

Americans have been on a quest to get the most out of every working minute since the nation’s founding, often at the detriment of the people doing the work.

[相片:Bru-nO/pixabay;Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons;赫尔曼/pixabay;Markus Petritz/Unsplash]



作为工人,我们沉迷于完成工作。难怪似乎有一个无底的建议,充满了传教士,大师和思想领袖hacks, tools,技巧和secretsto help us pack more output into the waking hours of our workdays. Productivity software alone accounts for an $82 billion market,根据IBISWORLD研究


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As old as America itself

There’s no definitive source, but we start to see historical mentions of productivity in that classic economics text国家财富,,,,亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)于1776年撰写。在其中,史密斯认为有两种劳动:富有成效和非生产力。

有一种劳动增加了授予其主题的价值。还有另一个没有这种影响。前者,因为它产生的价值可能被称为生产力;后者,无效的劳动。因此,制造商的劳动通常增加了他所从事的材料的价值,自己的维护和主人的利润。相反,卑鄙的仆人的劳动增加了一无所有的价值。。。一个人通过雇用众多制造商而变得富有;他通过维持众多的卑鄙仆人而变得贫穷。 The labor of the latter, however, has its value, and deserves its reward as well.

本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin1791年的第一个“待办事项”列表。The productivity measure in Franklin’s list of tasks (wash, work, read, work, put things in their places) was less likely to be measured in hard numbers like Smith’s. Franklin’s assessment was simple: Start the day asking what good shall be done, and at the end of the day evaluate based on what was accomplished. Lofty, to be sure, but an interesting measure nevertheless.

The abuses of labor in the name of productivity

在埃利·惠特尼(Eli Whitney)在1793年发明棉花杜松子酒的同一时代,另一个里程碑是在同一时代发生的。这影响了美国的经济,特别是在南部州where cotton was grown and picked by slaves. Of course, slave labor was free, and abuse of slaves was rampant, yet the landowners got an additional boost to their bottom lines by implementing a machine that increased their production 25-fold. We can also thank Whitney’s invention for introducing the term “gin up” (which means speed up) to our productivity parlance.



棉花杜松子酒并不是唯一从早期开始的技术进步美国的工业革命。其他机器 - 从汽船到缝纫机,灯泡到电话 - 在18世纪末期和19世纪初,从家中的手工制作到全国各地的工厂,而疯狂的生产更多的商品更快地变成了一件东西国家消遣。

值得庆幸的是,奴隶制在内战后被废除了,但是低薪工厂工人(其中许多是孩子)数十年来继续在不安全的条件下劳作,这都是以提高生产率的名义。花了数年的时间,但最终,工会的组织采取了适当的措施来保护工人免受生产力的推动力,就像那些人一样perished in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory firein 1911 when its management refused to recognize their demands.


The birth of the day planner and consultants

The notion of planning’s role in increasing productivity was enjoying a moment during the rumblings of the Industrial Revolution. A波士顿环球报reportreveals that by 1850, day planners were not only proliferating, their makers were making bank. An 1844 list of wealthy taxpayers shows that among the two Boston businessmen with $100,000 or more was a blank book manufacturer. Productivity became inexorably linked to the virtue of working hard at this time, too. Etiquette manuals of the era suggested that the daily planner was a means to self-improvement.




因此,这已经成熟了earliest efficiency expert,,,,an industrial engineer from Philadelphia named Frederick Winslow Taylor. Nicknamed Speedy Taylor, he would get himself a consulting gig with a company, observe its workers, and calculate how they could do their jobs faster (and then charge a hefty sum for the report).

Peers Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, best known today as the parents in便宜的十几个,正在通过将人类的行动分为17个动议,然后确定哪种任务是执行任何任务的方法,从而挖掘了类似的生产力静脉。

From these somewhat ignominious beginnings (Taylor was believed to be a liar who fudged his numbers, and Frank was famous for saying postpartum bedrest was a waste of time–prompting Lillian to keep working after the birth of each of her 15 children) grew a sizeable industry of management consultants who aimed to tackle the productivity problem from every possible angle.



汤姆·彼得斯(Tom Peters)是一些更知名的球员,他的书In Search of Excellence记载了“美国最佳经营公司”的生产力实践。迈克尔·波特写道有竞争力的优势,,,,also exalting the leadership of productive management practices.

Let’s not forget Bill Smith, an engineer at Motorola who introduced Six Sigma in 1986 as “a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process–from manufacturing to transactional, and from product to service.”

根据六西格玛,,,,“Productivity is much more important than revenues and profits of the organization because profits only reflect the end result, whereas productivity reflects the increased efficiency as well as effectiveness of business policies and processes. Moreover, it enables a business to find out its strengths and weaknesses. It also lets the business easily identify threats as well as opportunities that prevail in the market as a result of competition and changes in business environment.”



The thing is that in the frenzy to be more productive, we as a民族变得越来越少了。Economist Robert Gordon of Northwestern University chalks this up to the fact that we are using methods and procedures that are over a decade old. Hetold the大西洋,,,,“随着企业从纸张,打字机,文件柜过渡到带电子表格,文字处理软件的个人计算机,我们在1980年代和90年代进行了巨大的革命。然后,这场革命在1990年代伴随着互联网,通过搜索引擎,通过电子商务以及取消纸张的免费信息。”直到我们开始合并更多的机器人和AI来接管我们的死记硬背任务之前,这种下降趋势将继续下去。

The other obsession with productivity is entwined with a false belief that we need to be working all the time to be our most productive selves. And that’s simply not true. AsLeila Hock points out:“这不是艰苦的工作 - 工作是工作,是的,有些工作需要更多的大脑力量,但是我们大多数人都这样聪明,想要更多的人,所以让我们停止努力。让我们称其为生产力。有效的。有价值的。任何关于大自然在数量上说话的事情,因为这就是我们需要的。”

似乎本·富兰克林(Ben Franklin)的待办事项清单一直是正确的。工作并评估那天的成就。那么,最有生产力的一天将拥有最善良的日子。


About the author

Lydia Dishman是Fast Company的工作生活部分的员工德赢提款编辑。德赢国际娱乐平台她曾为CBS MoneyWatch,Fortune,Guardian,Pouctian Science和New York Times等撰写过撰写的撰写。
