
小米Mi 5评论:一本漂亮的便宜电话,是的,但也更大的东西

这Xiaomi Mi 5 is a darned good smartphone for the price, but it’s the ecosystem that makes it intriguing.

小米Mi 5评论:一本漂亮的便宜电话,是的,但也更大的东西
Xiaomi Mi 5[照片:Flickr用户TechStage这是给出的

至少,如果您居住在美国或欧洲,就需要一种奇怪的智能手机爱好者来寻找小米Mi 5的评论。


Xiaomi has announced no plans to release the Mi 5 in either market, as the phone maker continues to focus on core developing markets such as its home turf of China–where it was2015’s best-selling smartphone brand- 和印度。然而,该公司一直将其旗舰手机发送给像我这样的审稿人,促使有关MI 5的故事a great phone you can’t buy

True, the Xiaomi Mi 5 is a very nice phone that doesn’t cost very much–the 64 GB model I tried sells for around $350 in the countries where it’s available–but the price-to-performance ratio isn’t exactly what makes the Mi 5 noteworthy. There are plenty of quality budget phones already, including ones you can actually buy in the United States. What sets the Mi 5 apart is how it aspires to be part of something bigger.

miui软件Reskins Android更像iOS。


First, let’s talk about the phone itself. The Mi 5 is a conversation-starter, at least in my experience. People see the aluminum trim and curved white glass back and want to know what they’re looking at–a rare quality for a sub-$400 phone.


Mi 5不仅仅是外观。由于顶级的高通Snapdragon 820处理器和3 GB的RAM,它也很快开放,关闭和浏览应用程序。小米没有在显示屏上跳过,它在最大的亮度和观看角度方面很容易与我的iPhone 6 Plus相匹配,并为我的眼睛提供了更多原始的白色和鲜艳的色彩。

这phone has a优雅的弯曲玻璃后背

这Mi 5 also has a few other noteworthy embellishments, such as the reversible USB-C charging port, and a fingerprint sensor built into the home button. (The sensor unlocks the phone in a snap, but requires a bit more finger repositioning than iPhone and Nexus phone fingerprint readers.) Despite the Mi 5’s slim build and impressive performance, Xiaomi managed to squeeze in a 3,000 mAh battery, which never failed to get me through the day.

如果硬件方面有一个明显的缺点,那就是相机,它在运动镜头上挣扎。(许多尝试拍摄我的孩子的尝试都会因模糊而失去。)即使如此,MI 5的作用也比您的平均中档手机更好。16MP射手在阳光下拍摄了华丽的静止镜头,并在不使用闪光的情况下提供了相当明亮的室内镜头。相机使用相位检测自动对焦来快速锁定面部。



On the software side, the Mi 5 ships with Android 6.0 Marshmallow. But Xiaomi, like most other phone makers, has decided to bulk it up with a custom interface, in this case called MIUI.

这extra layer isn’t necessarily a bad thing. While the home screen is more akin to iOS than Android, with no app drawer for stowing away less frequently used apps, it still supports widgets, and offers a clever way to bulk-move apps across screens or into folders.

小米的theme storelets you give MIUI a new look.

您看的越多,在整个MIUI中,您都会发现类似的周到的触感。像大多数Android手机一样,从屏幕顶部滑动会引起通知,但是如果您没有任何通知,则可以直接转到可自定义的设置列表。设置一个经常出现的警报,您将可以选择跳过一天。您还可以激活锁定某些应用程序和功能的儿童模式,以及在严酷的蓝光上缩小的读取模式。主题商店可让您更改手机的外观,而严肃的Android Geeks可以从MIUI的设置菜单中切换手机的导航和音量按钮。


以这种方式与Android混在一起确实会邀请怪癖。最初,我的MI 5评论单元遇到了一个奇怪的问题,即我的锁定屏幕被空白的白页替换,而我在不进行工厂排列手机的情况下无法修复它。几个应用程序也未能看到位置数据而没有被卸载和重新安装,而且我仍然无法让我的Pebble SmartWatch用作可信赖的蓝牙设备,用于绕过锁定屏幕。该显示器的超薄挡板也缺乏足够的棕榈拒绝,导致单手使用期间出现了相当多的意外压力。

最终,如果三星的Galaxy手机便宜300美元,那么功能强大的硬件和定制的Android软件的组合使我想起了三星。即便如此,将MI 5归类为廉价的Android手机的版本并不能完全公正地与小米试图做的事情相称。


Mi, Mi, Mi

Over two weeks with the Mi 5, I couldn’t help but notice that I was missing out on a chunk of the Xiaomi experience.



  • 如果您穿着MI带健身追踪器入睡,则MI 5可以自动输入,请勿打扰模式。
  • MI耳机可以在MI 5的音频设置菜单中利用优化的均衡器预设。
  • 这Mi Remote app lets you control a Mi TV or Mi Box media streamer over Wi-Fi.
  • 附近的MI设备可以与“ Mi Drop”共享文件,这基本上就像Apple的Airdrop一样。
  • 借助MI帐户,您的所有消息,笔记,照片和录音都将同步到其他小米设备,并与mi.com同步。

Xiaomi often gets pegged as the “Apple of China,” largely because it produces attractive products–some of which lookan awful lot like Apple’s–and sells them directly through its own e-commerce channel, all while inspiringrabid fandom in its home country。But what tends to get overlooked is the hardware and service integration that Xiaomi is slowly building. This, too, is Apple-like, but with one major difference: Xiaomi sells a much wider range of hardware and services than Apple does, and sees those accessories, rather than the phone itself, as利润的主要驱动力



But in the meantime, the “quality phone for cheap” angle is losing its edge. Phone makers are now routinely cracking the $400 barrier with solid handsets like the OnePlus 2 and theNexus 5X。Even Apple now offers a$400 iPhonewith nearly top-of-the-line tech specs.

That means it’s all the more urgent for Xiaomi to offer something bigger: a suite of products that play nicely together without the usual price premium. I haven’t experienced that with the Mi 5, but I can start to see how it might all come together.


About the author

Jared Newman covers apps and technology from his remote Cincinnati outpost. He also writes two newsletters,Cord Cutter Weeklyand顾问
