

The clean-tech startup is tackling climate change by giving every homeowner the opportunity to electrify—starting in low- and middle-income communities.

Donnel Baird, CEO, BlocPower [Photo:Carl Chisolm这是给予的



在冰冷的灰色早晨Ing在雪上承诺的12月,Blocpower创始人兼首席执行官Donnel Baird到达了纽约伊萨卡市的市政厅,面临着迄今为止最大的测试之一,以帮助美国城市脱碳。

多年来,前社区组织者贝尔德(Baird)一直通过安装热泵和太阳能电池板等技术来宣传风险投资家,以使建筑物充电。BlocPower将扮演双重角色,充当地方政府和公用事业赞助脱碳计划的实施合作伙伴,并作为希望通过电气化消除排放的房主和房东的贷方和项目经理。尽管Baird从Andreessen Horowitz和Kapor Capital等投资者那里筹集了超过2000万美元的风险资金,但他一路上也遇到了充满怀疑论者。一些投资者问,贝尔德决心专注于低收入和中等收入社区的建筑物时,Blocpower如何将每个房屋变成相当于特斯拉的相当于特斯拉?



从筹集资金的经验中,贝尔德习惯了面对怀疑者。这次,他不是投资者,而是与代表伊萨卡(Ithaca)的黑人和棕色居民的社区领导人会面,希望他们鼓励他们的选民使自己的房屋和建筑物效率高效和电动。Inside a room in Ithaca’s modest red brick City Hall, Baird, who is Black, doffed his winter gear and took a seat at a horseshoe-shaped table alongside representatives from organizations including the Latino Civic Association, the Southside Community Center, and Black Hands Universal, a local nonprofit focused on providing Black youth with training and employment opportunities.

They had seen promises of community development fade to disappointment over the years, and they were wary of more of the same.We’re hurting. We need jobs. We need opportunity. We need to be protected from gentrification,领导人告诉贝尔德及其团队。在该市与气候相关的投资中,他们看到了希望的理由。他们问过,Is BlocPower going to solve all our problems?Baird didn’t hesitate. “No, of course not,” he responded.

For Baird, the climate crisis is simply too urgent to waste time on rosy-hued assurances. “We’re not going to sales talk our way into solving climate change,” he says, recalling the meeting. “You’ve got to trust people and say, ‘Look, I got kids; you got kids. We’re trying to do this for future generations. Here’s what’s possible right now.'”


那个激进的诚实是房间想听的。伊萨卡(Ithaca)的可持续发展总监路易斯·阿奎尔·托雷斯(Luis Aguirre-Torres)说:“您可以告诉某人丢下面具并成为真实的那一刻。”


在美国,Consump住宅建筑物的化石燃料每年产生9亿吨二氧化碳,使该行业成为仅次于运输和工业的第三次发射。Solar panels and advances in energy efficiency have made a dent in the building sector’s carbon footprint, but until recently, no one was addressing the heart of the issue, at the heart of the home: removing the furnaces, boilers, stoves, and other oil- and gas-based products that drive demand for fossil fuels.


These outmoded appliances are exactly what Baird is tackling with BlocPower, which he founded eight years ago while attending business school at Columbia University. Baird had been attuned to climate change since his undergraduate years at Duke, when a friend insisted he watch Al Gore’s不便的真理。后来,在担任社区组织者之后,他为巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)竞选,然后担任政府的顾问,专注于实施绿色建筑和绿色工作政策。当时,正是面对该行业在电气化方面的缓慢进步,他开始制定一项计划,从融资到安装。


The work has been slow, but it has laid the foundation for BlocPower to become the go-to solution for cities like Ithaca that are looking for a green-buildings-implementation partner with urban expertise. And cities, thanks to climate change denialism at the federal level during the Trump administration, have become the epicenter for climate activity. More than 600 local governments, from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to Menlo Park, California, have made commitments to reduce emissions since 1991, according to an analysis by the Brookings Institution. Riding a wave of momentum from its Ithaca contract, BlocPower is preparing to start work on new projects with partner cities in California, Georgia, and Wisconsin.


尽管气候政策承诺在城市层面上做出了基础,但筹集资金最多的气候初创公司倾向于专注于精美的技术,而不是社会和政治解决方案。建立Kapor Capital的Mitch Kapor说:“硅谷过于全神贯注于魅力,而实际上使世界变得更美好的地方和建立经济体并不是那么迷人。”他在2014年为Blocpower提供了首个种子资金,此后进行了重新投资。Blocpower植根于Baird对政治和社区组织的了解,是罕见的创业公司,旨在将目的推向地方一级的排放。


相比之下,在低收入社区的工作,布洛克力通常像在伊萨卡一样开始,只是通过简单地提高人们对绿色家庭技术的好处的认识。布鲁克林贝德福德·斯图维森特(Bedford-Stuyvesant)社区的软件工程师托尼·罗宾逊(Toni Robinson)说,她在社区董事会会议上的一次信息会议上首次遇到了Blocpower。她拥有的行房屋中的油基暖气系统应进行维修,她逐渐温暖了转向电动热泵的想法。她说:“这一切的便利确实使我陷入了困境,而不必考虑[石油输送]。”


Depending on oil prices, Robinson could save money over time, as she pays BlocPower rather than a heating bill. (Her house may also appreciate at a higher rate; in places like California, green homes have a greater market value.) The potential for cost savings extends to multifamily apartment buildings, which BlocPower is also targeting. In New York City, these larger buildings have become a locus of retrofit activity, thanks to Local Law 97, a 2019 rule that requires buildings over 25,000 square feet to comply with stricter energy-efficiency and carbon-emissions limits by 2024.

Green retrofits require financing, of course, which can be tricky to secure in the neighborhoods where BlocPower works. In 2020, it negotiated a transformative deal with Goldman Sachs Asset Management that has the bank providing a $50 million debt facility to power BlocPower’s loans. (In January, BlocPower also negotiated a $30 million facility with Microsoft.) Government carrots (in the forms of incentives to homeowners) and sticks (such as Local Law 97) have helped banks get comfortable backing such loans. The challenge is finding the right partner. “We’ve learned over time that successful projects come down to the people executing on the ground knowing their customers,” says Michael Lohr, a managing director of Goldman’s Urban Investment Group. “BlocPower’s ability to interact with building owners and work in communities is very important.”



当他将集团转移到其他城市时,Baird急躁,但乐观。He points out that he never expected to be part of the campaign team that elected America’s first Black president.他说:“您会看到这些事情发生,您永远不会相信会发生在您的一生中,气候可以那样。”


About the author

Senior Writer Ainsley Harris joined Fast Company in 2014. Follow her on Twitter at@ainsleyoc
