

Apple, Tubi, rewardStyle, Ntwrk, Reelgood, and five more businesses changing the way what we watch gets made and delivered to us.




1. Apple


该公司的每月流媒体服务为5.99美元,Apple TV Plus,,,,was slow out of the gate when it launched in late 2019. But in 2020 it picked up speed, launching an aggressive, event film strategy withGreyhound,它是从索尼购买的,汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)的电影,变成了夏季水风冷却器。在电视方面,该公司凭借其最初并没有送达并进入了一个更令人满意的真正原创节目的时代,越过了光泽的光泽的初始阶段泰德·拉索and the Israeli thriller德黑兰。Strong word of mouth and critical acclaim for these and other titles helped the service reportedly grow to about 35 million subscribers and nab eight Emmy nominations. The streamer took home one for Billy Crudup’s performance in早上的表演,当Apple TV Plus推出时,旗舰系列赛,但现在在流媒体储存良好的投资组合中有一个脚注。

2. Tubi

For giving viewers the Netflix experience for free


为了回应黑人生命问题,Tubi创建了一个名为“曼联反对不平等”的垂直,从免费的广告支持的流媒体服务图书馆(23,000个标题)中展示了电影和电视节目。他们都不是Tubi Originals(没有这样的东西),但此举表明,Tubi如何巧妙地策划了其广阔图书馆的内容,以吸引用户,现在数量达到3,300万。2020年,该公司以4.4亿美元的价格被Fox Corp.收购,使Tubi访问了更多的内容和广告商的内容和弹药。这种结合的火力以及Tubi的新型高级频率管理工具,减少了广告的重复并改善了广告的频率管理,解决了广告支持的流媒体的最大问题之一,并帮助使Tubi成为您最需要的流媒体服务。



在2020年奖励风格‘s influencer shopping app LIKEtoKNOW.it launched a new feature of shoppable videos that allow users to get a more up-close and contextual look at hundreds of millions of products through beauty how-to’s, outfit try-on’s and reviews of everything from faux fur slippers to cappuccino makers. In the first 20 days, the videos drove over $1 million in gross merchandise value for the more than 100,000 influencers who post on the app, which also has a plug-in that makes Instagram shoppable. During COVID-19, as the brick-and-mortar retail space collapsed, this new way of browsing, along with LIKEtoKNOW.it’s elegant and curative approach to online shopping, drove up usage: Its network of influencers created 43% more content in the first half of the year and consumers purchased 46% more per post. LIKEtoKNOW.it’s parent company, rewardStyle, generated $2.5 billion in retail sales for the year, more than doubling 2019’s numbers.



For becoming the sports network for Gen Z


5. Evercast

For being the Zoom for creatives


As the pandemic shut down TV and film productions around the world in 2020,永恒的允许其中许多人通过其远程生产技术继续。具有全光谱音频的直播和视频会议平台允许动画师,导演,VFX编辑器和其他创意者从其工作站进行协作,并与其他任何人的设备连接,无论其位置如何。由于Exercast不需要复杂的设置,专有硬件或上传或下载电影,因此用户能够将平台无缝地折叠到其现有的工作流中。结果,数百场电影和电视节目能够通过后制作和后期制作完成完成,这意味着更多的人保留了工作,并创建了更多的内容来养活渴望娱乐的观众。通过如此有效地满足创意人的需求,该公司的收入在2020年同比增长1,000%。



视频商业平台将自己作为Z世代的家庭购物网络的收费,以创造性的方式适应了Covid-19。由于限制了面对面的聚会,ntwrkpartnered with graffiti historian and curator Roger Gastman to produce a virtual showcase featuring work by artists, allowing them to reach new audiences and drop exclusive paintings, sculptures, and prints. Ntwrk, which streams live shows where guests talk about products as they’re available for purchase, also teamed up with TikTok to create a shoppable livestream collaboration with artist-designer Joshua Vides, where items were shoppable on both apps. The company also partnered with Snap ondrop,,,,Snap’s first-ever shoppable show in which designers and celebrity collaborators are interviewed and showcase their products. Snap keeps the ad revenue from the videos and Ntwrk gets the sales. In December, when celebrity jeweler Ben Baller was featured on an episode, Ntwrk sold more than $100,000 worth of $250 platinum money counters in 24 hours.


7. Bazelevs Studio


夜间值班director Timur Bekmambetov’s production company (Unfriended,,,,Searching) developed a format for making budget-friendly films that unfold much in the way we live our lives—on a computer screen—using interactive screen recorders and other video tools. In 2020,Bazelevs扩展了这种制作“电影生命”电影的方法,以创建新项目的概念验证预告片,演员可以在自己的家中开枪,以避免在Covid-19期间避免靠近他人。演员在诸如位置和摄像机角度之类的事情上被指导了演员。然后,这些拖车被用来将项目推向电影制片厂和金融家。该公司还创造了一个简短的孤立的爱,,,,written, filmed, and edited entirely remotely, with no two cast or crew members in the same location. In 2021, Bazelevs is gearing up with a film at Sundance,r#j,对罗密欧和朱丽叶的最新动态都在Instagram框架中被告知,以及与环球影城的新的五电影交易,以制作更多的电影制作电影。

8. mmhmm



随着Zoom在2020年成为事实上的交流手段时,mmhmm启动是为了使交流更加有趣和有效。该应用程序也可以与Google Meet,YouTube和其他平台一起使用,允许用户在视频电话会议上进行幻灯片演示;在手机上展示了演示;甚至使自己淡出屏幕,以便可以提出其他信息。自然,有数十种酷炫的虚拟背景可供选择。MMHMM由Digital Product Studio All Turtles开发,正在改变内容的创建方式,从而将其带入了彩带和YouTuber的世界,并掌握在任何有话要说和分享的人的手中。这个想法是如此及时,该软件如此直观,以至于MMHMM在7月份宣布其Beta运行时,它收到了100,000份申请,以参加其测试计划。它来自11月的Beta,现在有免费版本和高级版本 - 订阅每月9.99美元或每年99美元。为学生和教育工作者提供免费的一年。



最初最初是一种多平台,直播的产品,以帮助游戏玩家在社交媒体上直播,约束has evolved into an everyday tool used by politicians, non-profit organizations, and corporations. In 2020, the company raised $50 million and launched its Restream Studio broadcasting production center, which allows users to broadcast live content across more than 30 social platforms simultaneously. Creators are also able to brand content with overlays and logos, and features like Restream Chat and Analytics allow them to stay engaged with their community. Driven by an increasingly remote workforce, Restream tripled its growth year over year to more than 2 million content creators, including Dr. Phil, Deepak Chopra, and the World Health Organization, who stream 7.5 million broadcasts per month.


10. Reelgood


随着2020年越来越多的流媒体服务(Peacock),HBO Max -Peacock -Reelgood帮助用户减少了弄清楚什么以及在哪里观看他们喜欢的流媒体电视节目和电影的头痛。该应用程序允许用户在一个地方汇总其流媒体服务,跟踪每个节目中用户的位置以及下一集的何时可用。这种效果是老式的,类似于看电视时,意味着塌陷成沙发,并将一根魔杖指向屏幕。由于这种轻松,并且由于流行病而导致的整体流媒体播放的增长,Reelgood从2020年初的200万用户增加到了600万人到年底。它不断增长的关于人们的观看方式和方式吸引了制片厂的注意力,其中包括Lionsgate和CBS,他们为Reelgood的数据付费。
