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Thousands of oil and gas assets are at risk of becoming stranded—and you might own them


Thousands of oil and gas assets are at risk of becoming stranded—and you might own them
[Photos: uchar/iStock/Getty Images Plus, MachineHeadz/Getty Images]



When that happens, the well and the oil become what’s known as滞留的资产。这听起来像是石油公司的问题,但该公司并不是唯一冒险的人。

In astudy published May 26, 2022, in the journal Nature Climate Change,我们追踪拥有超过43,000个石油和天然气资产的所有权揭示了谁最终因陷入困境的投资而损失。

It turns out, private individuals own over half the assets at risk, and ordinary people with pensions and savings that are invested in managed funds shoulder a surprisingly large part, which could exceed a quarter of all losses.


More climate regulations are coming

2015年,全球几乎每个国家都签署了巴黎气候协议, committing to try to hold global warming to well under 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 F) compared to pre-industrial averages. Rising global temperatures were already contributing to致命的热浪野火恶化。研究表明hazards would increaseas greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from fossil fuel use, continue to rise.

It’s clear that meeting the Paris goals willrequire a global energy transition远离化石燃料。许多国家正在制定旨在鼓励转向更清洁能源的气候政策。

但是,石油行业仍在发起新的化石燃料项目,这表明它不会陷入未来的滞留资产的障碍。联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(AntónioGuterres)称recent wave of new oil and gas projects道德和经济疯狂。”



When an asset becomes stranded, the owner’s anticipated payoff won’t materialize.

For example, say an oil company buys drilling rights, does the exploration work and builds an offshore oil platform. Then it discovers that demand for its product has declined so much because of climate change policies that it would cost more to extract the oil than the oil could be sold for.

The oil company is owned by shareholders. Some of those shareholders are individuals. Others are companies that are in turn owned by their own shareholders. The lost profits are ultimately felt by those remote owners.


在这项研究中,我们模拟了如果政府在最近的减少承诺以及对搁浅的资产意味着什么,对化石燃料的需求如何下降。我们发现$1.4 trillion in oil and gas assetsglobally would be at risk of becoming stranded.

滞留的资产意味着资产所有者的财富损失。We traced the losses from the oil and gas fields, through the extraction companies, on to those companies’ immediate shareholders and fundholders, and again their shareholders and fundholders if the immediate shareholders are companies, and all the way to people and governments that own stock in the companies in this chain of ownership.



在通往最终所有者的途中,大部分损失通过包括养老基金在内的金融公司。在全球范围内,将其成员的储蓄直接投资于其他公司拥有的养老基金相当大的数量of those future stranded assets. In addition, manydefined contribution pensionshave investments through fund managers, such as BlackRock or Vanguard, that invest on their behalf.



U.S. owners have by far the largest exposure. Ultimately, we found that losses of up to $362 billion could be distributed through the financial system to U.S. investors.

Some of the assets and companies in an ownership chain are also overseas, which can make the exposure to risk for a fund owner even more difficult to track.



我们的估计是基于最近全球股份所有权的快照。目前,有气体prices near record highs due to supply chain problems and the Russian war in Ukraine, oil and gas companies are paying splendid dividends. And in principle, every shareholder could sell off their holdings in the near future.

But that does not mean the risk disappears: Someone else buys that stock.



Alternatively, powerful investors could successfully lobby for compensation, as has happened repeatedly in theU.S.Germany。One argument would be that they couldn’t have anticipated the stricter climate laws when they invested or they could point to governments asking companies to produce more in the short-term, as happened recently在美国。代替俄罗斯用品。

However, divesting right away or hoping for compensation aren’t the only options. Investors—the owners of the company—can also pressure companies to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy generation or another choice with growth potential for the future.

Investors not only may have the financial risk, but also the related financial responsibility, and ethical choices may help preserve both the value of their investments and the climate.


Gregor Semieniuk, Assistant Research Professor of Economics,UMass AmherstPhilip Holden,地球系统科学的高级讲师,开放大学

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