
The best Olympic logos of all time, according to design experts

The real Olympic blood sport? Debating the official logos.

The best Olympic logos of all time, according to design experts

今年的奥运会在一个令人困惑的时期都有令人困惑的徽标。在去年推迟了比赛以遏制Covid-19的传播之后,奥运会组织者选择不更新2021的徽标。由此产生的身份,一个由2020年来的方格圆圈,设法既陈旧又相关 - 这是一个明显的提醒,即Covid-19仍然是一个clear and present threat


并非总是如此。奥运会产生了过去一个世纪最令人兴奋的品牌身份。以兰斯·怀曼(Lance Wyman)为1968年墨西哥城市奥运会的OP艺术启发品牌塑造,该品牌在最后50年以上,在最后的50年之后,它仍然在全市占据着重要地位。长期以来,奥运会使东道国能够向世界传达他们的希望和野心,最好的奥运会徽标就像一个热情的委员会,诱使观众了解更多。


[Image: Wiki Commons]


第二次世界大战后日本重生的巨大红色阳光可能是黄金奥林匹克戒指。这是更新,希望和夏季奥运会理想的象征。但这也是游戏的立即识别和令人难忘的符号,这是国际活动的关键要求。设计师Yusaku Kamekura说:“人们可能认为这个大红色圆圈代表了Hinomaru [日本国旗],但我的实际意图是表达太阳。我想通过大红色圆圈和五环奥林匹克标记之间的平衡来创建一个新鲜和生动的图像。”传说,Kamekura在截止日期之前仅几个小时就创作了作品,我认为这适合奥运会,在这些奥运会上,快速时期获得了黄金的奖励。- 伙伴,订单的汉什·史密斯(Hamish Smyth)

[Image: Wiki Commons]


最好的奥林匹克徽标一定是兰斯·怀曼(Lance Wyman)在1968年墨西哥城运动会的设计。怀曼(Wyman)与妻子尼拉(Neila)和他的搭档彼得·默多克(Peter Murdoch)一起从纽约飞往墨西哥时只有29岁,他参加了为期两周的比赛。他们匆匆进入的是一项杰作,奥林匹克戒指有机地融合到了数字6和8的下部碗中,并引用了古代墨西哥民间艺术和60年代的迷幻小说。50多年后,您仍然可以在墨西哥城看到徽标。这是您可以判断奥林匹克徽标的一种方式:它比活动超过了吗?对墨西哥来说,’68场比赛是一个巨大的比赛,怀曼的徽标捕捉到了这一刻,此后已成为该国的持久,爱国的象征。- Gary Hustwit,电影制片人和创始人,哦,您漂亮的东西

[Photo: Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone/Getty Images]
这个徽标和身份系统可能是我在自己的实践中提到的设计之一。看起来今天仍然可以像那时一样工作。我一直很喜欢关于它的发展的故事 - 国际比赛,兰斯·怀曼(Lance Wyman)和他的伴侣通过新鲜的眼睛看到了墨西哥,并受到墨西哥艺术的启发,其墨西哥艺术是大胆的线条,几何形状和鲜艳的色彩。同时,在纽约,发生了光学艺术的整个趋势,他与两者结婚。具有遗产影响的现代方法,经受了时间的考验!—Lisa Smith, executive creative director, Jones Knowles Ritchie

[Image: Wiki Commons]


Though it’s considered superb work today, [Otl] Aicher’s efforts were initially dismissed by much of the German public and media. Not initially part of the overall logo competition to choose the Olympic logo, the creation of the identity for Aichler was a highly personal assignment. Aicher had been an open opponent of the Nazis, he had seen several of his fellow resistors executed, and ultimately spent the last years of World War II in hiding. For both Aicher and Germany, the 1972 Games were a necessary step in moving past the stain of Nazi rule. Hence, the event’s nakedly optimistic theme, ‘The Happy Games.’ This theme was fully personified in Aicher’s creating a startling mark, incredibly abstract, epitomizing expressive modernism. With its dynamic movement and energy, the radiant spiral logo illuminated the new German nation, signifying progress, harmony, and a new beginning.- Pentagram的合伙人Eddie Opara


[Photo: Potter Auctions/Gado/Getty Images]
Although, as an Israeli, to me this specific Olympics represents a historically violent event, it has my favorite logo. Beyond movement, dynamism, and exuberance, it has virtues that are not found in many of the other Olympic designs. One of the key considerations when designing a logo for the Olympics is the relationship to the colorful, circular rings, which are always around. Otl Aicher’s logo is not colorful, but is instead a stark black-and-white and is composed of straight lines and sharp angles. The magic is in the contrast with the rings. Both designs resonate together beautifully because the Munich mark is radiating from a circular center. This balance is very difficult to achieve, and Aicher, in doing so, also created a three-dimensional illusion that foreshadowed many future innovations in identity design.- 萨吉·哈维夫(Sagi Haviv),伙伴,chermayeff&geismar&haviv

[Image: Wiki Commons]


洛杉矶1984年奥运会徽标以某种方式嵌入了我的柏拉图式运动理想。它唤起了尼龙履带诉讼,民族骄傲和运动线的不懈努力。美国惠特尼休斯顿国家国歌时代的经典赛。我等不及LA28。—Jennifer Kinon, partner, Champions Design


About the author

苏珊·拉巴雷(Suzanne LaBarre)is the editor of Co.Design. Previously, she was the online content director of Popular Science and has written for the New York Times, the New York Observer, Newsday, I.D


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