roblox currency, known as Robux and us it on clothes that cost anywhere from a few cents to several dollars; 20% of users update their avatar with new outfits on any given day. Last year alone, 25 million virtual items of clothing were created on the platform. Jordan, for instance, creates accessories for avatars that generated upward of a million dollars last year.

With this Roblox partnership, Kloss wanted to highlight the work of virtual fashion designers like Jordan. The five designers Kloss picked will each get their own pop-up store as part of The Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase. Users can visit these stores, try on the looks, and buy virtual clothes and accessories. (Each user gets six items for free and can purchase others for between 50 cents and a dollar.) The designers have a wide range of aesthetics, from Builder Boy’s beachy vibe to RynityRift, who designs cyberpunk looks. Jordan says self-expression matters a lot to Roblox players. “I’ve found that it’s not the most perfectly designed outfits that are the most popular, but the ones that convey a feeling,” he says. “Virtual clothes can say a lot about the user, and they can change what they’re wearing based on whether they’re feeling angry or happy or lonely.”


[Image: courtesy Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase]
从历史上看,时尚和游戏行业并没有那么多。但是,随着游戏变得越来越普遍,时装设计师很难忽略:不仅仅是2.5 billionpeople globally play video games, including60%of all Americans, nearlyhalf他们是女人。

在过去的几年中,几个品牌和设计师已经开始实现虚拟方式。Gucci,Louis Vuitton和Burberry(其他品牌)design garments for avatars。And video game Drest creates digital versions of current designer collections. “I care deeply about the democratized access to fashion that virtual fashion enables, but there’s a real business that is already being built online,” Kloss says.

[Image: courtesy Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase]
As more fashion companies create digital clothes,some experts are concerned这种虚拟时尚将使与离线方式相同的不平等现象,例如排除少数民族和负担不起的人。但是克洛斯认为,虚拟时尚仍处于起步阶段,并且没有开发的潜力。一方面,她想鼓励更多的女性成为游戏设计师,并在与Klossy的Kode合作的基础上,并希望通过与Roblox的合作伙伴关系在平台上增强日常设计师的能力。她还认为,虚拟时尚有可能包含所有身体类型,IRL时尚并非如此。例如,Roblox服装构建在一个称为“分层服装”的平台上,旨在适合任何头像体型。她说:“服装不仅可以适合任何形式,而且可以抗拒重力或着火。”“可能性确实是无尽的。”


Over the years, Kloss has seen firsthand how designers create entire collections from the ground up. She has even designed pieces herself, through collaborationswith companies like Adidas。正如克洛斯(Kloss)看到虚拟设计师如何运作的那样,她说这一过程并没有那么不同。它始于情绪板和发展,以确保该系列代表设计师的独特美学视野。她说:“我有幸进入了我们时代一些最令人难以置信的时装设计师的工作室。”“他们的过程都是关于面料和线程的,而这些虚拟设计人员通过代码线设计。但这是同样的概念,即为了创造性表达而实现一个想法并将其栩栩如生。”




伊丽莎白·塞格兰(Elizabeth Segran), Ph.D., is a senior staff writer at Fast Company. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts


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