
Your childhood nostalgia is big business–just ask Reebok


Your childhood nostalgia is big business–just ask Reebok




卡洛斯·埃斯科巴(Carlos Escobar),设计师锐步,看到这种怀旧在世界各地展开,从纽约的地铁到巴黎的臀部社区再到柏林的购物街。他说:“年轻人似乎对过去有一种渴望。”“它在他们的运动鞋上弹奏。”

卡洛斯·埃斯科巴(Carlos Escobar)[照片:锐步]

A “Sudden Surge” In Classic Sneakers

Escobar没有想象它。回到Reebok的波士顿总部,该公司在2014年的经典业务中连续两位数增长,该公司从过去重现了过去的标志性运动鞋。根据该公司的数据,千禧一代和Z世代的消费者正在推动这一趋势,抢购了老式的高架和皮革踢。难怪年轻人在任何地方都闲逛 - 从大学校园到Hip New York或L.A.Cafés-老式的Reebok Styles不断出现。


如今,Classics占Reebok总销售额的40%,超过了其性能鞋部门,该部门的重点是使用技术为体育和健身创造鞋子。凯利·希伯勒(Kelly Hibler)在耐克(Nike)工作了28年后,在2017年成为Reebok Classics的总经理。他说:“这对行业中的每个人来说都是很明显的。”“这些经典风格的销售突然激增。”

凯利·希伯勒(Kelly Hibler)[照片:锐步]
Hibler estimates that there are about 15 iconic sneakers (known in the industry as “franchises”) on the market that reached enough popularity when they were introduced to endure today. These include Converse’s Chuck Taylors, Nike’s Air Jordan, or Adidas’s Superstar. But Reebok, which is much smaller than its competitors and has less than 2% of the athletic shoe market, happens to have at least four iconic styles.

有经典的皮革,该皮革于1983年首次亮相,以其白色皮革外观和对比鲜明的胶鞋底而闻名,其中包含该品牌最早的徽标,上面有英国国旗。有自由式高昂的高处,于1982年首次推出,以补充女性霓虹色的有氧运动服装。有C俱乐部C,1985年首次推出了一款苗条的白色网球鞋,捕捉了Preppy Country Club美学。还有Instapump Fury,1994年的感觉,舌头上有一个实际的泵。



锐步has been struggling financially for decades and did not fare better after Adidas bought the company in 2005 for$3.8 billion。2018年,锐步的收入下降了3%,就在去年,阿迪达斯正在考虑剥离自己品牌。经典业务显然可能是扭转局面的关键。希伯勒说:“锐步已经意识到,管理我们的特许经营可能是我们要做的最重要的事情。”“只有少数鞋子在世界各地都知道,并且已经生存了数十年。”

To keep the Classics business growing, Reebok has been scouring its archive to recreate some of its iconic designs from the past. But Hibler and his team believe they can do more. Give the customer the same old shoes again and again, and they’ll get bored. So Reebok’s designers have been working to gently tweak and update these silhouettes to keep customers interested and coming back for more.



重新推出的Aztrek Trail运动鞋[照片:Reebok]





但是,当设计师探索这种怀旧之时,他们意识到今天的青少年和二十多岁的人实际上并不知道每种运动鞋在历史上都在哪里。当他们与焦点小组的消费者交谈时,他们开始看到设计的确切起源并不重要。实际上,管理经典系列沟通的弗兰克·里维拉(Frank Rivera)说,年轻人经常将各种复古风格融合在一起。


Aztrek 93 [照片:Reebok]



For Reebok’s designers, the awareness that the classic shoes are connected to a general feeling of nostalgia and continuity with the past was hugely liberating, because it means they’re not limited to accurately recreating looks from the past. “We can blur the lines between decades and eras,” says Rivera. “We can put a new spin on a Classic shoe to give it new energy and excitement, but the customer still feels like it reminds them of another era. We wanted to give customers new reasons to be interested in us.”

Hibler believes that young consumers like seeing multiple reference points from the past in a single sneaker because this mimics how they process history. They’re not necessarily thinking history in terms of a linear narrative, but see artifacts from different eras–like the spandex aerobics outfits of the ’80s and the chunky basketball sneakers of the ’90s–as representing the fashion trends of their parents’ generation. This is partly a product of the internet. When someone does a Google search for, say, “vintage sneakers,” they see images of different shoes and different aesthetics appear next to one another. And all of this creates a composite of what an era or style means to them. “Customers are digesting a lot of information very quickly,” he says. “This has opened up the lens of what Classics can be.”

Inside the Reebok archive [Photo: Reebok]

Hacking History

锐步一直倾向于这种想法,即对标志性风格不太珍贵。Earlier this year, Rivera led an ambitious new project called “Alter The Icons,” where the company revived 10 silhouettes from the past, including the Classic Leather and the DMX, but put bold new twists on them by incorporating colors and textures that weren’t in the original.



复古Aztrek 96 [照片:Reebok]

该公司还正在探索其档案的其他角落,普通客户可能不太熟悉。Right now, the company is working to revive the Aztrek, Reebok’s all-terrain hiking shoe that was first released in 1993. Escobar believes this is the right time to bring it back because it is playing into a broader fashion trend he was seeing in the market.

“Trail shoes are going to be big this year,” he says. “We thought we could play into this trend in our own unique way, drawing from our own history. Fashion goes in cycles, so there’s always an opportunity to bring back something from the archives.”

A prototype of an updated Aztrek [Photo: Reebok]

锐步is releasing several updated versions of the Aztrek Double, with a particularly chunky sole that almost looks like a platform. Most people remember the version of the shoe that came in blue and green. The brand collaborated with Gigi Hadid to create a version of the shoe in similarly bold, contrasting colors: orange and yellow, and black and blue. “Gigi was drawn to the shoe because it first came to market around the time she was born,” says Escobar. “It was a nod to the sensibilities of that decade, with both the color scheme and the silhouette.”

A Club C [Photo: Reebok]


锐步was quick to spot the fascination in these ’80s and ’90s styles, and has been exploiting this trend by bringing a slew of vintage-inspired sneakers to market. But what happens when the trends shift yet again, and consumers suddenly lose their taste for classics? Hibler, who has been in the sneaker business for three decades now, wouldn’t be surprised if this happens. In his experience, trends can be fickle. “We know that customers are interested in classics now, and we’re trying to give them new, exciting options to choose from,” he says. “But it’s possible that one day they won’t be as driven by nostalgia.”






伊丽莎白·塞格兰(Elizabeth Segran)博士是Fast Company的高级职员作家。德赢提款她住在马萨诸塞州剑桥
