

The MX Vertical is comfortable to use, and crucially, it doesn’t look like a creepy blob of putty.



这是MX Vertical, a new, $100 ergonomic mouse fromLogitech. Developed over 18 months, it is not the world’s first ergonomic mouse, nor is it the first mouse to position itself perpendicular to your desk. But it does hit a compelling sweet spot, balancing comfort, intuitiveness, and a sculptural design that makes the prospect of using a healthier mouse a compelling one.

MX Vertical的首席设计师Nik Jinkinson说:“我们没有声称我们使用该产品发明了符合人体工程学的鼠标类别。”“但是多年来我们观察到的一件事是,公开的人体工程学产品看起来有点笨拙,而不是最优雅或最吸引人的产品。”

Ergonomic designs are often bulbous and blobby because they’re designed to complement our bodies like negative space, which are anything but flat aluminum and glass. For a user in pain, that’s okay. But for a user considering making the leap to an ergonomic design, it’s a major hurdle. The less attractive products actually look more intimidating as a result.


“One of the things we heard over and over again was this anxiety people have when making a purchase decision, they’re looking at these products, thinking, ‘I’ve got this problem, this pain, this issue, but I don’t want to drop $100-$200 on this thing I don’t know if I’m able to use.’ It’s a big hurdle for people.”

After interviewing dozens of ergonomic mouse users to get this data, the company enlisted its own employees to use ergonomic mice from several manufacturers, all while hooked up to sensors that measure muscle activity and skeletal stress. “We did a bunch of benchmarks on the mainstays in the space to find what it was about those devices that had a beneficial effect,” says Jinkinson. “And that allowed us to unlock some of the combinations where we could improve.”

Jinkinson并没有将这些组合分解为令人难以置信的细节,但他确实概述了MX的一般方法。在设计符合人体工程学设备时,您会考虑身体在水中如何自然漂浮。考虑一下您的手臂 - 它们不会在您的两侧掌握,而是用腕部轻微旋转,旋转与桌子不相似,也不垂直于桌子,而是在介于两者之间的某个地方。


Then his team began sculpting models out of a resin that you can carve and finish, much like wood. One of the team’s first models actually got extremely close to the final design. Dubbed T2, it stood for “tower.” “The visual reference was cooling towers–very architectural,” says Jinkinson. “This captured somehow the DNA of what we went with, and very early in the process.”


But the T2 was too vertical, and too monolithic for the hand. With no real indentations, “the weight of the hand was pulling down and slipping, and it would put pressure on the pinky,” says Jinkinson. “And the thumb had no landing pad.”

So the team carved a slot for the thumb to rest–and found just the right angle (57 degrees) for the rest of the hand. With each iteration, Logitech employees were hooked up again to sensors, running a battery of mousing tests on PCs to quantify the results.




“It would be awesome if it was adopted by people who are in the market for a vertical mouse already, but also people who aren’t–who see something that is just a beautiful object, and they learn about the health benefits afterwards, and still feel motivated to buy it,” says Jinkinson.


About the author

Mark Wilson is a senior writer at Fast Company who has written about design, technology, and culture for almost 15 years. His work has appeared at Gizmodo, Kotaku, PopMech, PopSci, Esquire, American Photo and Lucky Peach
