

You can try a few of these techniques to freshen up your journey getting from point ‘A’ to point ‘B.’

Working from home has lots of benefits, and primary among them is avoiding the commute. The case against the commute has always been strong, but it’s only building with record-high gas prices and millions of people who have had a taste of life without the slog to and from work over the last couple years.


In fact, according to a麦肯锡研究,有29%的人说,如果必须每天在办公室里,他们会选择离开雇主。通勤是他们抵抗返回的原因之一。尽管许多企业正在实施在家中工作的选择,但对于大多数人来说,上下班的人将继续是一个给定的,至少每周几天。





Overall, more time commuting is linked with lower life satisfaction. This is according to a study by the滑铁卢大学。In addition, a study by the蒙特利尔大学找到通勤和倦怠之间的联系。花费更多时间通勤的人更有可能感到情感上的耗尽,愤世嫉俗的工作效率较小。

The biggest factor in commuting is the time it costs. When you commute more, you will tend to feel greater time poverty and experience disappointment that you’re spending time in transit rather than doing what you’d like—exercising, socializing or volunteering for example.

The implication is that you’ll want to be selective about the employer you choose. You may want to trade off higher compensation for less time commuting, knowing the payoff will be greater life satisfaction. And you will want to ensure your employer is earning the commute with great cultures and meaningful work—and with offices that nourish you rather than sapping you.



Another fascinating finding related to your commuting schedule. A study by达特茅斯学院在您的通勤更可预测的情况下发现,您的压力较小,工作上更有效和富有成效。



The route you choose

您的旅行方式和去哪里也对您的积极经历很重要。根据您的一项研究巴塞罗那全球健康研究所。旨在通过更多的绿色和蓝色区域上下班 - 越过水的公园和区域。无论您是步行,骑自行车,驾驶还是大众运输,这些都会倾向于滋养。

For your well-being, you can also avoid routes which take you through areas with a lot of fast food or grocery stores. People who commute past these tended to have higher BMI and reduced physical well-being, according to research byArizona State University。And if your commute requires your proximity to these, pass them by.


In addition, you can manage your perception of the time you spend commuting. Your experience of time is based on your attention. When you’re doing things which are novel or which affect you more emotionally—and therefore cause you to be more conscious of the experience—time will seem to slow down, and when you’re doing things which are routine or redundant, it will tend to go faster.

如果您想让上下班退去并走过,而不会觉得自己花了很多时间,就可以采取通常的路线。另一方面,如果您想陶醉于时间并享受更多的时间,则可以在某些日子里切换它 - 沿着路线移动或沿途停止意外。要点消息:您可以通过故意到达那里来控制通勤的经历。



You can also increase your constructive experience of a commute by making it more active. The University of Waterloo and the Dartmouth studies found that commutes which included more activity—walking or cycling to work, or even more steps to and from mass transit—had a positive impact on mental and physical health as well as productivity.




  • Be reflective:During your commute, be mindful—being present and relaxing in the time you’re spending. The Dartmouth study found when people used their devices more frequently during their commutes, they were more stressed. Put down your device and just take in the experience. Listen to music or think through the day ahead of you, or reflect on the work you’ve just completed—use the time to slow down.
  • Be friendly:When we are commuting and in other public settings, we tend to assume people won’t want to talk to us, and we tend to assume the interaction won’t be very rewarding anyway. But according to research at the芝加哥大学, the opposite is true. In fact, when people interact with strangers with small talk or quick connections, they tend to feel satisfied and report they were happy to have engaged. The不列颠哥伦比亚大学甚至发现与我们周围的人的表面互动也有助于我们的幸福和幸福感。因此,请进行眼神交流,与他人交谈,并在上下班时寻求参与。
  • Be productive:Another way to enhance your commute is by making it feel valuable in your day. Instead of framing it as the time when you can’t get anything done or time waiting for other things to happen, fill it with its own meaning. Listen to podcasts or books, spend the time talking on the phone with friends or learn a language during the time you’re commuting. If you’re feeling the strain of opportunity cost—all the things you could be doing instead of commuting—you’ll be more stressed, but if commuting becomes part of the time you invest in yourself or your relationships, your quality of life will increase overall.


特雷西·布劳(Tracy Brower)是一名致力于工作与生活的社会学家。她在Steelcase工作,是两本书的作者The Secrets to Happinessat WorkandBring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work
