

Nurturing well-being arose as an important consideration in all conversations.


Unlike the business crises of previous decades, the COVID-19 pandemic is a new challenge to businesses and their employees. While the fear of joblessness was real, employees also experienced a variety of organizational traumas, creating a crisis of well-being. As we move into大流行时代,领导有独特的机会address organizational traumaby creating psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety, and availability,restoring employees’ well-beingthrough connection, compassion, sympathetic responses, and active listening.


In our own coaching work with C-level executives, we’ve found that many leaders are indeed tackling organizational trauma in these types of ways, and in doing so are nurturing employee and customer well-being. We interviewed top executives at global companies about their approach to overcoming the organizational trauma, which revealed the following four keylessons for leadership带他们带入大流行时代。


在教练高管时,我们亲眼目睹了许多人以高度同情心的方式在大流行中引发。Welcoa的首席执行官Sara Martin专门从事工作场所的健康认证和培训,他指出,许多公司开始在大流行期间提供更高的灵活性,工作中的安排和健康节目。马丁认为,目前的商业领导者的机会是继续促进员工福祉超出大流行。



Verizon Business首席执行官Tami Erwin告诉我们,Verizon一直擅长“遇到危机”,并指出她的公司与需要连通性以及需要社区支持的员工的急救人员卷入了自然灾害。但是她将大流行视为另一种危机。


CMO的Stacy Simpson和全球公司责任和多样性,公平和纳帕克的全球负责人,专业服务公司员工超过90,000,分享说,当大流行导致成千上万的员工突然从在公司办公室工作转变为在家工作时,管理层利用其内部聊天机器人“琥珀色”来检查员工情绪。“通过通过AI机器人进行这些不断的小校验,我们能够感知一些趋势,然后说,‘你知道,这个市场上有疲劳。辛普森说:''辛普森说。“因此,这些小趋势发出了旗帜,使我们能够确保我们继续做些事情来解决这个问题。”



As Dr. Britt Andreatta, former chief learning officer for, now LinkedIn Learning, explained in a博客文章, “belonging is the feeling of being part of something and mattering to others. We create it through inclusion, which consists of intentional acts. Employees don’t need to be popular or liked by everyone, but they do need to have a sense of belonging somewhere and with someone.” But how could leaders create a culture of belonging when the pandemic created divisions and separation between employees that naturally undermined it?

个人理财创业公司Truebill的联合创始人兼首席收入官Yahya Mokhtarzada承认,在此过程中,它已经进行了一些试验和错误以及重新校准。Mokhtarzada说:“也许我们在安排非工作的虚拟社交活动方面过于努力,但这是有效的。”在这些产品中,他将每个星期三的“白天电视”部分描述为“采访”公司中的某人。Mokhtarzada说:“我们有一个主持人,在采访中,其他员工可以问那个人的问题。”“整个公司都参加。是的,距离生产力或从事您的工作都有30分钟的路程,但它使您想起您不仅仅是工作的一部分。”其他活动包括向员工派遣S’mores套件,在每个星期四或星期五举行欢乐时光或其他虚拟社交聚会,并在每个星期五通过Zoom举办全公司游戏。Mokhtarzada说:“确实有很多时间。”“但是我认为您回来的东西大大远大于成本。”

Erwin added that Verizon also found ways to facilitate a feeling of inclusion and belonging during the pandemic that continues to this day. “We’ve made it okay for kids to run by in the back of the video, to get to know people’s pets, to realize that there’s going to be a different kind of noise level, to realize that parents need to get their kids started in their online education and then join a call late and create a different kind of flexibility,” Erwin said.



As business travel came to a screeching halt in March 2020, with many companies moving all meetings, strategy sessions, and sales calls to Zoom, teams accustomed to working together in conference rooms scrambled to figure out how to collaborate online. In coaching top executives, many leaders have shared with us that they feel something missing in virtual interactions, but they have a hard time pinpointing exactly what it is. How do organizations foster the elusiveJe ne sais quoi,建立面对面关系?

辛普森(Simpson)比较了全球旅行的经历,她有时会醒来,想知道她在大流行的工作生活中所处的哪个国家,这使她降级为在过去的一年半中从家中的同一房间工作。德赢国际娱乐平台“I think there is now a general awareness or agreement that we, as businesspeople, don’t have to physically be everywhere [and] we don’t have to show up in person all the time in order to get the work done,” Simpson said. “And then there are very specific things that cannot be duplicated virtually, and those things we absolutely should continue to do in person.” The challenge, she stressed, is recognizing which things can be done virtually and which things should be done face-to-face in order to facilitate relationship building.




Another unique lesson ushered in by the pandemic is that companies can repurpose technology to support employees and customers. During the pandemic,消费金融服务公司同步启用了集成的付款功能,从而从客户的移动设备中创建了无缝的数字体验,从而使关键的Covid-19安全实践(例如Curbside Pickup)。执行副总裁,首席技术官兼同步首席运营官Carol Juel说:“一切都是由我们强大的云和AI基金会建造的。”

Juel explained that she never imagined her organization would repurpose agile technology to build customized client experiences, while also prioritizing health and safety. “All of a sudden you have a different problem to solve, you can just use the tools in the toolbox. It is never as easy as it sounds, but when you bring creative minds together, you come up with some really interesting solutions,” she says.

Other organizations took a similar approach to rethinking their existing tech and innovation. In addition to Simpson’s repurposing their AI bot to help address employee needs, the company also identified another preestablished technology that could support their customers during the pandemic: their internal AI-based intelligent platform, Genome, that helps employees learn at their own pace. “This was a very successful internal technology for us when we were entering [COVID-19],” Simpson explained. “A couple of months into COVID-19 we were very clear that we had a responsibility to help everybody [who needs this technology].”



By responding well to the human needs of customers and employees, as well as committing to the above lessons, companies will be better prepared to succeed in battles for top talent.

Tegan Trovato是Bright Arrow的创始人,Bright Arrow是一家高管和团队教练公司。她曾担任Levi Strauss,Xerox,Zynga和Cielo的高管或领导团队成员。


Karen Walker是顾问,教练,董事会顾问和作家。她建议高级领导人及其团队充分利用他们的快速增长。Karen与Fortune 500客户合作,包括Aetna,AWS,Pfizer和JPMorgan Chase,以及几家Inc. 5000家初创公司。
