
Cooper Hewitt Design Museum’s new director: ‘I see design as a great equalizer’

Maria Nicanor, the new director of the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, wants to change how you think about design. First step? Move away from the shiny object.

Cooper Hewitt Design Museum’s new director: ‘I see design as a great equalizer’

In February, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museumannounced the appointment of a new director. Maria Nicanor, a Spanish American curator and historian, joined the organization at a tumultuous time. Two years ago, Cooper Hewitt’s former director,卡罗琳·鲍曼(Caroline Baumann)被迫辞职amid allegations of abusing her influence for personal gain, allegations she强烈否认. (The design community rallied behind Baumann, and一个捐助者甚至将库珀·休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)从她的遗嘱中写出来抗议


现年41岁的尼古诺(Nicanor)现在负责稳定船并将博物馆引导到一个充满挑战的博物馆时刻,从而更加广泛。大流行萎缩了他们的观众,社会正义运动在博物馆和其他文化机构的各种方式上亮着灯光,同时担任现状的守门人。库珀·休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)是一家由联邦政府资助的机构,在纽约市上东区提供了托尼(Tony)讲话,体现了许多矛盾。

Nicanor的使命是使博物馆更具包容性,无论是在内部如何在其讲述设计的故事中运作和外部运作的方式。作为一名前学者,曾在纽约的古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim Museum)以及伦敦的维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum)担任过策展职位,因此她很准备这样做。工作一个月后,她与Co.Design谈了她在库​​珀休伊特(Coopewww.vwinchina.comr Hewitt)的最大目标,博物馆是否可以是中立的,以及设计应该如何成为恢复性司法行为,而不仅仅是制作人工制品。

The interview has been edited for length and clarity.


www.vwinchina.comCo.Design:哪条路将您带到库珀休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)?

玛丽亚·尼卡诺(Maria Nicanor):我本人不是设计师,但我在艺术史,建筑史和设计史上受过培训,并且从事学术界停止的博物馆中的职业。我的整个职业生涯都是设计和建筑,公共服务和博物馆工作的三大大支柱 - 我选择讲述我感兴趣的故事的媒介。因此,国家公共博物馆库珀休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)将所有这些支柱汇集在一起​​。

我最初是西班牙人,我是公共系统的产物,从公共教育系统和公共文化和博物馆系统中受益。我知道这一点的价值。我已经就良好的公共系统可以做什么喝了库尔援助。库珀·休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)是一个罕见的机构,所有这些事情都存在。因此,对我来说,这很有意义。下一步是一个令人兴奋的举动,能够讲述所有这些故事,我认为从这个平台上很重要。



目前,所有文化组织都处于危机时刻。博物馆经历了真正的估算 - 并不是在大流行之前没有发生这种情况。老实说,危机以前存在。因此,对我来说,该博物馆可以拥有的变革能力和国家覆盖范围是现在重要的。

我们需要承认博物馆不是中立空间的事实。他们从来没有去过。但是现在我们正在谈论它。我们以前甚至都没有谈论它。当我是一个更初级的策展人时,有些对话永远不会浮出水面。这些对话正在发生。在库珀·休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)[我们想]将博物馆如何发展,博物馆的含义以及他们传统上造成的伤害(他们一直存在的结构)的谈话中。如果我们可以对更改对话或添加并以身作则有很小的影响,那么这对我来说与其说是关于设计的精彩故事,展览和节目一样重要的。







We have a general audience that we call the design curious—people who are interested in design generally. A lot of our audience is also our designers who are active in the field. I would hope that we can appeal to people regardless of their geographical location who are interested in understanding the ways in which their lives are affected by design. That is a large swath.




That speaks to this idea that design isn’t an elitist pursuit, but rather something that is affecting absolutely everyone.





这种系统的心态而不是对象心态对于改变很重要。我希望这就是我们将来的计划和展览。库珀·休伊特(Cooper Hewitt)已经做到了这一点非常成功的历史,但是在讲故事的基础上是我们的工作。例如,我们必须向人们解释与住房的设计联系。而且我们有一个大量的收藏(可以做到这一点)。从埃及时代开始,它是超过200,000个物品。我们需要将这些历史性收藏作为对话开始。我们使用历史来定义设计的未来。



One of the powers of design is that it can visualize for people what the possibilities are. [Then] you can start talking about them in a way that is much more tangible. Design is a mirror, but it also has direct consequences on problems [like climate change and inequity]. It has actually perpetuated some of those problems. Therein lies the danger of design.

So if we look at what design can do in the future . . . there’s a certain sense of using design as restoration: How can we not add to that but use it to restore? Design might not mean to create more stuff. Architecture doesn’t mean to build more stuff either. I would stress that idea of design as a restorative process for the current moment that we’re in, which is one of super acute, heightened crisis in so many ways.


Are there certain areas of design where you see more progress being made than others—where design is indeed restorative?








The museum has a very different DNA in its origins than some other museum institutions. When the Hewitt sisters started it in 1897, it was meant to be an experimental space, a laboratory. It wasn’t the traditional idea of the museum. I’m going to hold tight to that concept because that’s what helps me change and do what I think the museum should do in this day and age. The idea that we get to take risks, that we get to experiment; we have that in our history, we have that in the DNA.

I also think it’s in the programming that we establish. I’ve done work in the past with museums that were very tightly connected with city governments, for instance, where you start to talk to cities about their policies. That’s where the role of museums starts to change and you start to be a convening space for conversations that can actually even impact policy. I always talk about the example of L.A. and how they have this position of a chief design officer [held by formerLos Angeles Timescritic] Christopher Hawthorne. What if we did that? What if we could have those conversations from a museum in New York? How would that affect the way that we work in the city?




What about five years from now?

I would like for everybody to see the museum as a hub where [you go] if you want to know about the most cutting-edge ideas in design right now, not tied to a thing necessarily, but to a conversation. I would like for people to know that they can go to our website and watch a wonderful mini documentary on a really exciting designer somewhere across the globe or they can come and actually see our collections and our exhibitions in person at the museum.

What’s the most surprising thing about the job so far?



我认为设计是一个很好的均衡器。People might be a bit more intimidated if you ask them for their opinion on a Kandinsky painting, but if you ask them how they feel about their neighborhood, or where they live and the state of the sidewalks, you’ll get a lot of responses, and that’s design. People know more than they think about design because they’re experiencing it all the time. Everybody knows more about design than they realize.



Suzanne Labarre是Co.Design的编辑。www.vwinchina.com以前,她曾是流行科学的在线内容总监,并为《纽约时报》,《纽约观察家》,《新闻日》,《 I.D》
