

如果有一个迹象表明整个博客越来越严重,就是这样:本周早些时候,通用汽车副主席鲍勃·卢兹(Bob Lutz)开始写博客。或至少他的公关代理商确实如此 - 显然是“ gmblogs.com”域挂号的向通用汽车公司的公关机构Hass MS&L(谢谢,Niall Cook。)尽管如此,博客还是很了不起的。

如果有一个迹象表明整个博客越来越严重,就是这样:本周早些时候,通用汽车副主席鲍勃·卢兹(Bob Lutz)开始写博客。或至少他的公关代理商确实如此 - 显然是“ gmblogs.com”域挂号的向通用汽车公司的公关机构Hass MS&L(谢谢,Niall Cook。)尽管如此,博客还是很了不起的。In writing about the new Saturn models, the Sky Roadster and Aura sedan, Lutz (or his PR flak) is more candid than you’d expect, admitting GM used to be “bad at” seat tailoring, carpet fits, and sheet metal quality and confessing to Saturn’s traditionally “narrow, aging product lineup.”


然而,真正值得称赞的是通用汽车决定允许读者,评论家和邪教的土星粉丝的评论。In just two days, there’s already been more than 50 comments, ranging from love letters (“Someone leaked Saturn Sky pics a bit early but my god it is GORGEOUS”) to product feedback (“the cupholders inside the rear center armrest are really quite cheesy”) to biting criticism (“Saturn is toilet [sic] where you’re flushing cash. Shut that toilet lid and invest in your other lines”). Most readers were thrilled with Lutz’s effort to connect with customers (“You are a breath of fresh air”) but others couldn’t restrain themselves from a personal stab or two (“I’m not a fan of your work. I don’t see any difference between the GM before you and after you except that the cars have less plastic cladding and the hype surrounding the designs is greater.”)

