
This is how “bad” can be the first step to “good”


This is how “bad” can be the first step to “good”
[照片:Tamba Budiarsana/ Pexels]

有一个俗话说我听到了无数次的变化,“不要让'完美'成为'善良'的敌人。一个例子.) I like it, because aiming for perfection is the surest way to a创意块and paralysis by analysis. Aiming for good is a great rallying call to actually get things done—旨在以可接受并允许完美自然地出现.


It’s a great mantra in the professional realm. The problem still emerges when an ill-defined “good” becomes some version of the new perfect. Sometimes, a person’s or team’s capabilities just aren’t at the place where they can make something good yet. The relationships, chemistry, and balances in talent aren’t there, and aiming for “good” at the first swing isn’t even possible yet. “Good” ideas end up being scarce, a “good” plan is non-existent, and morale ends up really really far away from “good.”

我们可能希望我们对“善良”的事物的期望会变成现实,就像一个self-fulfilling prophecy. That’s not going to happen though. For every group of people who deal with the pressure to meet this不切实际的期望, there are dozens that struggle. People are fearful because they know they won’t make something “good” with the time and resources given.


The natural principle here is not to aim for “perfect” or “good,” but always to lower standards at the beginning—even aiming for “bad,” to start with. Perfect things come from good things, and good things come from bad things. I’m definitely not saying to go all in on a bad idea—however, it’s very possible that a good idea could emerge from putting forward 100 bad ideas. (Rather it’s just unlikely that anyone can make 100 bad ideas without 1 of them being accidentally good.)


Sometimes—and I daresay, a lot of times—”good” things start out “bad.” A “good” feature emerges from a really terrible product. A “good” opportunity for skill development emerges from a really “bad” attempt at a project. A “good” book emerges from a “bad” initial draft.


Also, knowing when to slack off and ship “bad” work is another skill altogether, because that frees up your energy to do “good” work—or even to focus on trying to make something “perfect.” That’s a whole other topic altogether, one that startup advisorShreyas Doshi does a great job explaining. (When he realizes a task is unimportant and will not make an impact, and he still can’t put it off, he deliberately decides to do it badly, watching TV in the background.)

做一些“不好”的事情可能是一种糟糕的经历,并导致一个完整的死胡同。当然。通常,我发现它更进一步 - 将其像preparation phase of a creative process- 可以最大程度地挤压原本痛苦,毫无结果的经验。考虑一下,获得反馈,寻找下一步或决定您最好做其他事情 - 所有“好”项目的“好”项目。


“Bad” can be the first step to “good”

There’s a popular—and controversial—saying in software development, “更糟的是更好.” This post is not a call to make something “bad” on purpose or to ship incomplete work. It is another way of phrasing Anne Lamott’s powerful writing advice, to give yourself permission to write卑鄙的初稿. Permission to make something “Bad” is the first step to更具创造力. “Bad” isn’t the enemy of “good,” it’s merely the first step to making something good.

If we decide to take that more forgiving approach to “Bad” work, we can start looking at every piece of work as a first draft, asDJ Dahi在面试中向我推荐.

“Good” and “bad” are not always diametrically opposed. “Bad” is often how projects start. We don’t need to假装否则. “Good” is how projects appear when they are closer to complete, if we stay present when we make it. And if we’re lucky, “perfect,” takes place when we make something “good” and it matches up with timing and support. But “perfect” is not in our control.


Once we decide to let go of “perfect” and our fears of making something “bad,” our expectations fall behind and we’re free to focus what’s in front of us: the actual work itself.

This文章最初出现在Herbert Lui’s blog并经许可转载。

赫伯特·卢(Herbert Lui)是Creative Doing, a book of 50 prompts that unblock creativity for your work, hobby, or next career.他写了一条通讯shares three great books every monthand is also the editorial director atWonder Shuttle.

