

From a children’s book publisher to a premium whiskey distiller, these companies are taking on the toughest societal challenges from within their industries.


Our inaugural North American list features innovative companies that span the continent. They’re based in places like New York, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, Colorado, and Mexico City. But each one is working on problems that are inherent to the region. From educating children on injustices, to getting things like solar energy, fresh produce, and COVID-19 tests into peoples’ homes, these companies are making resources more accessible and improving the quality of life on this continent.


1. Chobani


乔巴尼在大流行期间,其利益相关者卡住,提供带薪休假,每天100美元的托儿补贴,现金奖金以及免费的盒装午餐和卫生纸。为了帮助其办公室和工厂以外的社区,它将其高档Chobani Cafe变成了临时食品银行,并推出了Chobani Pantry,以支持全国当地的食品银行,最终捐赠了超过700万种产品。同时,Chobani燕麦在新兴的替代鸡肉细分市场中引起了轰动,2020年7月,该公司引入了新产品创新,例如植物性饮料,Chobani益生菌和高蛋白营养酸奶,称为Chobani Chobani完整。


For its focus on creating healthier, educational, and equitable spaces that help communities flourish


该设计公司的“以生活为中心”的方法通过创造健康,教育和公平的空间来解决对社区的系统挑战。它的洛杉矶县 +南加州大学恢复性护理村将模块化住房单元,公共艺术和整体治疗空间整合在一起,以帮助那些经历精神疾病和无家可归的人康复。大炮also helped Jamaa Birth Village open a new Equal Access Midwifery Clinic in Ferguson, Missouri. The space, which it designed pro bono, brings midwife and doula training to Black mothers, who are more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white mothers. And to combat the pandemic, Cannon designed modular, customizable rooms that can be placed outdoors to expand testing while keeping healthcare workers safe.

3. A Kids Book About


ThisBlack-owned media companybreaks convention in its publishing business by operating on a quarterly cycle rather than an 18-month contract-to-market model, meaning its more timely books can address challenging societal topics as they arise and help adults engage with kids in meaningful conversations. All the company’s titles, likeA Kids Book About Feminism而且今年夏天的畅销书一本关于种族主义的书,使用颜色,版式和简约的设计元素,以消除对中心人物的需求,为每个孩子留出空间,以考虑概念如何应用其生活。在一个只有4%的高管是有色人种的行业中,该出版商还通过寻找代表性不足的作家来消除传统障碍。结果,几乎50%的作者是BIPOC。


4. Everlywell




For driving a good bargain


In Mexico, buying and selling cars is a much less ritualized affair than it is in the United States. There isn’t a network of used car dealers, so most vehicle sales have historically taken place between individuals. Fraud has been a lingering concern.Kavak于2016年推出,试图将信任和技术精明带入汽车销售。Kavak评估了一辆待售的汽车,使用其专有算法对其进行估价,购买它,然后对其进行翻新以直接从公司转售。可以通过其网站,应用程序,WhatsApp或电话订购汽车,Kavak提供融资和三个月的保修,这两个保修都无法在人与人的销售中可用。该公司今年添加了家庭取货和交付,数字文书工作以及通过视频通话购买潜在的汽车购买的能力。9月,卡瓦克(Kavak)筹集了3.85亿美元的资金,以推动其在墨西哥和拉丁美洲的扩张计划(在2020年底之前,它扩展到蒙特雷和布宜诺斯艾利斯,并计划在2021年初进入巴西市场)。这笔资金使它成为第一个价值超过10亿美元的墨西哥初创公司。

6. Dutchie

For making legal cannabis more accessible online while lifting up small dispensaries

The cannabis industry’s largest and fastest-growing e-commerce solution was among the first to launch a credit-card payment processing system for small dispensaries, helping them implement digital and contactless payment methods to reach their full potential.荷兰“ S软件使客户更容易在线购买大麻产品,并通过店内和路边的皮卡或交货接收商品。该公司为25个州和加拿大的25个州提供了1,800多家药房的销售。这意味着它可以为北美所有药房的25%以上的供电,并处理全球所有合法大麻销售的10%。在3月至9月之间,荷兰人在线订单增加了650%,而客户却赶出了大流行,平均订单量增加了32%。


7. BARC Electric Cooperative

For making renewable energy accessible and bringing broadband to rural areas

This consumer-owned electric cooperative was the first utility company in Virginia to adopt a carbon-neutral public commitment in 2020. As part of its sustainability plan, the company launched SolarizeBARC, which offers rooftop, community, and utility-scale solar power, as well as EV charging and battery storage, to its 30,000 customers. Now,BARC‘s electric consumers have the flexibility to obtain all or part of their energy mix from renewable sources, and it’s committed to 100% carbon-neutral energy sales by 2035. The community-focused co-op also launched the second phase of its fiber-to-the-home project, which has made broadband available to nearly 8,000 previously unserved homes, businesses, and schools in the state’s Shenandoah Valley and Appalachian region.

8. 80 Acres Farms

For using automation to run the first profitable indoor farms


这家垂直农业公司经营着农场,其食品的食品是传统的麦当劳式运营,具有相同的土地。通过转向自动化,80英亩increased yields while reducing labor costs, making it the first profitable indoor farming company. It also boasts a 30,000-square-foot facility that grows more than a ton of tomatoes weekly without sunlight—another first. In 2019, 80 Acres contributed no pesticides, wasted just 3% of its produce compared to the agriculture industry average of 40%, and used 97% less water than traditional farming. During the pandemic, it opened its largest facility yet in Ohio and fed thousands of New Yorkers from its tomato farm at the Guggenheim, expanding its commitment to growing organic food locally while reducing its environmental impact.

9. Tersus Solutions

For fine-tuning a cleaning system that saves water and keeps garments out of the incinerator




For honoring a piece of American history while helping the spirits industry move into a more diverse future

最近的优质威士忌,由第一位女性和非裔美国人领导一个主要的美国精神品牌创立,以最近的绿色命名,杰克·丹尼尔(Jack Daniel's)的第一位大师蒸馏器和以前被奴役的男人。2020年夏天,该公司启动了兄弟行动的门将,一项公共卫生运动和掩盖分销工作,以解决Covid-19对Colories of Colories的不成比例的影响。与杰克·丹尼尔(Jack Daniel's)合作,它开始了最接近的杰克倡议,以开发有色人种和有色人种的管道,同时帮助其他黑人拥有的烈酒初创公司成功,以便更多地跟随。这两个项目都认可了历史上白人行业需要更加照顾其最高客户之一:黑人美国人。
