
20 Lessons Of Design

Once upon a time, design was considered unimportant among most top business leaders, a secondary realm prowled by precious egotists and aesthetes.

20 Lessons Of Design
有趣的骨头:松弛CEOStewart Butterfielddesigned his workplace communication platform to have a personality–his.[照片:克莱顿·科特雷尔(Clayton Cotterell);造型:Lacey-June Berry;修饰:Sonia Leal-Serafim;毛衣:拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren);衬衫:J.Lindeberg]

At best, design was an afterthought, like slapping a coat of paint on an already-built house or adding a cool tail fin to a finished product.


不再。首席执行官和战略家现在都感谢精致设计可以提供的基本优势。德赢提款Fast Company的第四届年度Innovation by Designawards competition drew more than 1,500 submissions from across the economy and around the globe, and the finalists—whose achievements inform the content of this month’s magazine—reflect the most exciting new directions in business today. Here, in recognition of德赢提款’s 20th anniversary year, are 20 lessons of design drawn from this issue.


In a world of flux, where an authentic connection with the consumer is more vital than ever, businesses need to identify a worthy mission and address it in an intuitive, human way. Special things happen when they do, whether that’s at Apple or Uber, or even an enterprise-software outfit like Slack.


When a service is adeptly tuned to meet a need, it can spread like wildfire. Uber became a worldwide phenomenon through the word-of-mouth that its product generated. And that impact can extend beyond customers to other businesses. By designing a complete end-to-end experience,Uber在全球范围内激发了一种新型的一击经济体。



这与传统业务分析相反。但是,消费者也需要感受到产品或服务的好处,即使他们在智力上重视它对他们的作用。从苹果到沃比·帕克(Warby Parker),所有以设计驱动的企业都痴迷于此。Airbnb凭借其精心设计的应用程序和巧妙的构想电视广告系列,通过始终如一地利用它为客人和主人提供的情感影响而蓬勃发展。

4. Good design overcomes discomfort.

拼车感觉是déclassé,但是新的Uberpool服务的简便性击败了这种社会偏见,就像Airbnb对在别人的床上睡觉的吸引力一样,颠覆了人们的假设。虚拟现实似乎是未来的体验,但是Google Cardboard使用巧妙的设计为所有人创造了低成本体验。

5. Simple design isn’t simple.

As senior writer Austin Carr explains,亚马逊涉足语音激活界面恰恰是因为它不会尝试做太多事情,这就是波浪 - 杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)的首席执行官毫不留情。


6. The first mover doesn’t always have an advantage.

All things being equal, it’s best to be first to market. But all things are not equal. And in the trade-off between timing and execution, getting it right matters more. That’s why Facebook outlasted MySpace, and why Uber is trouncing other ride-share services.詹姆斯·戴森爵士的公司正如他的一位工程师所说的那样,将其作为“完全正确”的优先事项,使其成为21亿美元的年销售额。


Dyson set out to build a better vacuum, and in the process used what it learned to expand into fans, hand dryers, and more. Now it is poised to become a full-fledged technology company, taking those lessons one step further. Uber is a global enterprise that operates locally, with each market A/B testing ideas that others can then adopt.

Power source:戴森(Dyson)是一家以透明度为基础的公司(以及一些非常酷的电动机),宽容的设计和技术紧密相连。Photo:Kate Peters

8. Design needs protection.




在其他人只看到暗淡的灰色的地方,设计师会看到机会。谁对电子邮件的未来感到兴奋?斯图尔特·巴特菲尔德(Stewart Butterfield)做到了,现在松弛价值为28亿美元。关于什么 。。。袜子?向这个被忽视的地区呼吸生命有助于立场建立一个蓬勃发展的品牌。

10. Frustration can breed inspiration.

Butterfield launched Slack after he’d been annoyed by his experiences with corporate software at Yahoo. The head of Leatherman tools was denied entry to Disneyland because he was carrying his own product—so he came up with a wearable version that has even broader applications.

11. Teamwork feeds on itself.

An ad agency, a not-for-profit, and a scientist joined forces to create a drinkable book that can save lives. At Nike, a collaborative, design-friendly culture continually bears fruit, from new shoes like the Flyease to new experiences like the Zoom City basketball court.



Medical care is not always intuitive, but devices like the Cue Tracker can help all of us—and our doctors—pay attention to the things that matter most.




当在东京的纳里塔机场(Narita Airport)建造了预算航空公司的航站楼时,所有通常的便利设施都没有资金。这些限制导致了一种“两者成一步”的方法,该方法以一小部分成本提供了实用程序。



从新的埃博拉保护套装到Virgin Hotels的新床,设计在各种规模上都会产生影响。


When Dyson did market research around its first vacuum, consumers supposedly hated the clear plastic bins that allowed them to see the dirt inside. The engineers, though, loved it—and that signature element has helped define Dyson products ever since.


IBM has used data visualization to create music from tennis matches, while Emotient promises a new way to understand the hidden emotions of groups.


18. Design is full of surprises.

Uber didn’t start out trying to redesign cities, but its success has given it the ability to think bigger about how a marketplace of shared (and even driverless) cars can alter our urban experience.

19. Design isn’t going away.

The more than 1,500 entrants to our design awards this year represent the broadest pool ever.

20. We are all designers.

New tools like Squarespace 7 allow any of us to build our own creations in both the virtual world and the tangible one. Where we go from here is up to us.



Robert Safian是Flux Group的编辑和董事总经理。从2007年到2017年,Safian负责Fast Company的印刷,数字德赢提款和现场盛事内容以及其品牌管理和业务运营


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