

Roivant Sciences董事长Vivek Ramaswamy对Woke Corporations是正确的,而他对“ wokeneses”一般都错了。

[Photo: Woke, Inc.]

不用说杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)做错了。在2020年乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被警察谋杀之后的日子里,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)首席执行官tweeted a photo of himself taking a knee,科林·卡佩尼克(Colin Kaepernick)风格,在开放银行库的前面。这张图像可能更有意义地在两个膝盖上戴上戴蒙,面对穹顶,为坚固的Q3祈祷而欣喜若狂。取而代之的是,他面对了它,他的脸脸色是一个庄严的关注的乳胶面具,他(表面上,摩根大通(Jpmorgan Chase))紧急,新生的包容性承诺。


Obviously, this macabre performance was a flop for many reasons. A纽约时报report关于上一年摩根大通公然种族主义的事实仅是其中之一。But while just about anyone could sense the deep-space emptiness of Dimon’s gesture, it’s fascinating to read a thorough unpacking of this kind of behavior from someone who occupies a neighboring tier of the financial stratosphere—specifically, the founder of a $7 billion biopharma company.

[Photo: Woke, Inc.]
Vivek Ramaswamy,背后的大脑Roivant Sciences, is a self-proclaimed class traitor. Back in January 2021, he resigned as CEO from his thriving company, citing a desire to speak freely about the climate that produced Dimon’s photo op, with no repercussions for Roivant. (He has since become a regular专家作家for the华尔街日报and a福克斯新闻撰稿人Woke,Inc。,这是一本刚刚发行的书,它利用其作者的内部观点来解释为什么像Tiktok舞蹈这样的社会正义的公司不仅是俗气的,而且对社会有害。这本书充满了有关当前美国状况的见解,尽管并非所有人都是故意的。

拉马斯瓦米(Ramaswamy)认为,去年夏天对社会正义的支持广泛,这是“利益相关者资本主义”的关键例子。该术语在整本书中以“唤醒资本主义”互换使用,代表了这样一个想法,即每个公司都不仅对其股东看待,而是对所有可能受到其行为或无所作为间接影响的每个人。这个概念正式被视为公司现状财富2019年秋季封面故事, about the adoption of stakeholder capitalism by业务圆桌会议,近200个VIP首席执行官的协会。


2020年夏天可能标志着这种行动哲学的巅峰之作,但公司越来越多地与社会正义事业保持一致在过去的十年,特别是在2016年大选之后。尽管被广泛嘲笑,但2017 Pepsi ad in which Kendall Jenner solves racism with carbonated syrup似乎只是进一步点燃了基于道德的营销趋势。Ramaswamy将WeWork列为“一家体面的房地产租赁业务”,其所有者莫名其妙地将其公司的使命描述为“提高全球意识”。

HBO的热门歌曲演替lampooned this trend of cutthroat businesses cloaking themselves in lofty language a few years ago. In an episode from the series’ first season, Kendall Roy (a surrogate Murdoch scion played by Jeremy Strong) meets with a startup called Dust that claims to “increase the reach of young artists and the democratization of art.” Kendall quickly and correctly diagnoses the company’s actual mission, which is buying paintings from struggling art students and jacking up the price. (In a twist that Ramaswamy would appreciate, Dust eventually turns down Kendall’s investment offer because being financially yoked to a Roy would make their hustle too obvious, breaking kayfabe.)

The problem goes deeper than obfuscating descriptions, of course. Setting aside the ridiculous notion that anyone would choose one asset manager over another based on the company’s自称围绕社会正义的信念Ramaswamy指出,公司的行动频繁地提出了这些声明的频率。大约在Uber承诺成为的同时“一家反种族主义者”例如,去年夏天也是积极游说道具22在加利福尼亚州,豁免Uber将其驾驶员视为雇员而不是独立承包商。这一举动就是拉马斯瓦米所说的“做事烟幕”的一个例子,在这里,公司宣布了新的道德当务之急,就像他们的道德赤字需要偏转一样。他指出,当高盛于2020年初宣布只有在公司至少拥有一名“多样化”董事会成员的新政策,才能公开公开,这家金融巨头卷入丑闻帮助偷窃50亿美元来自马来西亚。这可能太方便了,无法巧合。


