
How remote work revived my ‘spark’

The founder of a remote desktop startup believes that the past year’s virtual arrangement allowed creatives to work when inspiration actually struck—rather than wasting time and energy just appearing to be productive.

How remote work revived my ‘spark’
[图片:makhbubakhon ismatova/istock]

您可能已经听过流行语remote-first,,,,仅混合,,,,and数字设计。These terms were borne out of the fact that the open-office experiment—with all its distractions—has failed. And companies are rushing for the exit as fast as they can. But it turns out that this began to unfold pre-pandemic; COVID-19 just accelerated the trend. Remote work is now here, broadly accessible, and will be a part of most office workers’ lives for the foreseeable future.



The birth of the modern office: The creativity killer


In the last two decades, private offices were replaced with open pens, pressuring people to似乎正在工作同时完成并满足他们的实际工作需求。鱼缸般的会议室被窗户包围起来。而且,如果您敢于在其中一个领域中寻求一些单独的时间,那么任何路人都会仔细研究,并质疑您是在工作还是懈怠。在一个想法甚至留下了笔记本之前,它就被项目管理到了无数的冗余会议和虚拟分配卡中。甚至白板也被玻璃所取代,似乎问道:“谁不想直接吸引他们的坏主意?”


Transparency is all well and good, but anyone who has actually produced good creative work knows it involves countless personal, private failures. It doesn’t come on a schedule. The ideas can come when you wake up, shower, or take a walk (as an example, I can’t think of a single good idea I’ve had that’s originated at the office).

It comes when the time is right, when our brains actually have the opportunity to focus. An eight-hour, linear work daysurrounded by people in the same space,,,,trying to accomplish the same thing, runs antithetical to the entirespirit of creativity




对于许多创意者,尤其是那些需要专业工具,例如Avid,开发套件或30,000美元的Mac Pros的创意者,大流行是办公室混乱的替代品。我们不再等待所有人回家,以便我们实际上可以完成一些工作,或者被抓到等待一个项目以获取我们的投入。当灵感真正触动,远离干扰和撬开眼睛,而不是浪费时间试图表现出富有成效的时候,我们能够工作。在原本悲惨的情况下,这是一个很小的积极结果。创造力被允许成为永远存在的孤独状态。

另外,事实证明,这个孤独的时期并没有导致数千个浪费时间,突然懒惰的工人。Gitlab最近发现远程工作导致估计$ 18,000in cost savings per worker due to increased productivity and better employee retention. And哈佛商业评论成立增长4.4%每天的生产力每天。



But, as every company on Earth negotiates what it will do with its offices, and how it expects people to work going forward, we have to make sure we cling to our newfound creative time. There’s no doubt that some companies want everybody, even their creatives, back in the fishbowls, at least some of the time. They still won’t be convinced you work better alone, or that your ideal workday is actually made up of odd stretches from 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m., and 8 to 11 p.m.


  • Figure out your schedule, and communicate it.We’re in the earliest days of hybrid work, and firms have no idea what an ideal in-office and WFH balance looks like. If you’ve found a pattern that works for you, write it down and share it, broadly. You may be surprised to find others with similar days, and even more surprised when you get the schedule you want.
  • Use the office for what it’s good for.Abandon the expectation that your best creative work will get done at the office. Rather, pack your in-office days with the one-on-ones, catch-ups, brainstorms, and alignment meetings that are better in person. Come home with your projects managed so you can focus on getting the real work done elsewhere.
  • 在家做同样的事情。保护您致力于创意工作的时间。关闭Zoom和无关紧要的沟通和生产力应用程序,并享受真正将想法栩栩如生的关注。
  • 获取出色的工具。远程工作非常适合创造力,但对于一个组织的生产力来说可能是可怕的,并且快速的协作设计工作或项目共享使远处变得更加困难。诸如Frame.io和Figma之类的工具删除了这些障碍,因此您需要从办公室工作的原因较少。
  • Make like a tree.越来越多的公司认识到让人们交织工作和家的积极性。实际上,41% of peoplerecently said they’d rather take a pay cut than work in an office full time. And they’ve heard from countless consultants that remote’s a reality. If you’re a good creative, you’re needed somewhere that will let you work how you want.

We can never get the creative time we lost from the past few decades of in-person work. But we sure don’t have to go back.


Benjy Boxer是一家远程访问公司的联合创始人,用于游戏和其他创意作品,parsec
