
Getting work done in a world of distraction

It’s World Productivity Day (yes, that’s a thing.) Here’s what to do when every Slack, every text, and every email is slowing you down.

Getting work done in a world of distraction
[源图像:克里斯蒂娜·莫里洛(Christina Morillo)/Pexels,Padli Pradana/pexels]

Ding! Ping! Ring!


Most of us encounter a non-stop stream of notifications during the workday—notifications that divert our attention, distract our focus, and demand immediate action. How do you get work done when you must constantly switch tasks and refocus, only to be interrupted moments later? This is the all-important question in today’s workplace, and World Productivity Day is the perfect day to tackle this timely topic. On a day that recognizes the importance of being productive, let’s dive into what it means and how productivity should power today’s (and tomorrow’s) hybrid workplace.

Driven to Distraction

Productivity is not about doing more work. It’s actually defined as “the ability to complete a set amount of work in less time.” What isn’t factored into this definition: the constant distractions today’s worker confronts — and how these distractions impact productivity. Research indicates that it takes a person23 minutes to regain their prior level of thought一旦分心。那是因为我们的大脑必须停止处理我们正在执行新任务时所做的事情。然后,我们必须向后转移并重新关注原始工作。结果,旋转快速任务(例如回答松弛消息)通常比实际任务本身需要更长的时间。底线:对于每个打断我们的焦点的叮当,ping和环,我们浪费了23分钟。

The constant “focus-shift-refocus” we endured in the office has followed us home. In the office, we had chatty co-workers and an open-plan office. At home, we have kids, pets, and a stack of laundry. Moreover, the new technology we adopted to support remote work has unleashed a new set of distractions. Think about the “@ mention” alerts in your pieces of work (doc, figma file, or pull request) as well as real-time collaborative messaging in tools like Slack and Teams. They’re designed to make us stop what we are doing and check the latest alert or notification. It’s led to a cultural expectation of a speedy reply coupled with FOMO for missing an important update or not taking part in a conversation that’s happening in real time.


Here’s the problem: If I get five notifications within five minutes, there is no differentiation in terms of urgency. One notification may tell me that our entire system is down. Another may alert me that my sandwich has arrived. I have no idea which tasks can be completed quickly without diving in to assess and analyze each notification. Even when you allot five minutes to handle what you think will be a quick task, it becomes a 15-minute scavenger hunt. Part of the information you need may be buried in a document while the context is hidden within a Slack message. Because we all work cross-functionally today, we often have to sort through a maze of information because different departments rely on various tools, documents, and spreadsheets.

Getting to “Productive,” Level by Level

生产性员工是快乐的员工(谁不喜欢感到成就感?),生产业务将更快地达到重要的增长和盈利能力里程碑。基本上,重要的工作在更少的时间内完成了较少的资源 - 这种生产力反映在运营和业务指标中。那么,您如何建立和维持一家富有成效的业务?



在产品领域,公司必须对行动而不是完美有偏见。如果您过度分析,您将陷入分析瘫痪。基本上,有单向门和双向门决定。如果没有很多技术时间和员工小时,单向门决定可能很难扭转。但是,双向门的决定可能涉及释放一个小产品功能,如果它不起作用 - 您可以返回门的另一侧进行修复,维修和迭代。

One critical product-related lesson I have learned about one-way door decisions and two-way door decisions: product teams must differentiate between the two up front. Only invest a significant amount of time researching, debating, and discussing the one-way door decisions. For a two-way door, form your hypothesis with the minimum amount of information you need and act fast. Many companies waste valuable time because they don’t differentiate their one-way vs. two-way door decisions; they end up researching, debating, and discussing the two-way doors. The more two-way door features a business develops, the better — smart, small two-way door features can generate value and push the business forward. Meanwhile, customers will feel the impact of these incremental “value-add” pieces as you progress toward perfection.

在员工一级,我鼓励人们在“重要矩阵紧急的象限”中优先考虑其工作。这无需在电子表格中完成;可以在精神上完成。这是“紧急和重要的”吗?如果是这样,您应该先解决该项目。这是“重要但不紧急的”吗?为完成这项工作而分发重点时间。这既不重要又不紧急?可能值得委派或探索另一个解决方法。您可以将此矩阵中的项目变成每天开始和结束的主清单。 Check off items you completed during the day, highlight what you will tackle tomorrow, and end the day with a clean slate and a feeling of accomplishment.



尽管现代工作场所具有灵活性和进步,但当我们听到各种警报和通知时,我们通常感觉我们需要玩“ whack-a mole”。在阅读本文所需的时间上,您的设备上弹出了多少个ping?工人正在战斗警报疲劳,信息超负荷和持续的干扰。立即做出保证,通过思考如何帮助自己和团队进入生产力区域(并留在那里)来做最佳的工作,以为您的业务推动针头。

Briana iingsis vice president of product at点击。