其他时候,拉马斯瓦米的问题不是公司在不道德行为时选择谴责的问题,而是他们同时选择的东西不是谴责。例如,尽管Airbnb将其重量抛在后面美国社会正义,该公司对中国的极端侵犯人权侵犯一直保持沉默,这个国家与Airbnb碰巧认真对待,数据泄露商业。正如拉马斯瓦米(Ramaswamy)所提到的那样,与中国联盟中的许多其他公司(包括苹果,迪士尼和NBA)都在说“对所有CCP的压迫行为施加了无声的道德权威”,他们会在国内行动中说话,但保持沉默,但保持沉默拘留营的维格尔人。即使公司确实像Uber一样在全球舞台上采取奇怪的道德立场在2018年拒绝其沙特投资者,在贾马尔·卡索吉(Jamal Khashoggi)被谋杀后,它往往是a temporary stand

Ramaswamy’s main beef isn’t with corporate disingenuousness or hypocrisy, though, but rather with corporations inclined to interfere with politics. The author cites as insidious threats to democracyBig Tech’s crackdown on Donald Trumpfollowing the Capitol Riot in January, along withcompanies boycotting Georgiaover its new voter restrictions shortly afterward. He also sees John Kerry whipping up誓言银行付出气候行动的资金作为民主人士规避制度以通过议程的方式。(银行会得到什么,拉马斯瓦米想知道;一个公平的问题。)



在线条之间阅读Woke,Inc。, Ramaswamy often seems more concerned with so-called wokeness itself than with woke corporations. First of all, the term唤醒两者都太狭窄了 - 他将其定义为“对种族,性别和性取向的痴迷”,而且太广泛了,因为它显然也指痴迷于气候变化和投票权。众所周知,自由主义者似乎都可以扁平化成另一个糟糕的方面。考虑到作者的自由使用唤醒,奇怪的是系统性种族主义太无礼了,无法认真对待。他写道:“就个人而言,尽管我认为种族主义存在并且应该被消除,但我不相信'系统性种族主义'。”“实际上,我什至不知道这意味着什么:对我来说,这听起来像是一个旨在允许政治领导人逃避责任解决现实世界中的问题等问题的词组。”


It’s insulting to suggest that Americans only care more about social justice issues recently because corporations want them to, rather than the other way around. But as Ramaswamy sees it, the idea that “consumers are demanding it and [corporations] are just giving them what they want” is “often just a hollow excuse to justify top-down power-grabbing by influential executives and investors.”


According to what, exactly? His hunch? To pick apart just one example, the companies who boycotted Georgia over its voting restrictions earlier this year werecaving into pressure from activists and concerned citizens, not inciting it.

作者似乎高估了公司对公众的核心信念的影响。像拉马斯瓦米所说滚动their眼睛?他真的认为每个关心这样的事情的人吗over-policingand红线也是不可行的corporations?Woke,Inc。certainly reads that way.




The problem with railing against whatever one considers to be woke is that it can easily lead to anti-wokeness, which is just sneering at anyone trying to make any kind of positive impact. Ramaswamy flirts with anti-wokeness throughout his book. Not only does he consider AstraZeneca’s2020年的承诺10亿美元打击气候变化a wasteful act of virtue-signaling, he considersthe U.S. government’s later pledge of $1.2 billion to AstraZeneca’sCOVID疫苗努力实现了Quid Pro Quo。他会喜欢制药巨人吗不是在全球大流行期间被资助用于疫苗研究?更重要的是,只是因为Al Gore亲自获得巨额奖励from his climate change advocacy doesn’t mean everyone invested in finding solutions is only in it for prestige and profit.

Even if they were, though, the end result would be the same: More money for a cause that’s existentially important.


The underlying truth about virtue-signaling is that the difference between a truly virtuous person and someone disingenuously acting like one—in terms of impact—is often negligible. Some companies align themselves with social justice for indefensible reasons, as detailed above, and they should ideally stop. But if a company senses where the public is going and cynically panders to us by, say,在其广告中使用更多的异族和LGBTQ夫妇好吧,即使人们不相信代表性很重要,也是美国经历的一部分,这意味着被认真对待作为人群。


