




但情况并非总是如此。城市正在增长生活空间正在萎缩。也许将来,人们不会购买自己的Hemnes床和Billy Bookshelf。取而代之的是,他们将进入公共房屋,那里的家具从前居民传给了新的房屋,这已经发生了。与人数在下降时购买房屋,殖民房屋是在大都市地区爆发从纽约和旧金山到阿姆斯特丹和东京的世界各地。

宜家正试图找出这种殖民地的趋势 - 陌生人在一起生活并共享共同空间(甚至是浴室) - 可能对其业务而言。

为此,Space10,该公司的未来生活研究实验室创建了一个调查收集有关人们如何看待殖民的信息。由纽约公司设计安东和艾琳,调查被称为共享房屋2030–presents itself as an “application” for a coliving house in 2030. You input your preferences–what size of house you’d want, whether the house should be furnished, what kinds of people should live there–like you might if searching for an actual shared house to live in. Then the survey shows you how other people responded.


但这是一项相当不传统的调查,并且有一个与宜家分开的背景故事。2016年,安东和艾琳的互动设计师艾琳·佩雷拉(Irene Pereyra)创造了一个交互式在线纪录片关于她在阿姆斯特丹的一间名为Kollontai的柯林泰楼中长大的经验。At the end of the documentary, in which she interviews her mother and other members of the house and reflects on her own experience, the website poses a question that doesn’t feel like a survey at all, asking what you would be willing to share in a coliving situation: Work space? Washing machine? Garden? Internet?Shower? Toilet?


调查本身看起来几乎像游戏板,每个主题都给出了自己的图形符号,一旦回答问题,就会涂上彩色。而且,嬉戏,粘稠的互动设计已经获得了回报 - 佩雷拉(Pereyra)说,在所有网站的访问者中,大约有64%的人已经完成了调查。考虑到电子邮件调查的平均响应率只有25%,这直接进入您的收件箱。


虽然数据远非科学 - 这有点自我选择,因为对殖民感兴趣的人更有可能参与,并且对人口统计学的控制没有控制 - 它确实可以对人们从殖民空间中寻找的东西表示姿态。这结果show that of the 6,300 survey respondents who’ve filled it out since it launched in mid-November, people tend to prefer to live in the city, want to live with single men, women, and couples in their house (no small children, seniors, teenagers, or single parents, please), would want common space to be furnished while private spaces remain unfurnished, and want clear delineations between private and shared spaces, like keeping all bedrooms private and off-limits, while work spaces and a communal kitchen are for everyone.

Pereyra says some of the most surprising findings so far are that people want to furnish their own private spaces while common spaces are furnished for them–this combo of private unfurnished and common furnished areas of a coliving house is something that’s rarely offered in coliving houses in New York and London. But these houses are also for a very small subset of the population: mostly, millennials with money. The survey’s much more varied options represent an optimistic view of the future where coliving houses accommodate a broader swath of society.

对于宜家概念创新的经理戈兰·尼尔森(GöranNilsson)来说,最大的惊喜是,回答的男人比女性更开放地分享自己的空间 - 他认为恰恰相反。但是他不愿说宜家将如何处理这些数据。



Nilsson says the survey is part of a larger exploration into people’s living situations, one that will look into the struggles that people have when they move from one country to another, the pressures students have to find affordable housing, and the challenges the elderly face in the current care system. This will include research as well as more formal surveys, workshops, and talks.






Katharine Schwab是Fast Company技术部分的副编辑。德赢提款通过kschwab@fastcompany.com给她发送电子邮件,然后在Twitter @kschwabable上关注她

