


[SXSW可以通过多种方式改变我们的思维,操作和组织方式,令人兴奋的新工具,重要问题以及作为一个聪明,热情的人的社区。SXSW已经有很多方法已经破坏了我们如何利用技术,应该应用创造力,可以实现什么沟通的方式,但是大多数/仅发生在现场,活动期间和背后的动力,因此当每个人都飞回自己的余生之家时,许多可能令人兴奋的事情就会消失。我希望看到SXSW达到下一个水平 - 我有四个我认为可以提供帮助的快速想法。这是#4。]




1)实际上,我是媒体的成员 - 我主持了由国家新闻网络分发的每周播客,并定期为各种博客和在线出版物做出贡献。通过参加媒体的成员,我可以特殊访问人士和SXSW的信息 - 以及安排面试或会议的帮助,我不一定能够独自获得。例如,我收到有关发行的每部电影的新闻稿,并乐队启动了一个新项目,以及PR商店和技术的大量电子邮件和电话,希望设置演示或会议。会员确实有其特权。换句话说,新闻通行证是


2)我认为媒体今天发挥着重要的作用 - 不仅涵盖SXSW等活动中发生的事情,而且实际上有助于塑造人们对新技术的思考,沟通,创造力和创新的变化以及SXSW定期解决的其他问题。不幸的是,大多数媒体对SXSW的报道只是报道,描述发生的事情,没有足够深入了解其为什么重要的情况。我认为,如果我作为媒体成员参加,并安排人们分发我在现场创建的内容,那么我可以尽我所能以所需的方式为讨论做出贡献。

这是问题所在 - SXSW不需要我作为媒体来报道他们的活动,并且可能不会从提供的覆盖范围中受益。The accredited media doesn’t do a good enough job covering the issues and happenings at SXSW – at least not enough to ensure that SXSW gets the full credit it deserves for organizing a wonderfully exciting and influential event (criticisms of the content that I posted aside). Moreover, each year, more and more people create blogs, log on to twitter, and share their observations about what is happening at SXSW. The vast majority of these content creators don’t request a media credential, and don’t need one. They get access to the same smart people that I might be able to reach because I have been given official accreditation. They reach an audience and influence the way people think about, and respond to, what is happening at SXSW without having to run information through an editor or conform to existing set of editorial standards. In other words, they do the job that the media should be doing.

尽管如此,认可的媒体和chat不休的班级都短缺。作为SXSW的定期与会者,每年都在撰写并报道活动的人,我找不到会议上可以阅读的内容的好,聪明,有益的见解。As a professional, working in the arena of communications, innovation, technology, social impact, etc. I don’t have very many articles or other information to share with clients, integrate into my thinking, or serve as evidence of a trend that I hope to pursue or explore. There is a huge gap in what is covered and a huge opportunity for that information to be created. The obvious answer is that SXSW should be its own media. Beyond just streaming and promoting different sessions, SXSW should deploy people to cover, and analyze, the discussions taking place across the festival. SXSW should create more original content – interview every speaker, tap into the audience to provide specific insights and ideas, publish a book each year that summarizes the happenings and sets the tone for the discussion that needs to take place in advance of next year’s event. Organizers should float themes, push stories, suggest approaches that media and non-media alike can explore, helping to shape and advance a set of topics that capture the behind-the-scenes thinking that went in to setting up the annual event.


除非或直到SXSW成为其自己的媒体(创建更多内容),将更多的关注关注某些事物,以确保更周到和前瞻性讨论的方式支持现有的内容创建(是否获得认可)festival can’t be reached. If it would be helpful, I would be more than happy to be accredited as a member of the SXSW Media next year, and write/record/create coverage through an operation that serves to further expand the reach and impact of the conference – and I think others would as well.
