
How an overemphasis on busyness hurts companies (and individuals)

A company-wide failure to valuing and managing time can have a dramatic—and negative—impact.

How an overemphasis on busyness hurts companies (and individuals)
[Photo:内森·杜姆洛(Nathan Dumlao)/Unsplash]

Remote and flexible working arrangements removed a lot of the guardrails around time. While it can be freeing in one sense, you also need to find a buffer between the demands on your time for work and protecting your personal life.


“许多人从他们的工作,技能,专业知识和职业发展中获得了很多自豪,”海伦·贝德汉姆(Helen Beedham)时间的未来. “But this culture we have around time is wearing people down. They’re constantly having to reinforce boundaries around when they’re available, when they’re not available, what they can deliver, and the sacrifices they’re prepared to make.”





“If you’re seen as being very busy, rushing off to the next meeting and in demand, you’re seen as important,” says Beedham. “Time spent sitting at our desks, reflecting on incoming information, making connections, and having space for creativity to flourish—those are viewed suspiciously. Frankly, if you’re sitting at your desk and you’re not tapping away [on your keyboard], and you’re not on the phone, and your green [camera] light is not on, what exactly are you doing?”

Historically, time management has been the individual’s problem to solve, and the norms have never been explicitly discussed or challenged, says Beedham. “We’ve not talked about it in a collective sense, such as how do we invest all our time as an asset together across teams and organizations,” she says. “We’re not very good at paying attention to our habits and our assumptions.”

The Consequences



“It wasn’t so long ago in my career that there was a commonly held view of what was the beginning and end time to the workday,” says Beedham. “Even if we still worked late and overnight, it was acknowledged to be an exception. Now, employees are frequently doing a low level of work in their nonworking time.”

结果,员工福祉正在受苦。在一个study of English-speaking countries by Sapien Labs, the U.K. had the lowest mental well-being quotient, with 36% of participants reporting being stressed and struggling. In the U.S., this number was 29%.

“We have rocketing incidents of stress and mental health that’s currently在缺席的情况下,雇主每年损失450亿英镑(或近600亿美元)贝德姆说。


A task-focused culture can also impact diversity and inclusion. When the norm is to cram as much into a day as possible, there isn’t enough time to spend on interpersonal behaviors that drive inclusion, such as listening, inquiry, empathy, and seeking different views that are perhaps not represented in the room when a decision is being made, she explains.


How to Correct The Issue

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for organizations. Instead, it’s highly dependent on each organization: their goals, their industry, the makeup of their workforce, the demographics, and what they’re trying to achieve. Essentially, Beedham says, we need to stop trying to fix the individual and start trying to fix the system.


她说:“跨团队和组织仔细观察,以及如何投入集体工作时间。”“不要只看一个小难题,例如工作时间和灵活性。看看治理和领导力。看看组织层以及它们的设计效率和合身性。”Beedham说,这包括查看公司使用的技术,健康状况以及在物理和虚拟环境中。“ [参见]如何使人们更有利于高质量的生产力,同时允许和鼓励社会纽带蓬勃发展。并查看人们如何被招募,管理和发展,以及得到什么行为得到回报。”


